Обход Это не показывает обход исходного BST, а показывает зеркальный Обход BST.
void BST::actmirror(node* current)
node* holder=new node;
return ;
выделенныйновый узел потерян из-за holder=current->left;
, и вы изменяете текущий , а не новый узел, как сказал drescherjm в замечании
Предложение: вclass BST изменить сигнатуру BST :: actmirror на node* BST::actmirror(node* current)
, а его определение:
node* BST::actmirror(node* current)
return 0;
node* holder=new node;
holder->data = current->data;
holder->left = actmirror(current->right);
holder->right = actmirror(current->left);
return holder;
, как вы видите, что делает зеркало, созданное вв то же время скопируйте
и обновите BST :: mirror () следующим образом:
void BST::mirror()
{ node * copy1 = actmirror(root);
cout<<"Mirror Image of given tree is Created!"<<endl;
cout<<"\nInorder Travesral Is = "<<endl;
cout<<"\nPreorder Travesral Is = "<<endl;
cout<<"\nPostorder Travesral Is = "<<endl;
// WARNING here you need to delete the copy !
Как я уже сказал в замечании, лучше, если зеркало сделаетСкопировать и зеркало одновременно, я сделал это выше.
И теперь исполнение:
Enter Your Choice =
2.Inorder Traversal
3.Preorder Traversal
4.Postorder Traversal
5.Search an element in tree
6.Find Maximum element in tree
7.Find Minimum elemnt in tree
8.Total No Of Nodes In Longest Path
9.Mirror Image = 1
Enter no you want to insert = 5
Do You want to continue to insert data(y/n) = y
Enter no you want to insert = 6
Do You want to continue to insert data(y/n) = y
Enter no you want to insert = 7
Do You want to continue to insert data(y/n) = y
Enter no you want to insert = 2
Do You want to continue to insert data(y/n) = y
Enter no you want to insert = 3
Do You want to continue to insert data(y/n) = n
Do you want to continue opreations(y/n) = y
Enter Your Choice =
2.Inorder Traversal
3.Preorder Traversal
4.Postorder Traversal
5.Search an element in tree
6.Find Maximum element in tree
7.Find Minimum elemnt in tree
8.Total No Of Nodes In Longest Path
9.Mirror Image = 2
Inorder Treaversal =
2 3 5 6 7
Do you want to continue opreations(y/n) = y
Enter Your Choice =
2.Inorder Traversal
3.Preorder Traversal
4.Postorder Traversal
5.Search an element in tree
6.Find Maximum element in tree
7.Find Minimum elemnt in tree
8.Total No Of Nodes In Longest Path
9.Mirror Image = 9
Mirror Image of given tree is Created!
Inorder Travesral Is =
7 6 5 3 2
Preorder Travesral Is =
5 6 7 2 3
Postorder Travesral Is =
7 6 3 2 5
Do you want to continue opreations(y/n) = y
Enter Your Choice =
2.Inorder Traversal
3.Preorder Traversal
4.Postorder Traversal
5.Search an element in tree
6.Find Maximum element in tree
7.Find Minimum elemnt in tree
8.Total No Of Nodes In Longest Path
9.Mirror Image = 2
Inorder Treaversal =
2 3 5 6 7
Do you want to continue opreations(y/n) = n