После awk
может помочь здесь.Он будет искать все элементы в последнем столбце вашего Input_file и сохранит в нем только уникальные значения.
awk '{num=split($NF,array,";");for(i=1;i<=num;i++){if(!array1[array[i]]++){val=val?val ";" array[i]:array[i]}};NF--;print $0";"val;val="";delete array;delete array1}' Input_file
Теперь добавляется также форма решения с одним вкладышем.
awk '
val=val?val ";" array[i]:array[i]}
print $0";"val;
delete array;
delete array1
}' Input_file
awk '
num=split($NF,array,";"); ##Creating a variable named num whose value is length of array named array, which is created on last field of line with ; as a delimiter.
for(i=1;i<=num;i++){ ##Starting a for loop from i=1 to till value of num each time increment i as 1.
if(!array1[array[i]]++){ ##Chrcking here a condition if array named array1 index is value of array[i] is NOT coming more than 1 value then do following.
val=val?val ";" array[i]:array[i]}##Creating a variable named val here whose value is array[i] value and keep concatenating its own value of it.
NF--; ##Reducing the value of NF(number of fields) in current line to remove the last field from it.
print $0";"val; ##Printing the current line(without last field) ; and then value of val here.
val=""; ##Nullifying variable val here.
delete array; ##Deleting array named array here.
delete array1 ##Deleting array named array1 here.
}' Input_file ##Mentioning Input_file name here.