Вот фрагмент кода Swift 4, который делает именно это:
var table = NSTextTable()
table.numberOfColumns = 2
func makeCell(row: Int, column: Int, text: String) -> NSMutableAttributedString {
let textBlock = NSTextTableBlock(table: table, startingRow: row, rowSpan: 1, startingColumn: column, columnSpan: 1)
textBlock.setWidth(4.0, type: NSTextBlock.ValueType.absoluteValueType, for: NSTextBlock.Layer.border)
let paragraph = NSMutableParagraphStyle()
paragraph.textBlocks = [textBlock]
let cell = NSMutableAttributedString(string: text + "\n", attributes: [.paragraphStyle: paragraph])
return cell
let content = NSMutableAttributedString("some text")
content.append(NSAttributedString(string: "\n")) // this newline is required in case content is not empty.
//If you append table cells to some text without newline, the first row might not show properly.
content.append(makeCell(row: 0, col: 0, text: "c00"))
content.append(makeCell(row: 0, col: 1, text: "c 0 1"))
content.append(makeCell(row: 1, col: 0, text: "c 1 0"))
content.append(makeCell(row: 1, col: 1, text: "c11"))