Получение странной ошибки.Этот код работал на 1 сервере, на котором я был, но при попытке его на других серверах я получаю следующую ошибку:
Traceback (последний вызов был последним): файл "c: / Desktop / test bot / cash.py",строка 32, в background_loop await client.send_message (канал, "{} защищает сумку. $ {} найден внутри." .format (x.user.mention, loot))
client = discord.Client()
async def background_loop():
await client.wait_until_ready()
channel = client.get_channel("479919577279758340")
while not client.is_closed:
loot = random.randint(25,50)
emojigrab = '?'
emojimsg = await client.send_message(channel, emojigrab)
await client.add_reaction(emojimsg, "?")
x = await client.wait_for_reaction(emoji="?", message=emojimsg,
check=lambda reaction, user: user != client.user)
if x:
await client.delete_message(emojimsg)
await client.send_message(channel, "{} secures the bag. {} found inside. ".format(x.user.mention, loot))
add_dollars(x.user, loot)
await asyncio.sleep(1800)
with open("cash.json") as fp:
cash = json.load(fp)
except Exception:
cash = {}
def save_cash():
with open("cash.json", "w+") as fp:
json.dump(cash, fp, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
def add_dollars(user: discord.User, dollars: int):
id = user.id
if id not in cash:
cash[id] = {}
cash[id]["dollars"] = cash[id].get("dollars", 0) + dollars
print("{} now has {} dollars".format(user.name, cash[id]["dollars"]))
def remove_dollars(user: discord.User, dollars: int):
id = user.id
if id not in cash:
cash[id] = {}
cash[id]["dollars"] = cash[id].get("dollars", 0) - dollars
print("{} now has {} dollars".format(user.name, cash[id]["dollars"]))
def add_dollars_stolen(user: discord.User, dollars_stolen: int):
id = user.id
if id not in cash:
cash[id] = {}
cash[id]["dollars_stolen"] = cash[id].get("dollars_stolen", 0) + dollars_stolen
print("{} stole ${}".format(user.name, cash[id]["dollars_stolen"]))
def get_dollars_stolen(user: discord.User):
id = user.id
if id in cash:
return cash[id].get("dollars_stolen", 0)
return 0
def get_dollars(user: discord.User):
id = user.id
if id in cash:
return cash[id].get("dollars", 0)
return 0
async def on_ready():
print('Bot Online.')
async def on_message(message):
if message.author == client.user:
if message.content.lower().startswith("?cash"):
if message.content.lower() == "?cash":
if get_dollars(message.author) < 0:
await client.send_message(message.channel, "You're ${} in the hole!".format(get_dollars(message.author)))
await client.send_message(message.channel, "You've acquired ${}! :dollar:".format(get_dollars(message.author)))