Мой коллега, Паскаль Л., нашел решение:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
from shapely.geometry import MultiPolygon, Polygon, Point, GeometryCollection
from shapely.ops import cascaded_union
EMPTY = GeometryCollection()
def partition(poly_a, poly_b):
Splits polygons A and B into their differences and intersection.
if not poly_a.intersects(poly_b):
return poly_a, poly_b, EMPTY
only_a = poly_a.difference(poly_b)
only_b = poly_b.difference(poly_a)
inter = poly_a.intersection(poly_b)
return only_a, only_b, inter
def eliminate_small_areas(poly, small_area):
Eliminates tiny parts of a MultiPolygon (or Polygon)
if poly.area < small_area:
return EMPTY
if isinstance(poly, Polygon):
return poly
assert isinstance(poly, MultiPolygon)
l = [p for p in poly if p.area > small_area]
if len(l) == 0:
return EMPTY
if len(l) == 1:
return l[0]
return MultiPolygon(l)
def cascaded_intersections(poly1, lst_poly):
Splits Polygon poly1 into intersections of/with list of other polygons.
result = [(lst_poly[0], (0,))]
for i, poly in enumerate(lst_poly[1:], start=1):
current = []
while result:
result_geometry, result_indexes = result.pop(0)
only_result, only_poly, inter = partition(result_geometry, poly)
for geometry, indexes in ((only_result, result_indexes), (inter, result_indexes + (i,))):
if not geometry.is_empty:
current.append((geometry, indexes))
current_union = cascaded_union([elt[0] for elt in current])
only_poly = poly.difference(current_union)
if not only_poly.is_empty:
current.append((only_poly, (i,)))
result = current
for r in range(len(result)-1, -1, -1):
geometry, indexes = result[r]
if poly1.intersects(geometry):
inter = poly1.intersection(geometry)
result[r] = (inter, indexes)
del result[r]
only_poly1 = poly1.difference(cascaded_union([elt[0] for elt in result]))
only_poly1 = eliminate_small_areas(only_poly1, 1e-16*poly1.area)
if not only_poly1.is_empty:
result.append((only_poly1, None))
return [r[0] for r in result]
result = cascaded_intersections(a, (b1,b2,b3))