Я пытаюсь написать некоторые интеграционные тесты на NodeJS с Firebase (firebase-admin, с библиотекой тестов jest и supertest), и некоторые тесты случайно не выполняются, когда я запускаю все свои тесты.Отдельно мои тесты проходят, но кажется, что когда выполняется слишком много тестов, некоторые API-вызовы не выполняются.У кого-то здесь уже была такая проблема?Каковы решения этой проблемы?Что может вызвать эту проблему?(Примечание: я запускаю свои тесты последовательно, чтобы не перепутать инициализацию моей базы данных. Я использую опцию --runInBand с jest)
Есть несколько библиотек-макетов, но, похоже, они работают со старымиapi of firebase.
Другим решением будет макетирование всех моих функций, которые управляют firebase, но у меня больше не будет «настоящего» интеграционного теста, а это значит, что для написания этих макетов потребуется много дополнительного кодирования.,Это лучший метод?
Заранее спасибо!
РЕДАКТИРОВАТЬ: фрагмент кода:
const request = require('supertest');
const net = require('net');
const app = require('../src/server').default;
export const initServer = () => {
const server = net.createServer(function(sock) {
sock.end('Hello world\n');
return server
export const createAdminAndReturnToken = async (password) => {
await request(app.callback())
// user logs in
const res = await request(app.callback())
return res.body.data.token;
import firestore from "../../src/tools/firestore/index";
export async function execOperations(operations,action,obj) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "test") {
await Promise.all(operations)
.then(() => {
console.log(action+" "+obj+" in database");
.catch(() => {
console.log("Error", "error while "+action+"ing "+obj+" to database");
} else {
"cannot execute this action outside from the test environment"
//////////////////////// Delete collections ////////////////////////
export async function deleteAllCollections() {
const collections = ["clients", "web_users","clients_web_users","clients_app_users","app_users"];
collections.forEach(collection => {
export async function deleteCollection(collectionPath) {
const batchSize = 10;
var collectionRef = firestore.collection(collectionPath);
var query = collectionRef.orderBy("__name__").limit(batchSize);
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
deleteQueryBatch(firestore, query, batchSize, resolve, reject);
async function deleteQueryBatch(firestore, query, batchSize, resolve, reject) {
.then(snapshot => {
// When there are no documents left, we are done
if (snapshot.size == 0) {
return 0;
// Delete documents in a batch
var batch = firestore.batch();
snapshot.docs.forEach(doc => {
return batch.commit().then(() => {
return snapshot.size;
.then(numDeleted => {
if (numDeleted === 0) {
// Recurse on the next process tick, to avoid
// exploding the stack.
process.nextTick(() => {
deleteQueryBatch(firestore, query, batchSize, resolve, reject);
import firestore from "../../src/tools/firestore/index";
import {execOperations} from "./utils";
import { generateClientData } from "../factory/clientFactory";
jest.setTimeout(10000); // some actions here needs more than the standard 5s timeout of jest
export async function addClient(client) {
const clientData = await generateClientData(client);
await firestore
export async function addClients(clientNb) {
let operations = [];
for (let i = 0; i < clientNb; i++) {
const clientData = await generateClientData({});
await firestore
await execOperations(operations,"add","client");
import firestore from "../../src/tools/firestore/index";
import { resolveSnapshotData } from "../../src/tools/tools";
export async function getAllClients() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then(data => {
resolveSnapshotData(data, resolve);
.catch(err => reject(err));
const request = require('supertest');
const app = require('../../../src/server').default;
const {deleteAllCollections, deleteCollection} = require('../../../__utils__/populate/utils')
const {addClient} = require('../../../__utils__/populate/populateClient')
const {getAllClients} = require('../../../__utils__/retrieve/retrieveClient')
const {initServer,createAdminAndReturnToken} = require('../../../__utils__/initTest');
const faker = require('faker');
let token_admin;
let _server;
// for simplicity, we use the same password for every users
const password = "secretpassword";
beforeAll(async () => {
_server = initServer(); // start
await deleteAllCollections()
// create a super admin, login and store the token
token_admin = await createAdminAndReturnToken(password);
_server.close(); // stop
afterAll(async () => {
// remove the users created during the campaign
_server = initServer(); // start
await deleteAllCollections()
_server.close(); // stop
describe('Manage client', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
_server = initServer(); // start
afterEach(async () => {
await deleteCollection("clients")
_server.close(); // stop
describe('Get All clients', () => {
const exec = (token) => {
return request(app.callback())
it('should return a 200 when super admin provide the action', async () => {
const res = await exec(token_admin);
it('should contain an empty array while no client registered', async () => {
const res = await exec(token_admin);
it('should contain an array with one item while a client is registered', async () => {
// add a client
const clientId = faker.random.uuid();
await addClient({name:"client name",description:"client description",id:clientId})
// call get clients and check the result
const res = await exec(token_admin);
expect(res.body.data.clients[0]).toHaveProperty('name','client name');
expect(res.body.data.clients[0]).toHaveProperty('description','client description');
describe('Get client by ID', () => {
const exec = (token,clientId) => {
return request(app.callback())
.get('/clients/' + clientId)
it('should return a 200 when super admin provide the action', async () => {
const clientId = faker.random.uuid();
await addClient({id:clientId})
const res = await exec(token_admin,clientId);
it('should return a 404 when the client does not exist', async () => {
const nonExistingClientId = faker.random.uuid();
const res = await exec(token_admin,nonExistingClientId);
describe('Update client', () => {
const exec = (token,clientId,client) => {
return request(app.callback())
.patch('/clients/' + clientId)
const clientModified = {
name:"name modified",
description:"description modified",
app_user_licenses: 15
it('should return a 200 when super admin provide the action', async () => {
const clientId = faker.random.uuid();
await addClient({id:clientId})
const res = await exec(token_admin,clientId,clientModified);
// check if the client id modified
let clients = await getAllClients();
it('should return a 404 when the client does not exist', async () => {
const nonExistingClientId = faker.random.uuid();
const res = await exec(token_admin,nonExistingClientId,clientModified);
describe('Create client', () => {
const exec = (token,client) => {
return request(app.callback())
it('should return a 200 when super admin does the action', async () => {
const res = await exec(token_admin,{name:"clientA",description:"description for clientA"});
it('list of clients should be appended when a new client is created', async () => {
let clients = await getAllClients();
const res = await exec(token_admin,{name:"clientA",description:"description for clientA"});
clients = await getAllClients();
expect(clients[0]).toHaveProperty('description','description for clientA');
describe('Delete client', () => {
const exec = (token,clientId) => {
return request(app.callback())
.delete('/clients/'+ clientId)
it('should return a 200 when super admin does the action', async () => {
const clientId = faker.random.uuid();
await addClient({id:clientId})
const res = await exec(token_admin,clientId);
it('should return a 404 when trying to delete a non-existing id', async () => {
const clientId = faker.random.uuid();
const nonExistingId = faker.random.uuid();
await addClient({id:clientId})
const res = await exec(token_admin,nonExistingId);
it('the client deleted should be removed from the list of clients', async () => {
const clientIdToDelete = faker.random.uuid();
const clientIdToRemain = faker.random.uuid();
await addClient({id:clientIdToRemain})
await addClient({id:clientIdToDelete})
let clients = await getAllClients();
await exec(token_admin,clientIdToDelete);
clients = await getAllClients();
шутливая команда: jest --coverage --forceExit --runInBand --collectCoverageFrom=src/**/*ts