Вот проблема, с которой я не могу справиться, она исходит от codingGame.Я видел решение, но я пытался использовать другой синтаксис, чтобы лучше понять.
/** Horse Racing Duals (easy) https://www.codingame.com/training/easy/horse-racing-duals
* This puzzle shows that sometimes, the simplest solution is not performant
* enough. You will also learn to handle large arrays and gain experience
* with their processing time.
* In this problem you have to find the two numbers that are closest to each
* other among a list of numbers. The list might be really large and force
* you to search for the best possible algorithmic complexity for your
* solution.
* To make a race between two horses interesting, you will have to find the
* horses with the closest strength.
new Array(+readline())
.map(() => +readline())
.sort((a, b) => a > b)
.map((x, i, arr) => Math.abs(x - arr[i + 1]))
.sort((a, b) => a > b) [0]
Почему я не могу сделать это:
let tab = new Array(+readline())
tab.map(() => +readline())
tab.sort((a, b) => a > b)
tab.map((x, i, arr) => Math.abs(x - arr[i + 1]))