Создание таблицы с использованием выпадающего списка - AngularJS - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 21 ноября 2018

Я хотел бы знать, возможно ли (и как) создать таблицу после выбора элемента в раскрывающемся меню.Например, если я выберу ENV1 и ENV2 в раскрывающемся меню (среда), я бы хотел, чтобы на стороне была создана новая таблица с выбранными значениями.См. Пример на https://plnkr.co/edit/SnXwQ5Eg0HSKI7G6upM8?p=preview.


  <div ng-controller="monitoring" class="md-padding selectdemoOptionGroups" ng-cloak="" ng-app="monitor">

      <h1 class="md-title">Monitoring</h1>
      <div layout="row">

        <md-input-container style="margin-right: 10px;">
          <md-select ng-model="segment">
            <md-option ng-repeat="segment in segments" value="{{segment}}">{{segment}}</md-option>

          <md-select ng-model="selectedEnvironments" multiple>
            <md-optgroup label="environments">
              <md-option ng-value="environment.name" ng-repeat="environment in environments | filter: {category: 'env' }">{{environment.name}}</md-option>

                    <md-select ng-model="selectedApplications" multiple="">
                        <md-optgroup label="application">
                            <md-option ng-value="application.name" ng-repeat="application in applications | filter: {category: 'app' } ">{{application.name}}</md-option>

        <button ng-click="clear()" style="width: 55px; height: 50px;" id="iconTextButton">Clear</button>
        <button style="width: 55px; height: 50px;" id="iconTextButton">Run</button>

      <div class="md-card container-shadow" style="margin:15px">
        <div class="card-header4">
          Monitoring page1 for {{segment}}
        <table id="grid422">
            <col style="width:830px" />
            <col style="width:130px" />
            <col style="width:130px" />
            <col style="width:130px" />
          <thead align="left">
          <tbody align="left">
            <tr ng-repeat="todo in todos | filter: filterByGenres | orderBy: 'application' ">


(function(angular) {
    .module('plunker', ['ngMaterial'])
    .controller('monitoring', function($scope, $http) {

      $scope.filterByGenres = function(ele){
        var res = true
        if($scope.selectedEnvironments !== null && $scope.selectedEnvironments.length > 0)
          if($scope.selectedEnvironments.indexOf(ele.environment) == -1)
            res = false;
        if($scope.selectedApplications !== null && $scope.selectedApplications.length > 0)
          if($scope.selectedApplications.indexOf(ele.application) == -1)
            res = false;
        return res;

      $scope.segments = [
      $scope.selectedSegments = [];
      $scope.printSelectedSegments = function printSelectedSegments() {
        return this.selectedSegments.join('');

      $scope.environments = [{
        category: 'env',
        name: 'ENV1'
      }, {
        category: 'env',
        name: 'ENV2'
      }, {
        category: 'env',
        name: 'ENV3'
      }, {
        category: 'env',
        name: 'ENV4'
      $scope.selectedEnvironments = [];
      $scope.printSelectedEnvironments = function printSelectedEnvironments() {
        var numberOfEnvironments = this.selectedEnvironments.length;

        if (numberOfEnvironments > 1) {
          var needsOxfordComma = numberOfEnvironments > 2;
          var lastEnvironmentConjunction = (needsOxfordComma ? ',' : '') + ' and ';
          var lastEnvironment = lastEnvironmentConjunction +
            this.selectedEnvironments[this.selectedEnvironments.length - 1];
          return this.selectedEnvironments.slice(0, -1).join(', ') + lastEnvironment;
        return this.selectedEnvironments.join('');

      $scope.applications = [{
        category: 'app',
        name: 'App1'
      }, {
        category: 'app',
        name: 'App2'
      }, {
        category: 'app',
        name: 'App3'
      }, {
        category: 'app',
        name: 'App4'
      $scope.selectedApplications = [];
      $scope.printSelectedApplications = function printSelectedApplications() {
        var numberOfApplications = this.selectedApplications.length;

        if (numberOfApplications > 1) {
          var needsOxfordComma = numberOfApplications > 2;
          var lastApplicationConjunction = (needsOxfordComma ? ',' : '') + ' and ';
          var lastApplication = lastApplicationConjunction +
            this.selectedApplications[this.selectedApplications.length - 1];
          return this.selectedApplications.slice(0, -1).join(', ') + lastApplication;
        return this.selectedApplications.join('');

      $scope.todos = [{
        "segment": "SegmentA",
        "application": "App1",
        "environment": "ENV1",
        "statusUp": 57,
        "statusDown": "13"
      }, {
        "segment": "SegmentB",
        "application": "App2",
        "environment": "ENV2",
        "statusUp": 12,
        "statusDown": "33"
      }, {
        "segment": "SegmentC",
        "application": "App3",
        "environment": "ENV4",
        "statusUp": 357,
        "statusDown": "133"
      }, {
        "segment": "SegmentA",
        "application": "App1",
        "environment": "ENV1",
        "statusUp": 57,
        "statusDown": "13"
      }, {
        "segment": "SegmentB",
        "application": "App2",
        "environment": "ENV1",
        "statusUp": 12,
        "statusDown": "33"
      }, {
        "segment": "SegmentC",
        "application": "App3",
        "environment": "ENV3",
        "statusUp": 333,
        "statusDown": "213"
      }, {
        "segment": "SegmentB",
        "application": "App1",
        "environment": "ENV4",
        "statusUp": 357,
        "statusDown": "133"
      }, {
        "segment": "SegmentC",
        "application": "App2",
        "environment": "ENV2",
        "statusUp": 57,
        "statusDown": "13"
