скажем, r - это ваша таблица:
so=# select * from r;
[{"apple": "delicious"}, {"kiwi": "not-delicious"}]
[{"orange": "not-delicious"}, {"pair": "not-delicious"}]
[{"grapes": "delicious"}, {"strawberry": "not-delicious"}, {"carrot": "delicious"}]
(3 rows)
so=# with j as (select jsonb_array_elements(reviews) a, r, ctid from r)
select jsonb_object_keys(a), a->>jsonb_object_keys(a),ctid from j;
jsonb_object_keys | ?column? | ctid
apple | delicious | (0,1)
kiwi | not-delicious | (0,1)
orange | not-delicious | (0,2)
pair | not-delicious | (0,2)
grapes | delicious | (0,3)
strawberry | not-delicious | (0,3)
carrot | delicious | (0,3)
(7 rows)
Я использовал ctid в качестве идентификатора строки, потому что у меня нет другого столбца, и я не хотел долго reviews
и, очевидно, агрегация вкусных в строке:
so=# with j as (select jsonb_array_elements(reviews) a, r, ctid from r)
select ctid, a->>jsonb_object_keys(a), count(*) from j group by a->>jsonb_object_keys(a),ctid;
ctid | ?column? | count
(0,1) | delicious | 1
(0,3) | delicious | 2
(0,1) | not-delicious | 1
(0,2) | not-delicious | 2
(0,3) | not-delicious | 1
(5 rows)
для обновленного сообщения
so=# with j as (select jsonb_array_elements(reviews) a, r, ctid from r)
, n as (
select ctid,a->>jsonb_object_keys(a) k from j
, ag as (
select ctid
, case when k = 'delicious' then 1 else 0 end deli
, case when k = 'not-delicious' then 1 else 0 end notdeli
from n
select ctid, sum(deli) deli, sum(notdeli) notdeli from ag group by ctid;
ctid | deli | notdeli
(0,1) | 1 | 1
(0,2) | 0 | 2
(0,3) | 2 | 1
(3 rows)