Я пытаюсь сохранить ответ JSON, полученный по этому URL-адресу, в файле JSON в Android.
Ответ Json
Я могу сохранить данныев формате JSON, но это не совсем то же самое. Данные, сохраненные в файле JSON, выглядят примерно так:
ForecastResponse{city = 'City{country = 'IN',coord = 'Coord{lon = '72.0',lat = '23.0'}',name = 'State of Gujarāt',id = '1270770.0'}',cnt = '37.0',cod = '200',message = '0.0046',list = '[ListItem{dt = '1.5375204E9',rain = 'null',dt_txt = 'null',weather = '[WeatherItem{icon = '01d',description = 'clear sky',main = 'Clear',id = '800.0'}]',main = 'Main{temp = '41.53',temp_min = '0.0',grnd_level = '0.0',temp_kf = '0.0',humidity = '38.0',pressure = '1012.98',sea_level = '0.0',temp_max = '0.0'}',clouds = 'Clouds{all = '0.0'}',sys = 'Sys{pod = 'd'}',wind = 'Wind{deg = '353.002',speed = '6.22'}'}, ListItem{dt = '1.5375312E9',rain = 'null',dt_txt = 'null',weather = '[WeatherItem{icon = '02d',description = 'few clouds',main = 'Clouds',id = '801.0'}]',main = 'Main{temp = '39.97',temp_min = '0.0',grnd_level = '0.0',temp_kf = '0.0',humidity = '32.0',pressure = '1011.35',sea_level = '0.0',temp_max = '0.0'}',clouds = 'Clouds{all = '12.0'}',sys = 'Sys{pod = 'd'}',wind = 'Wind{deg = '359.002',speed = '4.92'}'}, ListItem{dt = '1.537542E9',rain = 'null',dt_txt = 'null',weather = '[WeatherItem{icon = '04n',description = 'overcast clouds',main = 'Clouds',id = '804.0'}]',main = 'Main{temp = '35.82',temp_min = '0.0',grnd_level = '0.0',temp_kf = '0.0',humidity = '33.0',pressure = '1012.65',sea_level = '0.0',temp_max = '0.0'}',clouds = 'Clouds{all = '92.0'}',sys = 'Sys{pod = 'n'}',wind = 'Wind{deg = '353.5',speed = '4.75'}'}, ListItem{dt = '1.5375528E9',rain = 'null',dt_txt = 'null',weather = '[WeatherItem{icon = '04n',description = 'overcast clouds',main = 'Clouds',id = '804.0'}]',main = 'Main{temp = '33.51',temp_min = '0.0',grnd_level = '0.0',temp_kf = '0.0',humidity = '34.0',pressure = '1012.86',sea_level = '0.0',temp_max = '0.0'}',clouds = 'Clouds{all = '88.0'}',sys = 'Sys{pod = 'n'}',wind = 'Wind{deg = '341.5',speed = '4.81'}'}, ListItem{dt = '1.5375636E9',rain = 'null',dt_txt = 'null',weather = '[WeatherItem{icon = '04n',description = 'overcast clouds',main = 'Clouds',id = '804.0'}]',main = 'Main{temp = '31.51',temp_min = '0.0',grnd_level = '0.0',temp_kf = '0.0',humidity = '46.0',pressure = '1012.12',sea_level = '0.0',temp_max = '0.0'}',clouds = 'Clouds{all = '92.0'}',sys = 'Sys{pod = 'n'}',wind = 'Wind{deg = '32.0',speed = '2.8'}'}, ListItem{dt = '1.5375744E9',rain = 'null',dt_txt = 'null',weather = '[WeatherItem{icon = '02n',description = 'few clouds',main = 'Clouds',id = '801.0'}]',main = 'Main{temp = '28.74',temp_min = '0.0',grnd_level = '0.0',temp_kf = '0.0',humidity = '62.0',pressure = '1012.51',sea_level = '0.0',temp_max = '0.0'}',clouds = 'Clouds{all = '20.0'}',sys = 'Sys{pod = 'n'}',wind = 'Wind{deg = '101.0',speed = '1.42'}'}, ListItem{dt = '1.5375852E9',rain = 'null',dt_txt = 'null',weather = '[WeatherItem{icon = '04d',description = 'broken clouds',main = 'Clouds',id = '803.0'}]',main = 'Main{temp = '28.89',temp_min = '0.0',grnd_level = '0.0',temp_kf = '0.0',humidity = '62.0',pressure = '1015.08',sea_level = '0.0',temp_max = '0.0'}',clouds = 'Clouds{all = '64.0'}',sys = 'Sys{pod = 'd'}',wind = 'Wind{deg = '66.0012',speed = '1.36'}'}, ListItem{dt = '1.537596E9',rain = 'null',dt_txt = 'null',weather = '[WeatherItem{icon = '04d',description = 'overcast clouds',main = 'Clouds',id = '804.0'}]',main = 'Main{temp = '31.99',temp_min = '0.0',grnd_level = '0.0',temp_kf = '0.0',humidity = '55.0',pressure = '1015.56',sea_level = '0.0',temp_max = '0.0'}',clouds = 'Clouds{all = '100.0'}',sys = 'Sys{pod = 'd'}',wind = 'Wind{deg = '24.001',speed = '3.42'}'}, ListItem{dt = '1.5376068E9',rain = 'null',dt_txt = 'null',weather = '[WeatherItem{icon = '04d',description = 'broken clouds',main = 'Clouds',id = '803.0'}]',main = 'Main{temp = '32.91',temp_min = '0.0',grnd_level = '0.0',temp_kf = '0.0',humidity = '49.0',pressure = '1013.1',sea_level = '0.0',temp_max = '0.0'}',clouds = 'Clouds{all = '76.0'}',sys = 'Sys{pod = 'd'}',wind = 'Wind{deg = '330.002',speed = '3.92'}'}, ListItem{dt = '1.5376176E9',rain = 'null',dt_txt = 'null',weather = '[WeatherItem{icon = '03d',description = 'scattered clouds',main = 'Clouds',id = '802.0'}]',main = 'Main{temp = '35.15',temp_min = '0.0',grnd_level = '0.0',temp_kf = '0.0',humidity = '44.0',pressure = '1011.77',sea_level = '0.0',temp_max = '0.0'}',clouds = 'Clouds{all = '36.0'}',sys = 'Sys{pod = 'd'}',wind = 'Wind{deg = '333.501',speed = '3.56'}'}, ListItem{dt = '1.5376284E9',rain = 'Rain{}',dt_txt = 'null',weather = '[WeatherItem{icon = '10n',description = 'light rain',main = 'Rain',id = '500.0'}]',main = 'Main{temp = '29.36',temp_min = '0.0',grnd_level = '0.0',temp_kf = '0.0',humidity = '71.0',pressure = '1014.41',sea_level = '0.0',temp_max = '0.0'}',clouds = 'Clouds{all = '76.0'}',sys = 'Sys{pod = 'n'}',wind = 'Wind{deg = '47.5027',speed = '2.62'}'}, ListItem{dt = '1.5376392E9',rain = 'Rain{}',dt_txt = 'null',weather = '[WeatherItem{icon = '03n',description = 'scattered clouds',main = 'Clouds',id = '802.0'}]',main = 'Main{temp = '27.0',temp_min = '0.0',grnd_level = '0.0',temp_kf = '0.0',humidity = '82.0',pressure = '1015.89',sea_level = '0.0',temp_max = '0.0'}',clouds = 'Clouds{all = '48.0'}',sys = 'Sys{pod = 'n'}',wind = 'Wind{deg = '55.0006',speed = '2.67'}'}, ListItem{dt = '1.53765E9',rain = 'Rain{}',dt_txt = 'null',weather = '[WeatherItem{icon = '03n',description = 'scattered clouds',main = 'Clouds',id = '802.0'}]',main = 'Main{temp = '25.87',temp_min = '0.0',grnd_level = '0.0',temp_kf = '0.0',humidity = '87.0',pressure = '1015.38',sea_level = '0.0',temp_max = '0.0'}',clouds = 'Clouds{all = '32.0'}',sys = 'Sys{pod = 'n'}',wind = 'Wind{deg = '35.0044',speed = '1.42'}'}, ListItem{dt = '1.5376608E9',rain = 'Rain{}',dt_txt = 'null',weather = '[WeatherItem{icon = '02n',description = 'few clouds',main = 'Clouds',id = '801.0'}]',main = 'Main{temp = '25.01',temp_min = '0.0',grnd_level = '0.0',temp_kf = '0.0',humidity = '91.0',pressure = '1015.74',sea_level = '0.0',temp_max = '0.0'}',clouds = 'Clouds{all = '12.0'}',sys = 'Sys{pod = 'n'}',wind = 'Wind{deg = '357.505',speed = '1.56'}'}, ListItem{dt = '1.5376716E9',rain = 'Rain{}',dt_txt = 'null',weather = '[WeatherItem{icon = '02d',description = 'few clouds',main = 'Clouds',id = '801.0'}]',main = 'Main{temp = '27.67',temp_min = '0.0',grnd_level = '0.0',temp_kf = '0.0',humidity = '80.0',pressure = '1017.56',sea_level = '0.0',temp_max = '0.0'}',clouds = 'Clouds{all = '24.0'}',sys = 'Sys{pod = 'd'}',wind = 'Wind{deg = '289.501',speed = '1.28'}'}, ListItem{dt = '1.5376824E9',rain = 'Rain{}',dt_txt = 'null',weather = '[WeatherItem{icon = '02d',description = 'few clouds',main = 'Clouds',id = '801.0'}]',main = 'Main{temp = '32.82',temp_min = '0.0',grnd_level = '0.0',temp_kf = '0.0',humidity = '62.0',pressure = '1017.55',sea_level = '0.0',temp_max = '0.0'}',clouds = 'Clouds{all = '20.0'}',sys = 'Sys{pod = 'd'}',wind = 'Wind{deg = '290.501',speed = '2.47'}'}, ListItem{dt = '1.5376932E9',rain = 'Rain{}',dt_txt = 'null',weather = '[WeatherItem{icon = '10d',description = 'light rain',main = 'Rain',id = '500.0'}]',main = 'Main{temp = '34.52',temp_min = '0.0',grnd_level = '0.0',temp_kf = '0.0',humidity = '53.0',pressure = '1015.2',sea_level = '0.0',temp_max = '0.0'}',clouds = 'Clouds{all = '56.0'}',sys = 'Sys{pod = 'd'}',wind = 'Wind{deg = '340.0',speed = '3.02'}'}, ListItem{dt = '1.537704E9',rain = 'Rain{}',dt_txt = 'null',weather = '[WeatherItem{icon = '10d',description = 'light rain',main = 'Rain',id = '500.0'}]',main = 'Main{temp = '33.81',temp_min = '0.0',grnd_level = '0.0',temp_kf = '0.0',humidity = '53.0',pressure = '1014.61',sea_level = '0.0',temp_max = '0.0'}',clouds = 'Clouds{all = '56.0'}',sys = 'Sys{pod = 'd'}',wind = 'Wind{deg = '7.00308',speed = '1.91'}'}, ListItem{dt = '1.5377148E9',rain = 'Rain{}',dt_txt = 'null',weather = '[WeatherItem{icon = '10n',description = 'moderate rain',main = 'Rain',id = '501.0'}]',main = 'Main{temp = '26.56',temp_min = '0.0',grnd_level = '0.0',temp_kf = '0.0',humidity = '87.0',pressure = '1017.28',sea_level = '0.0',temp_max = '0.0'}',clouds = 'Clouds{all = '68.0'}',sys = 'Sys{pod = 'n'}',wind = 'Wind{deg = '17.0002',speed = '1.86'}'}, ListItem{dt = '1.5377256E9',rain = 'Rain{}',dt_txt = 'null',weather = '[WeatherItem{icon = '10n',description = 'moderate rain',main = 'Rain',id = '501.0'}]',main = 'Main{temp = '24.22',temp_min = '0.0',grnd_level = '0.0',temp_kf = '0.0',humidity = '94.0',pressure = '1018.2',sea_level = '0.0',temp_max = '0.0'}',clouds = 'Clouds{all = '56.0'}',sys = 'Sys{pod = 'n'}',wind = 'Wind{deg = '68.5074',speed = '1.76'}'}, ListItem{dt = '1.5377364E9',rain = 'Rain{}',dt_txt = 'null',weather = '[WeatherItem{icon = '10n',description = 'light rain',main = 'Rain',id = '500.0'}]',main = 'Main{temp = '24.05',temp_min = '0.0',grnd_level = '0.0',temp_kf = '0.0',humidity = '94.0',pressure = '1016.88',sea_level = '0.0',temp_max = '0.0'}',clouds = 'Clouds{all = '32.0'}',sys = 'Sys{pod = 'n'}',wind = 'Wind{deg = '133.004',speed = '1.23'}'}, ListItem{dt = '1.5377472E9',rain = 'Rain{}',dt_txt = 'null',weather = '[WeatherItem{icon = '02n',description = 'few clouds',main = 'Clouds',id = '801.0'}]',main = 'Main{temp = '23.2',temp_min = '0.0',grnd_level = '0.0',temp_kf = '0.0',humidity = '95.0',pressure = '1017.28',sea_level = '0.0',temp_max = '0.0'}',clouds = 'Clouds{all = '12.0'}',sys = 'Sys{pod = 'n'}',wind = 'Wind{deg = '269.003',speed = '1.31'}'}, ListItem{dt = '1.537758E9',rain = 'Rain{}',dt_txt = 'null',weather = '[WeatherItem{icon = '02d',description = 'clear sky',main = 'Clear',id = '800.0'}]',main = 'Main{temp = '26.75',temp_min = '0.0',grnd_level = '0.0',temp_kf = '0.0',humidity = '88.0',pressure = '1019.33',sea_level = '0.0',temp_max = '0.0'}',clouds = 'Clouds{all = '8.0'}',sys = 'Sys{pod = 'd'}',wind = 'Wind{deg = '285.0',speed = '2.17'}'}, ListItem{dt = '1.5377688E9',rain = 'Rain{}',dt_txt = 'null',weather = '[WeatherItem{icon = '02d',description = 'clear sky',main = 'Clear',id = '800.0'}]',main = 'Main{temp = '32.59',temp_min = '0.0',grnd_level = '0.0',temp_kf = '0.0',humidity = '76.0',pressure = '1019.72',sea_level = '0.0',temp_max = '0.0'}',clouds = 'Clouds{all = '8.0'}',sys = 'Sys{pod = 'd'}',wind = 'Wind{deg = '304.504',speed = '2.56'}'}, ListItem{dt = '1.5377796E9',rain = 'Rain{}',dt_txt = 'null',weather = '[WeatherItem{icon = '02d',description = 'clear sky',main = 'Clear',id = '800.0'}]',main = 'Main{temp = '34.53',temp_min = '0.0',grnd_level = '0.0',temp_kf = '0.0',humidity = '62.0',pressure = '1017.56',sea_level = '0.0',temp_max = '0.0'}',clouds = 'Clouds{all = '8.0'}',sys = 'Sys{pod = 'd'}',wind = 'Wind{deg = '346.001',speed = '2.16'}'}, ListItem{dt = '1.5377904E9',rain = 'Rain{}',dt_txt = 'null',weather = '[WeatherItem{icon = '02d',description = 'few clouds',main = 'Clouds',id = '801.0'}]',main = 'Main{temp = '33.57',temp_min = '0.0',grnd_level = '0.0',temp_kf = '0.0',humidity = '55.0',pressure = '1016.6',sea_level = '0.0',temp_max = '0.0'}',clouds = 'Clouds{all = '12.0'}',sys = 'Sys{pod = 'd'}',wind = 'Wind{deg = '30.5009',speed = '1.68'}'}, ListItem{dt = '1.5378012E9',rain = 'Rain{}',dt_txt = 'null',weather = '[WeatherItem{icon = '03n',description = 'scattered clouds',main = 'Clouds',id = '802.0'}]',main = 'Main{temp = '28.55',temp_min = '0.0',grnd_level = '0.0',temp_kf = '0.0',humidity = '74.0',pressure = '1018.24',sea_level = '0.0',temp_max = '0.0'}',clouds = 'Clouds{all = '48.0'}',sys = 'Sys{pod = 'n'}',wind = 'Wind{deg = '153.0',speed = '1.61'}'}, ListItem{dt = '1.537812E9',rain = 'Rain{}',dt_txt = 'null',weather = '[WeatherItem{icon = '03n',description = 'scattered clouds',main = 'Clouds',id = '802.0'}]',main = 'Main{temp = '27.65',temp_min = '0.0',grnd_level = '0.0',temp_kf = '0.0',humidity = '73.0',pressure = '1018.81',sea_level = '0.0',temp_max = '0.0'}',clouds = 'Clouds{all = '36.0'}',sys = 'Sys{pod = 'n'}',wind = 'Wind{deg = '194.503',speed = '3.26'}'}, ListItem{dt = '1.5378228E9',rain = 'Rain{}',dt_txt = 'null',weather = '[WeatherItem{icon = '04n',description = 'broken clouds',main = 'Clouds',id = '803.0'}]',main = 'Main{temp = '26.89',temp_min = '0.0',grnd_level = '0.0',temp_kf = '0.0',humidity = '75.0',pressure = '1018.35',sea_level = '0.0',temp_max = '0.0'}',clouds = 'Clouds{all = '56.0'}',sys = 'Sys{pod = 'n'}',wind = 'Wind{deg = '252.001',speed = '3.31'}'}, ListItem{dt = '1.5378336E9',rain = 'Rain{}',dt_txt = 'null',weather = '[WeatherItem{icon = '02n',description = 'few clouds',main = 'Clouds',id = '801.0'}]',main = 'Main{temp = '25.53',temp_min = '0.0',grnd_level = '0.0',temp_kf = '0.0',humidity = '78.0',pressure = '1018.48',sea_level = '0.0',temp_max = '0.0'}',clouds = 'Clouds{all = '12.0'}',sys = 'Sys{pod = 'n'}',wind = 'Wind{deg = '280.015',speed = '4.67'}'}, ListItem{dt = '1.5378444E9',rain = 'Rain{}',dt_txt = 'null',weather = '[WeatherItem{icon = '01d',description = 'clear sky',main = 'Clear',id = '800.0'}]',main = 'Main{temp = '26.99',temp_min = '0.0',grnd_level = '0.0',temp_kf = '0.0',humidity = '81.0',pressure = '1020.49',sea_level = '0.0',temp_max = '0.0'}',clouds = 'Clouds{all = '0.0'}',sys = 'Sys{pod = 'd'}',wind = 'Wind{deg = '289.001',speed = '4.32'}'}, ListItem{dt = '1.5378552E9',rain = 'Rain{}',dt_txt = 'null',weather = '[WeatherItem{icon = '01d',description = 'clear sky',main = 'Clear',id = '800.0'}]',main = 'Main{temp = '31.94',temp_min = '0.0',grnd_level = '0.0',temp_kf = '0.0',humidity = '63.0',pressure = '1020.85',sea_level = '0.0',temp_max = '0.0'}',clouds = 'Clouds{all = '0.0'}',sys = 'Sys{pod = 'd'}',wind = 'Wind{deg = '298.003',speed = '3.56'}'}, ListItem{dt = '1.537866E9',rain = 'Rain{}',dt_txt = 'null',weather = '[WeatherItem{icon = '01d',description = 'clear sky',main = 'Clear',id = '800.0'}]',main = 'Main{temp = '35.24',temp_min = '0.0',grnd_level = '0.0',temp_kf = '0.0',humidity = '50.0',pressure = '1018.07',sea_level = '0.0',temp_max = '0.0'}',clouds = 'Clouds{all = '0.0'}',sys = 'Sys{pod = 'd'}',wind = 'Wind{deg = '303.001',speed = '2.66'}'}, ListItem{dt = '1.5378768E9',rain = 'Rain{}',dt_txt = 'null',weather = '[WeatherItem{icon = '02d',description = 'clear sky',main = 'Clear',id = '800.0'}]',main = 'Main{temp = '35.23',temp_min = '0.0',grnd_level = '0.0',temp_kf = '0.0',humidity = '39.0',pressure = '1016.19',sea_level = '0.0',temp_max = '0.0'}',clouds = 'Clouds{all = '8.0'}',sys = 'Sys{pod = 'd'}',wind = 'Wind{deg = '289.501',speed = '2.35'}'}, ListItem{dt = '1.5378876E9',rain = 'Rain{}',dt_txt = 'null',weather = '[WeatherItem{icon = '01n',description = 'clear sky',main = 'Clear',id = '800.0'}]',main = 'Main{temp = '29.37',temp_min = '0.0',grnd_level = '0.0',temp_kf = '0.0',humidity = '46.0',pressure = '1017.9',sea_level = '0.0',temp_max = '0.0'}',clouds = 'Clouds{all = '0.0'}',sys = 'Sys{pod = 'n'}',wind = 'Wind{deg = '268.516',speed = '4.26'}'}, ListItem{dt = '1.5378984E9',rain = 'Rain{}',dt_txt = 'null',weather = '[WeatherItem{icon = '01n',description = 'clear sky',main = 'Clear',id = '800.0'}]',main = 'Main{temp = '26.89',temp_min = '0.0',grnd_level = '0.0',temp_kf = '0.0',humidity = '49.0',pressure = '1019.04',sea_level = '0.0',temp_max = '0.0'}',clouds = 'Clouds{all = '0.0'}',sys = 'Sys{pod = 'n'}',wind = 'Wind{deg = '269.502',speed = '5.31'}'}, ListItem{dt = '1.5379092E9',rain = 'Rain{}',dt_txt = 'null',weather = '[WeatherItem{icon = '01n',description = 'clear sky',main = 'Clear',id = '800.0'}]',main = 'Main{temp = '24.88',temp_min = '0.0',grnd_level = '0.0',temp_kf = '0.0',humidity = '70.0',pressure = '1018.34',sea_level = '0.0',temp_max = '0.0'}',clouds = 'Clouds{all = '0.0'}',sys = 'Sys{pod = 'n'}',wind = 'Wind{deg = '274.0',speed = '5.03'}'}]'}
, что не имеет значения, когда я хочу получить его обратно и передать с помощью библиотеки Gson.Я хочу сохранить ответ JSON, полученный от JSONResponse.
Мой код для сохранения и чтения из файла JSON следующий:
package android.example.com.weatheralertpractice;
import android.content.Context;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
// This will Handle the File Reading/Writing on to the Internal Storage...
public class FileHandling {
private String FileName;
private Context context;
private FileOutputStream fileOutputStream;
private FileInputStream fileInputStream;
private File file;
public FileHandling(Context context, String FileName) {
this.context = context;
this.FileName = FileName;
file = new File(this.context.getFilesDir(), this.FileName);
public void WriteJsonResponseOntoTheFile(String FileContent) {
try {
fileOutputStream = context.openFileOutput(FileName, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
} catch (Exception e) {
public String ReadJsonResponsefromTheFile() {
try {
fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(file);
int size = fileInputStream.available();
byte[] byteArray = new byte[size];
String GetResponse = new String(byteArray);
return GetResponse;
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;