Я делаю 3D тетрис в p5.js.Но сейчас у меня есть ошибка, из-за которой куски проваливаются сквозь дно!Я не уверен, почему это так, потому что я написал функцию «fallPieceIsLegal», которая должна предотвратить это.Большое спасибо за вашу помощь!
//Audrey Zheng
//3D Tetris
var cx;
var cy;
// set board dimensions and margin
var rows = 15;
var cols = 10;
var margin = 50;
let emptyColor;
//make board
var state = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < cols; i ++) {
var board = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i< rows; i ++) {
//seven "standard" pieces (tetrominoes)
var iPiece = [
[ true, true, true, true]
var jPiece = [
[ true, false, false ],
[ true, true, true]
var lPiece = [
[ false, false, true],
[ true, true, true]
var oPiece = [
[ true, true],
[ true, true]
var sPiece = [
[ false, true, true],
[ true, true, false ]
var tPiece = [
[ false, true, false ],
[ true, true, true]
var zPiece = [
[ true, true, false ],
[ false, true, true]
var tetrisPieces = [ iPiece, jPiece, lPiece, oPiece, sPiece, tPiece, zPiece ];
var tetrisPieceColors = [ "green", "pink", "orange", "yellow", "purple", "blue", "red" ];
//the falling piece
var fallingPiece;
var fallingPieceCols;
var fallingPieceCol;
var fallingPieceRow;
function setup() {
createCanvas(550, 800);
// osc = new p5.TriOsc();
// osc.freq(880.0);
// osc.amp(0.1);
// osc.start();
cx = width/2;
cy = width/2;
function draw() {
emptyColor = color(255,0,0,63);
drawBoard(rows,cols, 450,675);
if (moveFallingPiece(-1,0) == false) {
function newFallingPiece(){
fallingPiece = random(tetrisPieces);
fallingPieceCols = fallingPiece[0].length;
fallingPieceCol = cols/2 - Math.floor(fallingPieceCols/2);
fallingPieceRow = 0;
function placeFallingPiece() {
for (var r = 0; r < fallingPiece.length; r ++) {
for (var c = 0; c < fallingPiece[0].length; c ++) {
if (fallingPiece[r][c]) {
board[r + fallingPieceRow][c + fallingPieceCol] = "magenta";
function drawFallingPiece() {
for (var r = 0; r < fallingPiece.length; r ++) {
for (var c = 0; c < fallingPiece[0].length; c ++) {
if (fallingPiece[r][c]) {
var bnds = getCellBounds(r + fallingPieceRow, c + fallingPieceCol, 450, 675);
var tetrisCube = new cube(bnds[0],bnds[2], true);
rect(bnds[0], bnds[2], 45,45);
function fallingPieceIsLegal() {
for (var r = 0; r < fallingPiece.length; r++) {
for (var c = 0; c < fallingPieceCols; c++) {
if (fallingPiece[r][c] == true) {
if ((c + fallingPieceCol > cols - 1) || (c + fallingPieceCol < 0)) {
return false;
if (r + fallingPieceRow > rows -1) {
return false;
return true;
function moveFallingPiece(drow, dcol) {
if ((drow == 0) && (dcol == -1)) { //move left
fallingPieceCol -= 1;
if (fallingPieceIsLegal() == false) {
fallingPieceCol += 1;
if ((drow == 0) && (dcol == 1)) { //move right
fallingPieceCol += 1;
if (fallingPieceIsLegal() == false) {
fallingPieceCol -= 1;
if ((drow == -1) && (dcol == 0)) { //move down
fallingPieceRow += 1;
if (fallingPieceIsLegal() == false) {
fallingPieceRow -= 1;
return false;
return true;
function rotate1(L) {
var result = [];
var a;
for (var col = L[0].length -1; col > -1; col--) {
var result1 = [];
for (var row = 0; row < L.length; row++) {
a = L[row][col];
return result;
function rotateFallingPiece() {
fallingPiece = rotate1(fallingPiece);
fallingPieceCols = fallingPiece[0].length;
if (fallingPieceIsLegal == false) {
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i ++) {
fallingPiece = rotate1(fallingPiece);
fallingPieceCols = fallingPiece[0].length;
function getCellBounds(row,col, width,height) {
var gridWidth = width - 2 * margin;
var gridHeight = height - 2 * margin;
var x0 = margin + width * col/ cols;
var x1 = margin + width * (col + 1)/ cols;
var y0 = margin + height * row / rows;
var y1 = margin + height * (row + 1)/ rows;
return [x0,x1,y0,y1];
//console.log(getCellBounds(0,0, 450,600));
function drawBoard(rows, cols, width,height) {
for (var row = 0; row < rows; row ++) {
for (var col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
function drawCell(row, col, width, height) {
var bounds = getCellBounds(row,col, width, height);
x0 = bounds[0];
x1 = bounds[1];
y0 = bounds[2];
y1 = bounds[3];
var cellCube = new cube(x0 ,y0, false);
//quad(x0,y0, x0,y0 + 40, x0+40, y0+40, x0 + 40, y0 );
function cube(x,y, isSolid) { //the cube
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.width = 45;
this.NW =[this.x, this.y];
this.NE = [x+this.width, this.y];
this.SE = [this.x+this.width, y+this.width];
this.SW = [this.x, y+this.width];
this.larger = new square(x,y,this.width, this.width);
this.smaller = new square(x + (cx -x) * 0.25, y + (cy - y) *0.25, this.width * 0.75, this.width * 0.75);
this.NWs =[(this.x + (cx - this.x) * 0.20), this.y + (cy - this.y) * 0.20];
this.NEs = [(this.x + (cx - this.x) * 0.20) + (this.width * 0.8), this.y + (cy - this.y) * 0.20];
this.SEs = [(this.x + (cx - this.x) * 0.20) + (this.width * 0.8), this.y + (cy - this.y) * 0.20 + (this.width * 0.8)];
this.SWs = [(this.x + (cx - this.x) * 0.20), this.y + (cy - this.y) * 0.20 +(this.width * 0.8)];
this.display = function() {
//rect(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.width);
//rect(this.x + (cx - this.x) * 0.20, this.y + (cy - this.y) * 0.20, this.width * 0.8, this.width * 0.8);
//bigger square
line(this.x,this.y, this.x + this.width, this.y);
line(this.x,this.y, this.x, this.y + this.width);
line(this.x + this.width, this.y, this.x + this.width, this.y + this.width);
line(this.x, this.y+ this.width, this.x + this.width, this.y + this.width);
//smaller square
line(this.x + (cx - this.x) * 0.20, this.y + (cy - this.y) * 0.20, (this.x + (cx - this.x) * 0.20 )+ this.width * 0.8, this.y + (cy - this.y) * 0.20);
line(this.x + (cx - this.x) * 0.20, this.y + (cy - this.y) * 0.20, this.x + (cx - this.x) * 0.20, this.y + (cy - this.y) * 0.20 + this.width * 0.8);
line(this.x + (cx - this.x) * 0.20 + this.width * 0.8, this.y + (cy - this.y) * 0.20,this.x + (cx - this.x) * 0.20 + this.width * 0.8,this.y + (cy - this.y) * 0.20 + this.width * 0.8);
line(this.x + (cx - this.x) * 0.20, this.y + (cy - this.y) * 0.20 + this.width * 0.8, (this.x + (cx - this.x) * 0.20 )+ this.width * 0.8, this.y + (cy - this.y) * 0.20 + this.width * 0.8);
if (isSolid == false) {
line(this.NW[0], this.NW[1], this.NWs[0], this.NWs[1]);
line(this.NE[0], this.NE[1], this.NEs[0], this.NEs[1]);
line(this.SE[0], this.SE[1], this.SEs[0], this.SEs[1]);
line(this.SW[0], this.SW[1], this.SWs[0], this.SWs[1]);
if (isSolid) {
quad(this.SW[0], this.SW[1], this.SE[0], this.SE[1], this.SEs[0], this.SEs[1], this.SWs[0], this.SWs[1]); //bottom
quad(this.NE[0], this.NE[1], this.NEs[0], this.NEs[1], this.SEs[0], this.SEs[1], this.SE[0], this.SE[1]); // right
quad(this.NW[0], this.NW[1], this.NWs[0], this.NWs[1], this.SWs[0], this.SWs[1], this.SW[0], this.SW[1]); //fill left
quad(this.NE[0], this.NE[1], this.NEs[0], this.NEs[1], this.NWs[0], this.NWs[1], this.NW[0], this.NW[1]); //fill top
quad(this.NE[0], this.NE[1], this.SE[0], this.SE[1], this.SW[0], this.SW[1], this.NW[0], this.NW[1]);
function square(x,y,w,h) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.width = w;
this.height = h;
this.getCorners = function() {
var NW =[x-w/2,y-h/2];
var NE = [x+w/2, y-h/2];
var SE = [x+w/2, y-h/2];
var SW = [x-w/2, y+h/2];
return [NW,NE,SE,SW];
function keyPressed() {
if (keyCode == LEFT_ARROW) {
moveFallingPiece(0, -1);
if (keyCode == RIGHT_ARROW) {
if (keyCode == DOWN_ARROW) {
if (keyCode == UP_ARROW) {
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Функция placeFallingPiece очень похожа на drawFallingPiece, только вместо того, чтобы рисовать ячейки, она загружает соответствующие ячейки падающей фигуры на доску с помощью fallPieceColor.Таким образом, часть помещается на доску.