Я хочу создать собственную (неофициальную) версию LineageOS 16.0
для моего Sony Xperia ZL (C6506)
.Мне удалось получить ПЗУ для сборки, используя дерево устройств и различные файлы из репозитория GitHub fusion3-common
.Однако после перепрошивки ПЗУ сразу стало ясно, что Bluetooth и камера не работают.Насколько я знаю, каждая часть ROM, кроме этих двух, работает до сих пор.Итак, мне нужно несколько советов о том, как решить проблемы с Bluetooth / камерой.Когда я загружаю ПЗУ, каждые 1-2 секунды появляется сообщение о том, что «Bluetooth остановлен».Это продолжается вечно и становится действительно раздражающим при использовании устройства.Как и ожидалось, соединения с Bluetooth тоже не работают.Что касается камеры, приложение просто говорит, что камера не подключена и выходит.Я подозреваю, что эти проблемы вызваны несовместимыми двоичными файлами поставщиков.
Вот часть logcat:
11-20 12:15:47.919 32620 32662 I bt_hci : hci_initialize
11-20 12:15:47.922 215 215 W hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0::IBluetoothHci/default in either framework or device manifest.
11-20 12:15:47.923 32620 32642 D bt_hci : hci_module_start_up starting async portion
11-20 12:15:47.926 32620 32662 D vndksupport: Loading /vendor/lib/hw/android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-impl.so from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
11-20 12:15:47.942 32620 32662 I bt_hci : hci_initialize: IBluetoothHci::getService() returned 0xa7a6f140 (local)
11-20 12:15:47.943 32620 32662 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-impl: BluetoothHci::initialize()
11-20 12:15:47.948 32620 32662 D : get_local_address: Trying /data/misc/bluetooth/bdaddr
11-20 12:15:47.948 32620 32662 D : get_local_address: Got Factory BDA 00:eb:2d:4f:a3:b1
11-20 12:15:47.948 32620 32662 I bt_vendor: ++init
11-20 12:15:47.948 32620 32662 I bt_vendor: bt-vendor : get_bt_soc_type
11-20 12:15:47.948 32620 32662 I bt_vendor: vendor.qcom.bluetooth.soc set to smd
11-20 12:15:47.948 32620 32662 I bt_vendor: vendor.qcom.bluetooth.soc not set, so using default.
11-20 12:15:47.948 32620 32662 I bt_vendor: BD Address: b1:a3:4f:2d:eb:00
11-20 12:15:47.952 32620 32662 D android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-impl: Open vendor library loaded
11-20 12:15:47.952 32620 32662 I bt_vendor: bt-vendor : BT_VND_OP_POWER_CTRL: On
11-20 12:15:47.952 32620 32662 I bt_vendor: bluetooth status is on
11-20 12:15:47.952 32620 32662 I bt_vendor: bt-vendor : resetting BT status
11-20 12:15:47.952 32620 32662 W bt_vendor: Hw_config: nState = 0
11-20 12:15:47.952 32620 32662 W bt_vendor: Hw_config: nState = 1
11-20 12:15:47.952 32620 32662 I bt_vendor: bluetooth status is on
11-20 12:15:47.952 32620 32662 I bt_vendor: bt-vendor : BT_VND_OP_USERIAL_OPEN
11-20 12:15:47.957 32620 32662 I bt_vendor: Done intiailizing UART
11-20 12:15:47.959 32620 32662 I bt_vendor: Done intiailizing UART
11-20 12:15:47.960 32620 32662 I bt_vendor: Bluetooth FW and transport layer are initialized
11-20 12:15:47.960 32620 32662 D android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-impl: OnFirmwareConfigured result: 0
11-20 12:15:47.960 32620 32662 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-impl: Firmware configured in 0.000s
11-20 12:15:47.960 32620 32662 I android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-impl: OnFirmwareConfigured: lpm_timeout_ms 1000
11-20 12:15:47.960 32620 32662 I bt_vendor: __op: property_get: persist.vendor.service.bdroid.lpmcfg: all
11-20 12:15:47.960 32620 32662 D android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-impl: low_power_mode_cb result: 0
11-20 12:15:47.960 32620 32662 D android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-impl: OnFirmwareConfigured Calling StartLowPowerWatchdog()
11-20 12:15:47.961 32620 32662 I bt_hci : event_finish_startup
11-20 12:15:47.961 32620 32642 I bt_core_module: module_start_up Started module "hci_module"
11-20 12:15:47.963 32620 32665 I bt_osi_thread: run_thread: thread id 32665, thread name bt_workqueue started
11-20 12:15:47.965 32620 32665 I : [1120/121547.964974:INFO:btu_task.cc(107)] Bluetooth chip preload is complete
11-20 12:15:47.967 32620 32665 I : [1120/121547.967568:INFO:gatt_api.cc(948)] GATT_Register 81818181-8181-8181-8181-818181818181
11-20 12:15:47.968 32620 32665 I : [1120/121547.967965:INFO:gatt_api.cc(968)] allocated gatt_if=1
11-20 12:15:47.968 32620 32665 I : [1120/121547.968331:INFO:gatt_api.cc(161)] GATTS_AddService
11-20 12:15:47.968 32620 32665 I : [1120/121547.968636:INFO:gatt_api.cc(265)] GATTS_AddService: service parsed correctly, now starting
11-20 12:15:47.969 32620 32665 I : [1120/121547.969552:INFO:gatt_api.cc(948)] GATT_Register 82828282-8282-8282-8282-828282828282
11-20 12:15:47.970 32620 32665 I : [1120/121547.969857:INFO:gatt_api.cc(968)] allocated gatt_if=2
11-20 12:15:47.970 32620 32665 I : [1120/121547.970132:INFO:gatt_api.cc(161)] GATTS_AddService
11-20 12:15:47.970 32620 32665 I : [1120/121547.970437:INFO:gatt_api.cc(265)] GATTS_AddService: service parsed correctly, now starting
11-20 12:15:47.971 32620 32665 I bt_bte : BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_HCI : Level 2
11-20 12:15:47.971 32620 32665 I bt_bte : BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_L2CAP : Level 2
11-20 12:15:47.971 32620 32665 I bt_bte : BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_RFCOMM : Level 2
11-20 12:15:47.971 32620 32665 I bt_bte : BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_AVDT : Level 2
11-20 12:15:47.971 32620 32665 I bt_bte : BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_AVRC : Level 2
11-20 12:15:47.972 32620 32665 I bt_bte : BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_A2D : Level 2
11-20 12:15:47.972 32620 32665 I bt_bte : BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_BNEP : Level 2
11-20 12:15:47.972 32620 32665 I bt_bte : BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_BTM : Level 2
11-20 12:15:47.972 32620 32665 I bt_bte : BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_HID_HOST : Level 2
11-20 12:15:47.972 32620 32665 I bt_bte : BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_PAN : Level 2
11-20 12:15:47.972 32620 32665 I bt_bte : BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_SDP : Level 2
11-20 12:15:47.972 32620 32665 I bt_bte : BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_SMP : Level 2
11-20 12:15:47.972 32620 32665 I bt_bte : BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_HID_DEV : Level 2
11-20 12:15:47.972 32620 32665 I bt_bte : BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_BTAPP : Level 2
11-20 12:15:47.972 32620 32665 I bt_bte : BTE_InitTraceLevels -- TRC_BTIF : Level 2
11-20 12:15:47.974 32620 32666 I bt_osi_thread: run_thread: thread id 32666, thread name btu message loop started
11-20 12:15:47.977 32620 32667 I bt_osi_thread: run_thread: thread id 32667, thread name module_wrapper started
11-20 12:15:47.977 32620 32667 I bt_core_module: module_start_up Starting module "controller_module"
11-20 12:15:48.046 32620 32664 D bt_hci : get_waiting_command VS event found treat it as valid 0xffff
11-20 12:15:48.047 32620 32667 E bt_hci : read_command_complete_header: return status - 0x1
11-20 12:15:48.062 32620 32667 I bt_core_module: module_start_up Started module "controller_module"
11-20 12:15:48.062 32620 32667 W bt_osi_thread: run_thread: thread id 32667, thread name module_wrapper exited
11-20 12:15:48.064 32620 32665 W bt_btm : btm_decode_ext_features_page: feature page 1 ignored
11-20 12:15:48.064 32620 32666 I bt_btm_sec: BTM_SecRegister p_cb_info->p_le_callback == 0x0x94c58db5
11-20 12:15:48.064 32620 32666 I bt_btm_sec: BTM_SecRegister btm_cb.api.p_le_callback = 0x0x94c58db5
11-20 12:15:48.065 32620 32666 I bt_stack: [INFO:gatt_api.cc(948)] GATT_Register 3df51175-d5d2-6289-ebe4-b8f015f52bd9
11-20 12:15:48.065 32620 32666 I bt_stack: [INFO:gatt_api.cc(968)] allocated gatt_if=3
11-20 12:15:48.091 32620 32664 D bt_hci : get_waiting_command VS event found treat it as valid 0xffff
11-20 12:15:48.091 32620 32666 F bt_stack: [FATAL:btm_ble_gap.cc(488)] Check failed: p_vcs_cplt_params->opcode == HCI_BLE_VENDOR_CAP_OCF.
11-20 12:15:48.092 32620 32666 F libc : Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 (SI_TKILL) in tid 32666 (btu message loo), pid 32620 (droid.bluetooth)
11-20 12:15:48.229 32673 32673 W crash_dump32: failed to fetch registers for thread 32620: I/O error
11-20 12:15:48.229 32673 32673 W crash_dump32: failed to fetch registers for thread 32627: I/O error
11-20 12:15:48.229 32673 32673 W crash_dump32: failed to fetch registers for thread 32628: I/O error
11-20 12:15:48.230 32673 32673 W crash_dump32: failed to fetch registers for thread 32629: I/O error
11-20 12:15:48.230 32673 32673 W crash_dump32: failed to fetch registers for thread 32630: I/O error
11-20 12:15:48.231 32673 32673 W crash_dump32: failed to fetch registers for thread 32631: I/O error
11-20 12:15:48.231 32673 32673 W crash_dump32: failed to fetch registers for thread 32632: I/O error
11-20 12:15:48.231 32673 32673 W crash_dump32: failed to fetch registers for thread 32633: I/O error
11-20 12:15:48.232 32673 32673 W crash_dump32: failed to fetch registers for thread 32634: I/O error
11-20 12:15:48.232 32673 32673 W crash_dump32: failed to fetch registers for thread 32635: I/O error
11-20 12:15:48.232 32673 32673 W crash_dump32: failed to fetch registers for thread 32641: I/O error
11-20 12:15:48.233 32673 32673 W crash_dump32: failed to fetch registers for thread 32642: I/O error
11-20 12:15:48.233 32673 32673 W crash_dump32: failed to fetch registers for thread 32643: I/O error
11-20 12:15:48.233 32673 32673 W crash_dump32: failed to fetch registers for thread 32644: I/O error
11-20 12:15:48.234 32673 32673 W crash_dump32: failed to fetch registers for thread 32645: I/O error
11-20 12:15:48.234 32673 32673 W crash_dump32: failed to fetch registers for thread 32646: I/O error
11-20 12:15:48.235 32673 32673 W crash_dump32: failed to fetch registers for thread 32647: I/O error
11-20 12:15:48.235 32673 32673 W crash_dump32: failed to fetch registers for thread 32648: I/O error
11-20 12:15:48.235 32673 32673 W crash_dump32: failed to fetch registers for thread 32649: I/O error
11-20 12:15:48.236 32673 32673 W crash_dump32: failed to fetch registers for thread 32650: I/O error
11-20 12:15:48.236 32673 32673 W crash_dump32: failed to fetch registers for thread 32657: I/O error
11-20 12:15:48.236 32673 32673 W crash_dump32: failed to fetch registers for thread 32658: I/O error
11-20 12:15:48.237 32673 32673 W crash_dump32: failed to fetch registers for thread 32659: I/O error
11-20 12:15:48.237 32673 32673 W crash_dump32: failed to fetch registers for thread 32660: I/O error
11-20 12:15:48.237 32673 32673 W crash_dump32: failed to fetch registers for thread 32661: I/O error
11-20 12:15:48.238 32673 32673 W crash_dump32: failed to fetch registers for thread 32662: I/O error
11-20 12:15:48.238 32673 32673 W crash_dump32: failed to fetch registers for thread 32664: I/O error
11-20 12:15:48.239 32673 32673 W crash_dump32: failed to fetch registers for thread 32665: I/O error
11-20 12:15:48.275 32673 32673 I crash_dump32: obtaining output fd from tombstoned, type: kDebuggerdTombstone
11-20 12:15:48.277 319 319 I /system/bin/tombstoned: received crash request for pid 32666
11-20 12:15:48.278 32673 32673 I crash_dump32: performing dump of process 32620 (target tid = 32666)
11-20 12:15:48.371 32673 32673 F DEBUG : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
11-20 12:15:48.372 32673 32673 F DEBUG : LineageOS Version: '16.0-20181120-UNOFFICIAL-odin'
11-20 12:15:48.372 32673 32673 F DEBUG : Build fingerprint: 'Sony/C6503/C6503:5.1.1/10.7.A.0.228/3219080026:user/release-keys'
11-20 12:15:48.372 32673 32673 F DEBUG : Revision: '0'
11-20 12:15:48.372 32673 32673 F DEBUG : ABI: 'arm'
11-20 12:15:48.372 32673 32673 F DEBUG : pid: 32620, tid: 32666, name: btu message loo >>> com.android.bluetooth <<<
11-20 12:15:48.373 32673 32673 F DEBUG : signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 (SI_TKILL), fault addr --------
11-20 12:15:48.373 32673 32673 F DEBUG : Abort message: '[FATAL:btm_ble_gap.cc(488)] Check failed: p_vcs_cplt_params->opcode == HCI_BLE_VENDOR_CAP_OCF.
11-20 12:15:48.373 32673 32673 F DEBUG : '
11-20 12:15:48.373 32673 32673 F DEBUG : r0 00000000 r1 00007f9a r2 00000006 r3 00000008
11-20 12:15:48.373 32673 32673 F DEBUG : r4 00007f6c r5 00007f9a r6 936e796c r7 0000010c
11-20 12:15:48.373 32673 32673 F DEBUG : r8 936e79a4 r9 936e7df4 r10 936e7998 r11 936e7df0
11-20 12:15:48.374 32673 32673 F DEBUG : ip 00000041 sp 936e7958 lr af831065 pc af828d8e
11-20 12:15:48.639 32673 32673 F DEBUG :
11-20 12:15:48.639 32673 32673 F DEBUG : backtrace:
11-20 12:15:48.639 32673 32673 F DEBUG : #00 pc 0001cd8e /system/lib/libc.so (abort+58)
11-20 12:15:48.639 32673 32673 F DEBUG : #01 pc 0007b5d7 /system/lib/libchrome.so (base::debug::BreakDebugger()+10)
11-20 12:15:48.639 32673 32673 F DEBUG : #02 pc 0008b2ff /system/lib/libchrome.so (logging::LogMessage::~LogMessage()+746)
11-20 12:15:48.639 32673 32673 F DEBUG : #03 pc 0014606f /system/lib/libbluetooth.so (btm_ble_vendor_capability_vsc_cmpl_cback(tBTM_VSC_CMPL*)+78)
11-20 12:15:48.640 32673 32673 F DEBUG : #04 pc 001505f3 /system/lib/libbluetooth.so (btm_vsc_complete(unsigned char*, unsigned short, unsigned short, void (*)(tBTM_VSC_CMPL*))+38)
11-20 12:15:48.640 32673 32673 F DEBUG : #05 pc 00160769 /system/lib/libbluetooth.so (btu_hcif_command_complete_evt_on_task(BT_HDR*, void*)+440)
11-20 12:15:48.640 32673 32673 F DEBUG : #06 pc 0007c503 /system/lib/libchrome.so (base::debug::TaskAnnotator::RunTask(char const*, base::PendingTask*)+162)
11-20 12:15:48.640 32673 32673 F DEBUG : #07 pc 0008e145 /system/lib/libchrome.so (base::MessageLoop::RunTask(base::PendingTask*)+324)
11-20 12:15:48.641 32673 32673 F DEBUG : #08 pc 0008e37b /system/lib/libchrome.so (base::MessageLoop::DeferOrRunPendingTask(base::PendingTask)+26)
11-20 12:15:48.641 32673 32673 F DEBUG : #09 pc 0008e61f /system/lib/libchrome.so (base::MessageLoop::DoWork()+218)
11-20 12:15:48.641 32673 32673 F DEBUG : #10 pc 0008f313 /system/lib/libchrome.so (base::MessagePumpDefault::Run(base::MessagePump::Delegate*)+98)
11-20 12:15:48.641 32673 32673 F DEBUG : #11 pc 0008df2f /system/lib/libchrome.so (base::MessageLoop::RunHandler()+62)
11-20 12:15:48.641 32673 32673 F DEBUG : #12 pc 000a1cad /system/lib/libchrome.so (base::RunLoop::Run()+80)
11-20 12:15:48.642 32673 32673 F DEBUG : #13 pc 00160c0d /system/lib/libbluetooth.so (btu_message_loop_run(void*)+188)
11-20 12:15:48.642 32673 32673 F DEBUG : #14 pc 001b1181 /system/lib/libbluetooth.so (work_queue_read_cb(void*)+52)
11-20 12:15:48.642 32673 32673 F DEBUG : #15 pc 001afd3b /system/lib/libbluetooth.so (run_reactor(reactor_t*, int)+218)
11-20 12:15:48.642 32673 32673 F DEBUG : #16 pc 001afc35 /system/lib/libbluetooth.so (reactor_start(reactor_t*)+44)
11-20 12:15:48.642 32673 32673 F DEBUG : #17 pc 001b0dd3 /system/lib/libbluetooth.so (run_thread(void*)+142)
11-20 12:15:48.642 32673 32673 F DEBUG : #18 pc 00064a23 /system/lib/libc.so (__pthread_start(void*)+22)
11-20 12:15:48.643 32673 32673 F DEBUG : #19 pc 0001dfa5 /system/lib/libc.so (__start_thread+32)
11-20 12:15:49.121 319 319 E /system/bin/tombstoned: Tombstone written to: /data/tombstones/tombstone_15
11-20 12:15:49.162 621 676 I BootReceiver: Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_15 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)
11-20 12:15:49.173 621 670 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver
11-20 12:15:49.173 621 670 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService$PersistentTrustedReceiver
11-20 12:15:49.221 621 621 D BluetoothManagerService: BluetoothServiceConnection, disconnected:
Я не могу вписать все это, так что вот пастбин: https://pastebin.com/GR94xmpF
В любом случае, я впервые строю неофициальную версию LineageOS, так что я не настолько знаком со всем.Тем не менее, я готов сделать все, чтобы заставить его работать.Заранее благодарю за любой совет:)