Возвращает ошибку в методе поиска хранилища.java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Нет средства доступа для установки свойства @ javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement (namespace = http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom, name = link, type = class javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement $ DEFAULT, defaultValue=, обязательно = false, nillable = false) @ com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.Json
public interface CommentRepository extends CrudRepository<Comment, String> {
Iterable<Comment> findBySectionIdAndCommentableTypeAndCommentableIdAndDeleted(final String sectionId,
final String commentableType, final String commentableId, final boolean deleted);
Комментарий Модель
@ApiModel(description = "Comment")
@Document(collection = "comment")
@Relation(value = "comment", collectionRelation = "comments")
public class Comment extends ResourceSupport implements Serializable,
UserIdentifiable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 116036486931198760L;
/** The id of the comment. */
@ApiModelProperty(readOnly = true)
private String commentId;
@ApiModelProperty(required = true)
private String sectionId;
/** The type of the comment applicable element. */
@ApiModelProperty(required = true)
private String commentableType;
Это происходит послеобновление весенней загрузки до версии 2.1.2