Я пытаюсь отфильтровать свой набор данных, чтобы в нем были только строки за 1996-2015 годы и только столбцы orgid, stdate, locid, charnam.Весь набор данных содержит годы с 1988 по 2015 год и множество разных столбцов.Я только недавно узнал о пакете dplyr и подумал, что это будет путь.Однако я продолжаю получать эту ошибку, и я не понимаю, почему я ее получаю.Ошибка, которую я продолжаю получать: Error in is_character(x) : object 'rlang_is_character' not found
Это мой код:
########## download necessary packages to make script run #########################################################################
if (!require(pacman)) {
#### Read in the necessary data ######
roadsalt_data<-read.table("QADportaldata_1988-2015.tsv",header=T,sep="\t",fill=T,stringsAsFactors = F)
#Convert date column from a character class to a date class so ggplot can display as a continuous variable ###
roadsalt_data$stdate <- as.Date(roadsalt_data$stdate)
## Filter dataset to only contain years 1996-2015 ########
roadsalt_data_sub<-roadsalt_data %>%
select(orgid,stdate,locid,charnam) %>%
filter(between(roadsalt_data, as.Date("1996-01-01"), as.Date("2015-07-01")))
Вот предварительный просмотр набора данных:
structure(list(orgid = c("USGS-NJ", "USGS-NJ", "USGS-NJ", "USGS-NJ",
), actid = c("nwisnj.01.01300274", "nwisnj.01.01300273", "nwisnj.01.01300247",
"nwisnj.01.01300242", "nwisnj.01.01300238", "nwisnj.01.01300237",
"nwisnj.01.01300189", "nwisnj.01.01300189", "nwisnj.01.01300189",
"nwisnj.01.01300190"), actyp = c("Sample-Routine", "Sample-Routine",
"Sample-Routine", "Sample-Routine", "Sample-Routine", "Sample-Routine",
"Sample-Routine", "Sample-Routine", "Sample-Routine", "Sample-Routine"
), stdate = structure(c(15755, 15755, 15748, 15748, 15748, 15748,
15740, 15740, 15740, 15740), class = "Date"), sttime = c("09:30:00",
"11:00:00", "10:30:00", "12:00:00", "11:00:00", "11:30:00", "09:25:00",
"09:25:00", "09:25:00", "09:30:00"), actdep = c(NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_), actdepun = c("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
), locid = c("USGS-01407760", "USGS-01445030", "USGS-01380075",
"USGS-01368820", "USGS-01409815", "USGS-01411400", "USGS-01458570",
"USGS-01458570", "USGS-01458570", "USGS-01445160"), actcom = c("A-0520044 TPCN = 64mL filtered",
"A-0520046 TPCN = 124mL filtered", "A-0460036 TPCN = 124mL filtered L-0460036 Received February 14, 2013",
"A-0460025 TPCN = 125mL filtered L-0460025 Received February 14, 2013",
"A-0460027 TPCN = 64mL filtered. ATTN: H.Ardourel, LL ANC and LL pH L-0460027 Received February 14, 2013",
"A-0460028 TPCN = 125mL filtered. L-0460028 Received February 14, 2013",
"A-0370012 TPCN = 125mL filtered", "A-0370012 TPCN = 125mL filtered",
"A-0370012 TPCN = 125mL filtered", "A-0370011 TPCN = 125mL filtered"
), hydcond = c("Stable, normal stage", "Stable, normal stage",
"Stable, normal stage", "Stable, normal stage", "Stable, high stage",
"Falling stage", "Stable, normal stage", "Stable, normal stage",
"Stable, normal stage", "Stable, high stage"), hydev = c("Routine sample",
"Routine sample", "Routine sample", "Routine sample", "Routine sample",
"Routine sample", "Routine sample", "Routine sample", "Routine sample",
"Routine sample"), metcont = c("USGS parameter code 82398", "USGS parameter code 82398",
"USGS parameter code 82398", "USGS parameter code 82398", "USGS parameter code 82398",
"USGS parameter code 82398", "USGS parameter code 82398", "USGS parameter code 82398",
"USGS parameter code 82398", "USGS parameter code 82398"), metnam = c("Multiple verticals",
"Multiple verticals", "Multiple verticals", "Multiple verticals",
"Single vertical", "Multiple verticals", "Grab sample (dip)",
"Grab sample (dip)", "Grab sample (dip)", "Multiple verticals"
), detcond = c("", "", "", "", "Not Detected", "", "", "", "",
""), charnam = c("Nitrogen, mixed forms (NH3), (NH4), organic, (NO2) and (NO3)",
"Nitrogen, mixed forms (NH3), (NH4), organic, (NO2) and (NO3)",
"Nitrogen, mixed forms (NH3), (NH4), organic, (NO2) and (NO3)",
"Nitrogen, mixed forms (NH3), (NH4), organic, (NO2) and (NO3)",
"Nitrogen, mixed forms (NH3), (NH4), organic, (NO2) and (NO3)",
"Nitrogen, mixed forms (NH3), (NH4), organic, (NO2) and (NO3)",
"Inorganic nitrogen (nitrate and nitrite)", "Phosphorus", "Phosphorus",
"Kjeldahl nitrogen"), samfrac = c("Dissolved", "Dissolved", "Dissolved",
"Dissolved", "Dissolved", "Dissolved", "Dissolved", "Total",
"Dissolved", "Dissolved"), val = c("0.84", "1.2", "0.46", "0.28",
"", "0.66", "3.10", "0.032", "0.028", "0.21"), valunit = c("mg/l",
"mg/l", "mg/l", "mg/l", "", "mg/l", "mg/l as N", "mg/l as P",
"mg/l as P", "mg/l as N"), valqual = c("", "", "", "", "", "",
"", "", "", ""), valstat = c("Accepted", "Accepted", "Accepted",
"Accepted", "Accepted", "Accepted", "Accepted", "Accepted", "Accepted",
"Accepted"), statcode = c("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
""), valtype = c("Actual", "Actual", "Actual", "Actual", "Actual",
"Actual", "Actual", "Actual", "Actual", "Actual"), precval = c(NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_), valcom = c("", "", "", "", "", "", "Report level code updated Oct., Nov. 2015. Reference: NWQL Rapi-Note 2011-21 (RLC: IRL => LT-MDL)",
"", "", ""), valdep = c(NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_),
valdepun = c("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""), valmetnam = c("Computation by NWIS algorithm",
"Computation by NWIS algorithm", "Computation by NWIS algorithm",
"Computation by NWIS algorithm", "Computation by NWIS algorithm",
"Computation by NWIS algorithm", "NO3+NO2, wf, FCC,NaR, DA",
"P, wu, WCA, persulfate CF color", "P, wf, FCA, persulfate CF color",
"NH3+org-N, wf, FCA, Kjeldahl, CF"), metdesc = c("NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7",
"NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7", "NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7",
"NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7", "NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7",
"NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7", "", "", "",
"USGS OF 00-170"), labcom = c("", "", "", "", "", "", "",
"", "", ""), detlimnam = c("", "", "", "", "Historical Lower Reporting Limit",
"", "Long Term Method Detection Level", "Long Term Method Detection Level",
"Long Term Method Detection Level", "Long Term Method Detection Level"
), detlimval = c("", "", "", "", "0.23", "", "0.04", "0.004",
"0.0040", "0.07"), detlimun = c("", "", "", "", "mg/l", "",
"mg/l as N", "mg/l as P", "mg/l as P", "mg/l as N"), V63 = c("NWIS",
"NWIS")), .Names = c("orgid", "actid", "actyp", "stdate",
"sttime", "actdep", "actdepun", "locid", "actcom", "hydcond",
"hydev", "metcont", "metnam", "detcond", "charnam", "samfrac",
"val", "valunit", "valqual", "valstat", "statcode", "valtype",
"precval", "valcom", "valdep", "valdepun", "valmetnam", "metdesc",
"labcom", "detlimnam", "detlimval", "detlimun", "V63"), row.names = c(NA,
10L), class = "data.frame")
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