Я пытаюсь выяснить, почему моя функция вытягивает папки в указанном каталоге, когда я указываю только конкретный файл для передачи.
Папки копируются, но только папки.Файлы в папках не передаются.
Я пытался выяснить это, но просто не могу понять, почему эта проблема происходит.Спасибо!
function robocopy-job {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $Source,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $Destination,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[string] $File
$robocopycmd = "robocopy ""$source"" ""$destination"" ""$File"" /mir /bytes"
$Staging = Invoke-Expression "$robocopycmd /l"
$totalnewfiles = $Staging -match 'new file'
$totalmodified = $Staging -match 'newer'
$totalfiles = $totalnewfiles + $totalmodified
$TotalBytesarray = @()
foreach ($file in $totalfiles) {
if ($file.substring(13, 13).trim().length -eq 9) {$TotalBytesarray += $file.substring(13, 15).trim() }
else {$TotalBytesarray += $file.substring(13, 13).trim()}
$totalbytes = (($TotalBytesarray | Measure-Object -Sum).sum)
$robocopyjob = Start-Job -Name robocopy -ScriptBlock {param ($command) ; Invoke-Expression -Command $command} -ArgumentList $robocopycmd
while ($robocopyjob.State -eq 'running') {
$progress = Receive-Job -Job $robocopyjob -Keep -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($progress) {
$copiedfiles = ($progress | Select-String -SimpleMatch 'new file', 'newer')
if ($copiedfiles.count -le 0) { $TotalFilesCopied = $copiedfiles.Count }
else { $TotalFilesCopied = $copiedfiles.Count - 1 }
$FilesRemaining = ($totalfiles.count - $TotalFilesCopied)
$Bytesarray = @()
foreach ($Newfile in $copiedfiles) {
if ($Newfile.tostring().substring(13, 13).trim().length -eq 9) { $Bytesarray += $Newfile.tostring().substring(13, 15).trim() }
else { $Bytesarray += $Newfile.tostring().substring(13, 13).trim() }
$bytescopied = ([int64]$Bytesarray[-1] * ($Filepercentcomplete / 100))
$totalfilebytes = [int64]$Bytesarray[-1]
$TotalBytesCopied = ((($Bytesarray | Measure-Object -Sum).sum) - $totalfilebytes) + $bytescopied
$TotalBytesRemaining = ($totalbytes - $totalBytesCopied)
if ($copiedfiles) {
if ($copiedfiles[-1].tostring().substring(13, 13).trim().length -eq 9) { $currentfile = $copiedfiles[-1].tostring().substring(28).trim() }
else { $currentfile = $copiedfiles[-1].tostring().substring(25).trim() }
$totalfilescount = $totalfiles.count
if ($progress[-1] -match '%') { $Filepercentcomplete = $progress[-1].substring(0, 3).trim() }
else { $Filepercentcomplete = 0 }
$totalPercentcomplete = (($TotalBytesCopied / $totalbytes) * 100)
if ($totalbytes -gt 2gb) { $BytesCopiedprogress = "{0:N2}" -f ($totalBytesCopied / 1gb); $totalbytesprogress = "{0:N2}" -f ($totalbytes / 1gb); $bytes = 'Gbytes' }
else { $BytesCopiedprogress = "{0:N2}" -f ($totalBytesCopied / 1mb); $totalbytesprogress = "{0:N2}" -f ($totalbytes / 1mb); $bytes = 'Mbytes' }
if ($totalfilebytes -gt 1gb) { $totalfilebytes = "{0:N2}" -f ($totalfilebytes / 1gb); $bytescopied = "{0:N2}" -f ($bytescopied / 1gb); $filebytes = 'Gbytes' }
else { $totalfilebytes = "{0:N2}" -f ($totalfilebytes / 1mb); $bytescopied = "{0:N2}" -f ($bytescopied / 1mb); $filebytes = 'Mbytes' }
Write-Progress -Id 1 -Activity "Copying files from $source to $destination, $totalfilescopied of $totalfilescount files copied" -Status "$bytescopiedprogress of $totalbytesprogress $bytes copied" -PercentComplete $totalPercentcomplete
Write-Progress -Id 2 -Activity "$currentfile" -status "$bytescopied of $totalfilebytes $filebytes" -PercentComplete $Filepercentcomplete