Возможный дубликат здесь , но я все равно отвечу.
Эта реализация, вероятно, применима и к ARCore.Но я проверил это с помощью SceneForm SDK
. Сначала настройте сеанс AR и используйте функцию расширения для изменения поиска плоскости.
override fun onResume() {
//Check if ARSession is null. If it is, instantiate it
if(arSession == null) {
arSession = Session(this@EdgeActivity)
// Setup plane detection
private fun Session.setupPlaneFinding() {
//Create the config
arConfig = Config(this)
//Pause the session | Not sure if this is required for modifying plane detection. I was using this for something else, try & modify at your end
// Modify the plane finding mode
arConfig?.planeFindingMode = Config.PlaneFindingMode.VERTICAL
//Reinstate the session
//Sceneform requires that the ARCore session is configured to the UpdateMode LATEST_CAMERA_IMAGE. | I kept getting an exception if I remove this line. Again, this method is part of a bigger code, this particular line may not be required at your end. Try & Modify
arConfig?.updateMode = Config.UpdateMode.LATEST_CAMERA_IMAGE
//Reconfigure the session
//Setup the session with ARSceneView | Very important