API, в который я должен опубликовать, нуждается в JSONArray, но отвечает JSONObject.К сожалению, из того, что я могу сказать, в библиотеке Android Volley для этого нет метода.
Есть ли способ написать собственный запрос и как это сделать, чтобы сделать то, что я объяснил выше?
Если это невозможно сделать с помощью Volley, как бы вы предложили мне это сделать??
Метод будет выглядеть следующим образом:
// Массив:
JSONArray itemArray = new JSONArray();
try {
for (MenuItem menuItem : listOfItems) {
JSONObject item = new JSONObject();
Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Item ID--> " + menuItem.getId());
Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Item Quantity--> " + menuItem.getNumOrdered());
Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Item Price Lvl--> " +
Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Item Comments--> " +
item.put("menu_item", menuItem.getId());
item.put("quantity", menuItem.getNumOrdered());
item.put("comment", menuItem.getSpecialInstructions());
JSONArray discounts = new JSONArray();
JSONObject discount = new JSONObject();
discount.put("discount", null);
item.put("discounts", discounts);
JSONArray modifiers = new JSONArray();
JSONObject modifier = new JSONObject();
item.put("modifiers", modifiers);
// Запрос залпа
JsonArrayRequest jsArrayRequest = new JsonArrayRequest(Request.Method.POST,
url, itemArray, new Response.Listener<JSONObject>() {
public void onResponse(JSONObject response) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.v("volley ex", e.toString());
}, new Response.ErrorListener() {
public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
Log.v("volley error", error.toString());
}) {
public Map<String, String> getHeaders() throws AuthFailureError {
Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<>();
headers.put("Api-Key", "api key");
headers.put("Content-Type", "application/json");
return headers;
// Элемент меню класса
package com.garcon.garcon;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class MenuItem implements Serializable {
public String id;
public String name;
public Integer price;
protected ArrayList<PriceLevel> price_levels;
protected Boolean in_stock;
protected int modifier_groups_count;
protected ArrayList<ModifierGroup> mGroups;
//not defined in API but will give Category's ID to MenuItem
protected String categoryID;
//user defined variable
public int numOrdered = 0;
private String specialInstructions = "";
* Complete constructor for MenuItem.
* @param id The menu item’s id as stored in the POS. Sometimes a compound
value derived from other data
* @param name The name of the Menu Item as stored in the POS
* @param price The price, in cents
* @param price_levels Array of Hashes (id String Price Level Identifier,
price Integer The price of the menu item at this price level, in cents)
* @param in_stock Whether or not the item is currently available for order.
* @param mGroups Modifier Groups associated with the Menu Item.
* @param modifier_groups_count The number of Modifier Groups associated
with the Menu Item.
* @param categoryID parent category's id NOT name
public MenuItem(String id, String name, Integer price, ArrayList<PriceLevel>
Boolean in_stock, ArrayList<ModifierGroup> mGroups, Integer
modifier_groups_count, String categoryID){
this.id = id;
this.name = name;
this.price = price;
this.price_levels = price_levels;
this.in_stock = in_stock;
this.mGroups = mGroups;
this.modifier_groups_count = modifier_groups_count;
this.categoryID = categoryID;
public ArrayList<PriceLevel> getPrice_levels() {
return price_levels;
public void setPrice_levels(ArrayList<PriceLevel> price_levels) {
this.price_levels = price_levels;
public String getId() {
return id;
public String getName(){
return name;
String getCategoryID() {
return categoryID;
public Integer getPrice(){
return this.price;
ArrayList<ModifierGroup> getModifierGroups(){ return this.mGroups;}
int getNumOrdered(){return this.numOrdered;}
void setNumOrdered(int amount){
numOrdered = amount;
String getSpecialInstructions(){return this.specialInstructions;}
void setSpecialInstructions(String instructions){
specialInstructions = instructions;
static class ModifierGroup implements Serializable{
private String id, name;
private Integer minimum, maximum;
private boolean required;
private ArrayList<ItemModifier> modifier_list;
public ModifierGroup(String id, String name, int minimum, int maximum,
boolean required, ArrayList<ItemModifier> modifier_list){
this.id = id;
this.name = name;
this.minimum = minimum;
this.maximum = maximum;
this.required = required;
this.modifier_list = modifier_list;
public ModifierGroup(){}
String getId(){return id;}
String getName(){return name;}
Integer getMinimum(){return minimum;}
Integer getMaximum(){return maximum;}
boolean isRequired(){return required;}
ArrayList<ItemModifier> getModifierList(){ return
static class ItemModifier implements Serializable{
private String id, name;
private Integer price_per_unit;
private ArrayList<PriceLevel> priceLevelsList;
//user defined variable
private boolean added = false;
public ItemModifier(String id, String name, Integer
price_per_unit, ArrayList<PriceLevel> priceLevelsList){
this.id = id;
this.name = name;
this.price_per_unit = price_per_unit;
this.priceLevelsList = priceLevelsList;
String getId(){return id;}
String getName(){return name;}
Integer getPricePerUnit(){return price_per_unit;}
ArrayList<PriceLevel> getPriceLevelsList(){return
boolean isAdded(){ return added;}
void setAdded(boolean b){added = b;}
static class ItemModifierGrouped extends ItemModifier implements
private int group_id;
public ItemModifierGrouped(String id, String name, Integer
price_per_unit, ArrayList<PriceLevel> priceLevelsList, int
this.group_id = group_id;
public static class PriceLevel implements Serializable{
public String id;
public Integer price;
public PriceLevel(){}
public PriceLevel(String id, Integer price){
this.id = id;
this.price = price;
public String getId(){return id;}
public Integer getPrice(){return price;}