Пустая страница реестра JHipster - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 21 ноября 2018

Я пытаюсь скомпилировать интерфейс и набрал yarn start, чтобы запустить интерфейс jhipster-registry.Однако я получаю эту ошибку, которую не могу исправить.Кроме того, страница либо пуста, либо я получил 404. Я вложил весь след стека:

    warning From Yarn 1.0 onwards, scripts don't require "--" for options to be forwarded. In a future version, any explicit "--" will be forwarded as-is to the scripts.
    $ node --max_old_space_size=4096 node_modules/webpack-dev-server/bin/webpack-dev-server.js --config webpack/webpack.dev.js --progress --inline --hot --profile --port=9060 --watch-content-base
    × 「wds」: Invalid configuration object. Webpack has been initialised using a configuration object that does not match the API schema.
     - configuration.module.rules[6].exclude should be one of these:
       RegExp | string | function | [(recursive)] | object { and?, exclude?, include?, not?, or?, test? } | [RegExp | string | function | [(recursive)] | object { and?, exclude?, include?, not?, or?, test? }]
       -> One or multiple rule conditions
        * configuration.module.rules[1].exclude should be an instance of RegExp
        * configuration.module.rules[1].exclude should be a string.
        * configuration.module.rules[1].exclude should be an instance of function
        * configuration.module.rules[1].exclude[0] should be an instance of RegExp
        * configuration.module.rules[1].exclude[0]: The provided value "./src/main/webapp/index.html" is not an absolute path!
        * configuration.module.rules[1].exclude[0] should be an instance of function
        * configuration.module.rules[1].exclude[0] should be an array:
          [RegExp | string | function | [(recursive)] | object { and?, exclude?, include?, not?, or?, test? }]
        * configuration.module.rules[1].exclude[0] should be an object.
        * configuration.module.rules[1].exclude should be an object.
        * configuration.module.rules[1].exclude[0] should be an instance of RegExp
        * configuration.module.rules[1].exclude[0]: The provided value "./src/main/webapp/index.html" is not an absolute path!
        * configuration.module.rules[1].exclude[0] should be an instance of function
        * configuration.module.rules[1].exclude[0] should be an array:
          [RegExp | string | function | [(recursive)] | object { and?, exclude?, include?, not?, or?, test? }]
        * configuration.module.rules[1].exclude[0] should be an object.
        * configuration.module.rules[5].exclude should be an instance of RegExp
        * configuration.module.rules[5].exclude should be a string.
        * configuration.module.rules[5].exclude should be an instance of function
        * configuration.module.rules[5].exclude[0] should be an instance of RegExp
        * configuration.module.rules[5].exclude[0]: The provided value "node_modules" is not an absolute path!
        * configuration.module.rules[5].exclude[0] should be an instance of function
        * configuration.module.rules[5].exclude[0] should be an array:
* inner part which I cut
        * configuration.module.rules[6].exclude[0] should be an object.
    error Command failed with exit code 1.
    info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command.