i have set a dialog box in which on click close button is called but at the time of closing i have set a condition if the dialog is for edit then it should be only open and close.
здесь ссылка на модель используется, когда кнопка нажата, и данные, если условие истинно, затем и затем могут быть закрыты.и затем окно открывается с помощью контекстного меню, которое является контекстным меню.
<button type="button" class="close" aria-label="Close" (click)="modalReference.close()">
modalReference: NgbModalRef;
export declare class NgbModalRef {
private _windowCmptRef;
private _contentRef;
private _backdropCmptRef;
private _beforeDismiss;
private _resolve;
private _reject;
* The instance of component used as modal's content.
* Undefined when a TemplateRef is used as modal's content.
componentInstance: any;
* A promise that is resolved when a modal is closed and rejected when a modal is dismissed.
result: Promise<any>;
constructor(_windowCmptRef: ComponentRef<NgbModalWindow>, _contentRef: ContentRef, _backdropCmptRef?: ComponentRef<NgbModalBackdrop>, _beforeDismiss?: Function);
* Can be used to close a modal, passing an optional result.
close(result?: any): void;
private _dismiss(reason?);
* Can be used to dismiss a modal, passing an optional reason.
dismiss(reason?: any): void;
private _removeModalElements();
if (this.editMode)
this.modalReference.close(); }