Мне нужно найти следующие 30 дней и поместить в массив, чтобы повторить код планирования.
Так что мне нужно иметь переменную для
$ date = "будет содержатьДата";$ day_of_week = "будет содержать значение # для дня недели";
Я не знаю, с чего начать ... Я хочу повторять следующий код для каждого соответствующего дня, чтобы планировать экипажина следующие 30 дней.
// Connection Script
include 'connection.php';
$tomorrow= strtotime('+ 1 day');
$date= date('N', $tomorrow);
// Get all employees who work tomorrow and group by unit//
$units= "select e.user_id, e.station, e.full_name, max(e.level) level, es.unit, es.days, es.start_time, es.end_time from employees e
left join employee_schedule es on es.pid = e.user_id
where es.days like '%$date%' and e.status = 1
group by es.unit";
$units_result= $conn->query($units);
//Roll through all employees who work tomorrow and place then in appropriate unit.
while($row_unit = $units_result->fetch_assoc()) {
if($row_unit['level'] == 3){
$level= 1;
}elseif($row_unit['level'] == 4){
$level= 2;
}elseif($row_unit['level'] == 5){
$level= 3;
}elseif($row_unit['level'] == 8){
$level= 4;
//Get Unit ID from each group
$unitid = $row_unit['unit'];
$intime= date('Y-m-d', $tomorrow);
$intime= $intime.' '. $row_unit['start_time'];
$length= '+ 23 hours';
$intimes= strtotime("$intime");
$endtime= strtotime("$length","$intimes" );
$endtime= date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $endtime);
$station= $row_unit['station'];
$timenow= date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
echo "<p>I am scheduling unit number $unitid to be on at $intime and leave at $endtime </p>";
$unitinsert= "insert into schedules (date_time, unit, level_of_service, start_time, end_time, station)
values ('$timenow', $unitid, $level , '$intime', '$endtime', $station)";
if(mysqli_query($conn, $unitinsert)){
echo "Records inserted successfully.";
$unitinid= $conn->insert_id;
echo $unitinid;
} else{
echo "ERROR: Could not able to execute $unitinsert. " . mysqli_error($conn);
$employee = "select e.*, es.unit, es.days, pc.email as pemail from employees e
left join employee_schedule es on es.pid = e.user_id
left join phone_carriers pc on pc.id = e.phone_carrier
where es.days like '%$date%'and es.unit = $unitid and e.status = 1";
$employee_result= $conn->query($employee);
if(mysqli_num_rows($employee_result) > 0){
while($row_employee = $employee_result->fetch_assoc()) {
$pid = $unitinid;
$eid= $row_employee['user_id'];
$ephone = $row_employee['mobile_number'];
$emailphone= $row_employee['mobile_number'].''. $row_employee['pemail'];
$unitcrewinsert= "insert into crew_assignment (date_time, pid, crew_member, phone_number, message_number, confirmed)
values ('$timenow', $pid, $eid , '$ephone', '$emailphone', 0)";
if(mysqli_query($conn, $unitcrewinsert)){
echo "Records inserted successfully.";
echo '<p> Crew Inserted </p>';
} else{
echo "<p>ERROR: Could not able to execute $unitinsert. " . mysqli_error($conn).'</p>';