Все еще изучающий «System.StackOverflowException» был брошен. - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 23 ноября 2018

Я пытался использовать операторы if, else if, else, я пытался использовать вложенные операторы if.Я пытался использовать переменные вместо операторов if.Все работает, кроме части Team Leader, есть проблема с «TrainHours», и повторение, которое он использует, после того, как это исправлено, есть проблема с «Hours», последние исправления были с «GetPay ()»«.

Я пробовал все по-разному, что я могу найти в Интернете и в своих учебниках, но независимо от того, что я делаю, я получаю

"'System.StackOverflowException' был брошен. '"


" 'Неизвестная ошибка в неизвестном модуле Exception ""

- удалена персональная благодарность модераторам - jeets82 (отредактировано)

Основная форма:

public partial class Form1 : Form
    public Form1()

    private void proWorker_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string pName, pShift;
        decimal pOTime, pPay;

        pName = pNameTxt.Text;

        if (pName != "" && 
            int.TryParse(pNumTxt.Text, out int pNum) && 
            decimal.TryParse(pHRateTxt.Text, out decimal pHRate) &&
            decimal.TryParse(pHoursTxt.Text, out decimal pHours))
                if (dayBtn.Checked)
                    ProductionWorker pWorker1 = new ProductionWorker();
                    pPay = pWorker1.getPay();
                    pOTime = pWorker1.Overtime();

                    pShift = "Day";
                    ProductionWorker pWorker = new ProductionWorker(pName, pNum, pShift, pHRate, pHours, pOTime, pPay);                      


                    StreamWriter empFile;
                    empFile = File.AppendText("proWorkerDay.txt");

                    Employee aEmp = new Employee();



                if (nightBtn.Checked)
                    ProductionWorker pWorker2 = new ProductionWorker();
                    pPay = pWorker2.getPay();
                    pOTime = pWorker2.Overtime();
                    pShift = "Night";

                    ProductionWorker pWorker2N = new ProductionWorker(pName, pNum, pShift, pHRate, pHours, pOTime, pPay);

                    StreamWriter empFile;
                    empFile = File.AppendText("proWorkerNight.txt");

                    Employee aEmp = new Employee();



            MessageBox.Show("Enter valid Production worker information");

        pNameTxt.Text = "";
        pNumTxt.Text = "";
        pHRateTxt.Text = "";
        pHoursTxt.Text = "";

    private void addEmp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string eName;
        int eNum;
        eName = eNameTxt.Text;

        if (Name != "" && int.TryParse(eNumTxt.Text, out eNum))

            Employee employee = new Employee(eName, eNum);


            StreamWriter empFile;
            empFile = File.AppendText("EmployeeFile.txt");

            Employee aEmp = new Employee();



            MessageBox.Show("Enter valid employee information.");


    private void byeBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

    private void sAddBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string sName, sShift;
        decimal sPay;

        sName = sNameTxt.Text;

        if (sName != "" &&
            int.TryParse(sNumTxt.Text, out int sNum) &&
            decimal.TryParse(sSalTxt.Text, out decimal sSal) &&
            decimal.TryParse(sBonusTxt.Text, out decimal sBonus))

                if (sDayBtn.Checked)
                    ShiftSupervisor sWorker1 = new ShiftSupervisor();
                    sPay = sWorker1.getSPay();                        

                    sShift = "Day";
                    ShiftSupervisor sWorker = new ShiftSupervisor(sName, sNum, sShift, sSal, sBonus, sPay);


                    StreamWriter empFile;
                    empFile = File.AppendText("sWorkerDay.txt");

                    Employee aEmp = new Employee();



                if (sNightBtn.Checked)
                    ShiftSupervisor sWorker2 = new ShiftSupervisor();
                    sPay = sWorker2.getSPay();

                    sShift = "Night";
                    ShiftSupervisor sWorker2N = new ShiftSupervisor(sName, sNum, sShift, sSal, sBonus, sPay);

                    StreamWriter empFile;
                    empFile = File.AppendText("sWorkerNight.txt");

                    Employee aEmp = new Employee();




            MessageBox.Show("Enter valid Shift Supervisor information.");

        sNameTxt.Text = "";
        sNumTxt.Text = "";
        sSalTxt.Text = "";
        sBonusTxt.Text = "";

    private void addTLBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string tName, tShift;
        decimal tOTime, tPay;

        tName = tNameTxt.Text;

        if (tName != "" &&
            int.TryParse(tNumTxt.Text, out int tNum) &&
            decimal.TryParse(tHRateTxt.Text, out decimal tHRate) &&
            decimal.TryParse(tHoursTxt.Text, out decimal tHours) &&
            decimal.TryParse(tTrainTxt.Text, out decimal tTrain))
            if (tDayBtn.Checked)
                TeamLeader tWorker1 = new TeamLeader();
                tPay = tWorker1.getTPay();
                tOTime = tWorker1.Overtime();
                decimal rHours = tWorker1.ReqHours;
                decimal tTHours = tWorker1.TrainHours;

                tShift = "Day";
                TeamLeader tWorker = new TeamLeader(tName, tNum, tShift, tHRate, tHours, tOTime, rHours, tTHours, tPay);


                StreamWriter empFile;
                empFile = File.AppendText("TeamLeaderDay.txt");

                Employee aEmp = new Employee();



            if (tNightBtn.Checked)
                TeamLeader tWorker2 = new TeamLeader();
                tPay = tWorker2.getTPay();
                tOTime = tWorker2.Overtime();
                decimal rHours = tWorker2.ReqHours;
                decimal tTHours = tWorker2.TrainHours;

                tShift = "Day";
                TeamLeader tWorker2N = new TeamLeader(tName, tNum, tShift, tHRate, tHours, tOTime, rHours, tTHours, tPay);

                StreamWriter empFile;
                empFile = File.AppendText("TeamLeaderNight.txt");

                Employee aEmp = new Employee();



            MessageBox.Show("Enter valid Production worker information");

        tNameTxt.Text = "";
        tNumTxt.Text = "";
        tHRateTxt.Text = "";
        tHoursTxt.Text = "";
        tTrainTxt.Text = "";

Базовый класс:

class Employee
    private string _name;
    private int _number;
    private string _empAddList;

    public Employee(string name, int num)
        _name = name;
        _number = num;
        _empAddList = name + " " + num.ToString();

    public Employee()
        _name = "";
        _number = 0;

    public string Name
        get { return _name; }
        set { _name = value; }

    public int Number
        get { return _number; }
        set { _number = value; }

    public string EmpAddList
        get { return _empAddList; }
        set { _empAddList = value; }

    //define method to return the values
    public virtual string getData()
        string line = "";
        line += " Name: \t\t" + this.Name + "\n";
        line += " Number: \t" + this.Number;
        return line;

    public string getEmployeeFile()
        string line = "";
        line += this.Name + "," + this.Number;
        return line;


abstract class Employee1 : Employee
    public abstract decimal Overtime();
    public abstract decimal getPay();

ПРОБЛЕМА КЛАССА Я исправил почтикаждая порция и каждый раз, когда я что-то исправляю, выдает мне другую ошибку или StackOverflowException.

class TeamLeader : Employee
    private string _shiftNum;
    private decimal _hourlyRate;
    private decimal _reqHours;
    private decimal _trainHours;
    private decimal _hours;
    private decimal _overtime;
    private decimal _oT;

    public string ShiftNum
        get { return _shiftNum; }
            if (_shiftNum == "Day Shift")
                _shiftNum = "Day";

                _shiftNum = "Night";

    public decimal HourlyRate
        get { return _hourlyRate; }
        set { _hourlyRate = value; }

    public decimal Hours
        get { return _hours; }
        set { _hours = value; }

    public decimal ReqHours
        get { return _reqHours; }
        set { _reqHours = value; }

    public decimal TrainHours
        get { return _trainHours; }
        set { _trainHours = value; }

    public decimal Overtime()
        decimal oTime = 0;

        if (Hours > 40)
            _oT = Hours - 40;
            oTime = (HourlyRate * 1.5m) * _oT;

            oTime = 0;

        return oTime;

    public decimal getTBonus()
        decimal tBonus = 0;            
        if (TrainHours <= 0 && Hours <= 0)
        { tBonus = 0; }

        if (TrainHours >= (Hours * .15m))
        { tBonus = getTPay() * .15m; }

        if (TrainHours >= (Hours * .1m))
        { tBonus = getTPay() * .125m; }

        if (TrainHours >= (Hours * .08m))
        { tBonus = getTPay() * .05m; }

        { tBonus = getTPay() * .025m; }

        return tBonus;

    public decimal getTTrainHours()
        decimal tHours = 0;
        if (TrainHours <= 0 && Hours <= 0)
        { tHours = 0; }

        if (TrainHours >= (Hours * .15m))
        { tHours = Hours * .15m; }

        else if (TrainHours <= (Hours * .1m))
        { tHours = Hours * .125m; }

        else if (TrainHours <= (Hours * .08m))
        { tHours = Hours * .05m; }

        { tHours = Hours * .025m; }

        return tHours;

    public decimal getTPay()
        decimal paid = 0;

        if (Hours <= 0)
        { paid = 0; }

        if (Hours > 40)
        { paid = (HourlyRate * 40) + Overtime() + getTBonus(); }

        { paid = (Hours * HourlyRate) + getTBonus(); }

        return paid;

    public TeamLeader(string name, int num, string shift, decimal hr, decimal hours, decimal oTime, decimal rHours, decimal tTHours, decimal pay) : base(name, num)
        _shiftNum = shift;
        _hourlyRate = hr;
        _hours = hours;
        _overtime = oTime;
        _trainHours = rHours;
        _reqHours = tTHours;


    public TeamLeader()
        _shiftNum = "";
        _hourlyRate = 0;
        _hours = 0;
        _overtime = 0;
        _trainHours = 0;
        _reqHours = 0;

    public override string getData()
        string line = "";
        line += " Name: \t" + this.Name + "\n";
        line += " Number: \t" + this.Number + "\n";
        line += " Shift Number: \t" + this.ShiftNum + "\n";
        line += " Hourly Rate: \t" + this.HourlyRate.ToString("C") + "\n";
        line += " Hours Worked: \t" + this.Hours + "\n";
        line += " Training Hours: \t" + this.TrainHours.ToString() + "\n";
        line += " Overtime Hours: \t" + (this.Hours - 40) + "\n";
        line += " Overtime Pay: \t" + this.Overtime().ToString("C") + "\n";            
        line += " Bonus Multiplier: \t" + this.getTTrainHours().ToString("P") + "\n";
        line += " Bonus: \t" + this.getTBonus().ToString("C") + "\n";
        line += " Weekly Pay: \t" + this.getTPay().ToString("C");

        return line;

    public string getTeamLeaderFile()
        string line = "";
        line += this.Name + "," + this.Number + "," + this.ShiftNum + "," + this.HourlyRate.ToString() + "," + this.Hours + "," + this.TrainHours.ToString() + "," + (this.Hours - 40) + "," + 
            this.Overtime().ToString() + "," + this.getTTrainHours().ToString("P") + "," + this.getTBonus().ToString("C") + "," + this.getTPay().ToString();
        return line;


Ответы [ 2 ]

0 голосов
/ 23 ноября 2018

Мне удалось решить эту проблему, удалив getBonus () из метода getPay ().После этого я добавил новую переменную, которая добавила их вместе в метод getData ().Это сработало.Теперь мне просто нужно выяснить, почему мои TrainHours не будут заполняться.Спасибо всем, кто помог мне ответить на этот вопрос.

десятичное число weeklyPay = getTBonus () + getTPay ();

line + = "Еженедельная оплата: \ t" + weeklyPay.ToString ("C");

0 голосов
/ 23 ноября 2018

Проблема в TeamLeader::getData()

getTBonus() вызывает getTPay(), который снова вызывает getTBonus(), вызывая бесконечный цикл, который будет выбрасывать StackOverflowException.

Вы можете попробовать использовать if...else if в этих методах вместо if.

public decimal getTBonus()
    decimal tBonus = 0;
    if (TrainHours <= 0 && Hours <= 0)
    { tBonus = 0; }

    else if (TrainHours >= (Hours * .15m))
    { tBonus = getTPay() * .15m; }

    else if (TrainHours >= (Hours * .1m))
    { tBonus = getTPay() * .125m; }

    else if (TrainHours >= (Hours * .08m))
    { tBonus = getTPay() * .05m; }

    { tBonus = getTPay() * .025m; }

    return tBonus;

public decimal getTPay()
    decimal paid = 0;

    if (Hours <= 0)
    { paid = 0; }

    else if (Hours > 40)
    { paid = (HourlyRate * 40) + Overtime() + getTBonus(); }

    { paid = (Hours * HourlyRate) + getTBonus(); }

    return paid;
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