С несколькими обходными путями (см., Например, здесь и здесь ) и основываясь на подсказке @ pawel-chabros выше, я придумал (несколько сложную) функцию (и) ниже,который, как и предполагалось, произведет:
> # Create a deep list
> example_list <- list_access(list(), path = c('A', 'AA', 'AAA', 'AAAA'),'Something')
> str(example_list)
List of 1
$ A:List of 1
..$ AA:List of 1
.. ..$ AAA:List of 1
.. .. ..$ AAAA: chr "Something"
> # Modify the list
> example_list <- list_access(example_list, path = c('A', 'AA', 'AAB'), 'Something else')
> str(example_list)
List of 1
$ A:List of 1
..$ AA:List of 2
.. ..$ AAA:List of 1
.. .. ..$ AAAA: chr "Something"
.. ..$ AAB: chr "Something else"
> # Access an element
> list_access(example_list, path = c('A', 'AA', 'AAA', 'AAAA'))
[1] "Something"
> # Access multiple elements
> list_access(example_list, path = list(c('A', 'AA', 'AAA', 'AAAA'), c('A', 'AA', 'AAB')))
[1] "Something" "Something else"
> # Delete an element
> example_list <- list_access(lst = example_list, path = c('A', 'AA', 'AAB'), NULL)
> str(example_list)
List of 1
$ A:List of 1
..$ AA:List of 1
.. ..$ AAA:List of 1
.. .. ..$ AAAA: chr "Something"
> # Multiple edits
> example_list <- list_access(example_list,
path = list( c('A', 'AA', 'AAB'), c('A', 'AB'), c('B', 'BA', 'BAA')),
'Something else (again)', 'Entirely different', 'Weird and beautiful')
> str(example_list)
List of 2
$ A:List of 2
..$ AA:List of 2
.. ..$ AAA:List of 1
.. .. ..$ AAAA: chr "Something"
.. ..$ AAB: chr "Something else (again)"
..$ AB: chr "Entirely different"
$ B:List of 1
..$ BA:List of 1
.. ..$ BAA: chr "Weird and beautiful"
Я изложу и буду использовать это для управления глубокими списками параметров для одного из моих проектов.Единственное, чего я не смог добиться, это вызвать list_access(path = c('A', 'AA'), 'Something')
(без явного аргумента lst
) при генерации, а не изменять список ...
Вот функция (ы):
list_access <- function(lst = list(), path, ...) {
# Capture parameters ------------------------------------------------------
value <- list(...) %>%
unlist(recursive = FALSE)
retrieve <- missing(...)
# <Input checking omited>
# Processing --------------------------------------------------------------
# Branch: insert or retrieve value
## Retrieve
### Multiple retrievals
output <- sapply(
#### Check for path existence
preexists <- list_path_preexists(lst, x)
if(retrieve) assertive.base::assert_all_are_true(preexists)
tmp_lst <- lst
for(pi in x){
tmp_lst %<>%
### Single retrieval
} else {
#### Check for path existence
preexists <- list_path_preexists(lst, path)
if(retrieve) assertive.base::assert_all_are_true(preexists)
output <- lst
for(pi in path){
output %<>%
## Insert
} else {
output <- lst
### Multiple inserts
for(i in seq_along(path)){
modifier <- list()
tmp_path <- path[[i]]
for (ii in length(tmp_path):1){
ptemp <- tmp_path[ii]
if(ii == length(tmp_path)){
modifier[ptemp] <- list(value[i]) # `NULL`-compatible assignment
} else {
modifier[[ptemp]] <- modifier
modifier[[1]] <- NULL
output %<>%
### Single Insert
} else {
modifier <- list()
for (i in length(path):1) {
ptemp = path[i]
if (i == length(path)) {
modifier[ptemp] <- list(value[1]) # `NULL`-compatible assignment
} else {
modifier[[ptemp]] = modifier
modifier[[1]] <- NULL
output %<>%
# Final return
list_path_preexists <- function(lst, path){
# Create object to hold info
preexists <- rep(FALSE, length(path))
# Return where nothing to evaluate
if(is.null(lst)) return(preexists)
# Assure expected data type
# Generate temp object to hold content of increasing depth
tmp_lst <- lst
# Iterate over path
for (lvi in seq_along(path)){
## Retrieve path item
lv <- path[[lvi]]
## No further evaluation if not path item not in names - branch tip reached.
if(!(lv %in% names(tmp_lst))) break()
## Indicate preixistence
preexists %<>%
magrittr::inset2(lvi, TRUE)
## Assure that non-tip entry is a list to add to
if(lvi != length(path) && !is.list(tmp_lst)) stop('Preexisting non-tip entry is NOT a list:', lv)
## Descent further into lst
tmp_lst %<>%
# Return result