Итак, я реализовал хеш-таблицу с отдельной цепочкой для структуры под названием Objective, чтобы я мог выполнять некоторые операции над указанными Objectives.В настоящее время у меня есть это:
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/*Using separate chaining to store the obejctives*/
typedef struct Objective{
char name [8000];
unsigned long id, duration, deps [9000];
int hasDeps;
typedef struct nodehash{ /*Node of list*/
pObjective obj;
struct nodehash*next;
void Init(int M);
int search(unsigned long id);
void insert(pObjective o);
void delete(unsigned long id);
link insertBegin(link h, pObjective obj);
int searchList(link h, unsigned long id);
link removeList(link h, unsigned long id);
pObjective searchObj(unsigned long id);
pObjective searchObjAux(link h, unsigned long id);
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "OBJECTIVES.h"
/*Checks if all inserted dependencies already exist*/
int existDeps(unsigned long dep[9000]){
int i, count = 0;
for(i = 0; i < 9000; i++){
if(search(dep[i]) != 0)
return count;
/ *Adds objective with dependencies*/
void addObj(unsigned long id, char name [8000], unsigned long duration,
unsigned long dep[9000]){
int i;
pObjective obj = malloc(sizeof(pObjective));
obj->id = id;
obj->duration = duration;
obj->hasDeps = 1;
strcpy(name, obj->name);
for(i = 0; i < 9000; i++){
obj->deps[i] = dep[i];
if(search(id) != 0)
printf("id already exists\n");
else if(existDeps(dep) != 0)
printf("no such task\n");
/*Adds objective with no dependencies*/
void addNoDeps(unsigned long id, char name [8000], unsigned long
pObjective obj = malloc(sizeof(pObjective));
obj->id = id;
obj->duration = duration;
obj->hasDeps = 1;
strcpy(name, obj->name);
if(search(id) != 0)
printf("id already exists\n");
/*Removes objective with no dependencies*/
void removeObj(unsigned long id){
int res = search(id);
pObjective obj = searchObj(id);
if(res == 0)
printf("no such task\n");
else if(obj->hasDeps == 1)
printf("task with dependencies\n");
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "HASHTABLE.h"
/*Functions to work with objectives*/
int existDeps(unsigned long dep[9000]);
void addObj(unsigned long id, char name [8000], unsigned long duration,
unsigned long dep[9000]);
void addNoDeps(unsigned long id, char name [8000], unsigned long
void removeObj(unsigned long id);
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "HASHTABLE.h"
#define hash(A,B) (A%B) /*Hash function*/
static link *heads;
static int M;
/*Initiates hashtable with size m*/
void Init(int m){
int i;
M = m;
heads = (link*)malloc(M*sizeof(link));
for(i = 0; i < M; i++)
heads[i] = NULL;
/*Searches objective with said id*/
int search(unsigned long id){
int i = hash(id, M);
return searchList(heads[i], id);
/*Inserts objective into hashtable*/
void insert(pObjective o){
int i = hash(o->id, M);
heads[i] = insertBegin(heads[i], o);
/*Deletes objective using it's id*/
void delete(unsigned long id){
int i = hash(id, M);
heads[i] = removeList(heads[i], id);
/*Returns objective with said id*/
pObjective searchObj(unsigned long id){
int i = hash(id, M);
return searchObjAux(heads[i], id);
/*Inserts objective into list*/
link insertBegin(link h, pObjective obj){
link new = (link)malloc(sizeof(struct nodehash));
new->obj = obj;
new->next = h;
return new;
/*Searches objective by id in a list*/
int searchList(link h, unsigned long id){
link t;
int count = 0;
for(t = h; t != NULL; t = t->next){
if(t->obj->id == id)
return count++;
/*Removes objective from list*/
link removeList(link h, unsigned long id){
link t, x, z;
for(t = h; t != NULL; t = t->next){
if(t->next->obj->id == id)
x = t;
z = x->next;
x->next = z->next;
return h;
/*Returns objetive from said id from list*/
pObjective searchObjAux(link h, unsigned long id){
link t, x;
for(t = h; t != NULL; t = t->next){
if(t->obj->id == id)
x = t;
return x->obj;
Я быстро тестирую функции addObj (добавляет цель с зависимостями) и addNoDeps (добавляет цель без зависимостей) на моем основном:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "OBJECTIVES.h"
int main(){
unsigned long array [1] = {3};
addNoDeps(1, "tarefa1", 20);
addObj(2, "tarefa2", 20, array);
return 0;
Но я продолжаю получать ошибку сегментации (ядро сброшено), и я не могу понять, почему.Моя реализация неверна?Функции неправильные?Я не могу добраться до проблемы, кто-то может мне помочь?