Ниже приведен запрос linq, который за исключением Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
Что такое свернутый запрос ниже одного,
return await base.Execute((dataContext) =>
var demo = (from proj in dataContext.ProjectStats
select new { a = proj } into sam
group sam by new
into gcs
select gcs.Select(x => new Dao.ProjectStat()
StudentID = gcs.Key.StudentID,
ClassTypeID = gcs.Key.ClassTypeID,
CompletedCount = gcs.Sum(y => y.a.CompletedCount),
FinishedTime = x.a.FinishedTime
})).SelectMany(g => g).SelectObject();
return demo.ToList();