Готово в DataBricks Notebook
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import spark.implicits._
val df =
Seq(("A", "hi", "09:00", "John"), ("A", "how are you?", "10:00", "John"),
("A", "can we meet?", "10:05", "John"), ("A", "not bad", "10:30", "Steven"),
("A", "great", "10:40", "John"), ("A", "yeah, let's meet", "10:45", "Steven"),
("B", "Hi", "12:00", "Anna"), ("B", "Hello", "12:05", "Ken")
).toDF("conversation_id", "message_body", "timestampX", "sender")
// Get rank, 1 is who were initiates conversation, the other values can be used to infer relationships
// Note no @Transient required here with Window
val df2 = df.withColumn("rankC", row_number().over(Window.partitionBy($"conversation_id").orderBy($"timestampX".asc)))
// A value <> 1 is the first message of second Sender.
// The 1 value of this is the last message of first "block"
val df3 = df2.select('conversation_id as "df3_conversation_id", 'sender as "df3_sender", 'rankC as "df3_rank")
// To avoid pipelined renaming issues that occur
val df3a = df3.groupBy("df3_conversation_id", "df3_sender").agg(min("df3_rank") as "rankC2").filter("rankC2 != 1")
//JOIN the values with some smarts. Some odd errors in Spark thru pipe-lining gotten. Need to drop pipelined row(), ranking etc.
val df4 = df3a.join(df2, (df3a("df3_conversation_id") === df2("conversation_id")) && (df3a("rankC2") === df2("rankC") + 1)).drop("rankC").drop("rankC2")
val df4a = df3a.join(df2, (df3a("df3_conversation_id") === df2("conversation_id")) && (df3a("rankC2") === df2("rankC"))).drop("rankC").drop("rankC2")
// The get other missing data, could have all been combined but done in steps for simplicity. Just a simple final JOIN and you ahve the answer.
val df5 = df4.join(df4a, (df4("df3_conversation_id") === df4a("df3_conversation_id")))