перемещение усечено, чтобы соответствовать r_386_16 против .bss ' - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 25 ноября 2018
SYS_EXIT equ 1
SYS_READ equ 3
STDIN equ 0
STDOUT equ 1

section .data

    msg3 db "Enter the first equation in the form (ax+by=c) :", 0xA,0xD
    len3 equ $- msg3

    msg1 db "Enter a", 0xA,0xD 
    len1 equ $- msg1 

    msg2 db "Enter b", 0xA,0xD 
    len2 equ $- msg2 

    msg4 db "Enter c", 0xA,0xD 
    len4 equ $- msg4

    msg5 db "Enter the second equation in the form (px+qy=r) :", 0xA,0xD
    len5 equ $- msg5

    msg6 db "Enter p", 0xA,0xD 
    len6 equ $- msg6

    msg7 db "Enter q", 0xA,0xD 
    len7 equ $- msg7 

    msg8 db "Enter r", 0xA,0xD 
    len8 equ $- msg8

    msg10 db "The value of x is:", 0xA,0xD
    len10 equ $- msg10

    msg11 db "The value of y is:", 0xA,0xD
    len11 equ $- msg11

    msg12 db "Infinitely many solutions are possible", 0xA,0xD
    len12 equ $- msg12

    msg13 db "The value of x can be varied and y can be calculated according              to x's value using relation [y=%lf+(%lf)x]", 0xA,0xD
    len13 equ $- msg13

    msg14 db "No solutions are possible", 0xA,0xD
    len14 equ $- msg14

section .bss

    a resb 10
    b resb 10
    c resb 10
    p resb 10
    q resb 10
    r resb 10
    x resb 10
    y resb 10
    temp_res1 resb 10
    temp_res2 resb 10
    temp_res3 resb 10
    temp1 resb 10
    temp2 resb 10
    temp3 resb 10
    temp4 resb 10
    temp5 resb 10
    temp6 resb 10
    temp7 resb 10
    temp8 resb 10
    temp9 resb 10
    temp10 resb 10
    temp11 resb 10
    temp12 resb 10
    temp13 resb 10
    temp14 resb 10
    temp15 resb 10
    temp16 resb 10
    temp17 resb 10
    temp18 resb 10
    temp19 resb 10
    temp20 resb 10
    temp21 resb 10
    temp22 resb 10
    temp23 resb 10
    temp24 resb 10
    temp25 resb 10
    temp26 resb 10
    temp27 resb 10
    temp28 resb 10
    temp29 resb 10
    temp30 resb 10
    temp31 resb 10
    temp32 resb 10
    temp33 resb 10
    temp34 resb 10
    temp35 resb 10
    temp36 resb 10
    temp37 resb 10
    temp38 resb 10
    temp39 resb 10
    temp40 resb 10
    temp41 resb 10
    temp42 resb 10

section .text
    global _start


    mov edx, len3   ; prompts user to enter the values a,b,c
    mov ecx, msg3
    mov ebx, STDOUT
    mov eax, SYS_WRITE

    mov edx, len1
    mov ecx, msg1
    mov ebx, STDOUT
    mov eax, SYS_WRITE

    mov edx, 10
    mov ecx, a
    mov ebx, STDIN
    mov eax, SYS_READ

    mov edx, len2
    mov ecx, msg2
    mov ebx, STDOUT
    mov eax, SYS_WRITE

    mov edx, 10
    mov ecx, b
    mov ebx, STDIN
    mov eax, SYS_READ

    mov edx, len4
    mov ecx, msg4
    mov ebx, STDOUT
    mov eax, SYS_WRITE

    mov edx, 10
    mov ecx, c
    mov ebx, STDIN
    mov eax, SYS_READ

    mov edx, len5   ; prompts user to enter the values p,q,r
    mov ecx, msg5
    mov ebx, STDOUT
    mov eax, SYS_WRITE

    mov edx, len6
    mov ecx, msg6
    mov ebx, STDOUT
    mov eax, SYS_WRITE

    mov edx, 10
    mov ecx, p
    mov ebx, STDIN
    mov eax, SYS_READ

    mov edx, len7
    mov ecx, msg7
    mov ebx, STDOUT
    mov eax, SYS_WRITE

    mov edx, 10
    mov ecx, q
    mov ebx, STDIN
    mov eax, SYS_READ

    mov edx, len8
    mov ecx, msg8
    mov ebx, STDOUT
    mov eax, SYS_WRITE

    mov edx, 10
    mov ecx, r
    mov ebx, STDIN
    mov eax, SYS_READ

    mov al, [a]
    sub al, '0'
    mov bl, [q]
    sub bl, '0'
    mul bl
    add al, '0'
    mov [temp13], al

    mov al, [p]
    sub al, '0'
    mov bl, [b]
    sub bl, '0'
    mul bl
    add al, '0'
    mov [temp14], al

    mov eax, [temp13] ; a*q - p*b
    sub eax, '0'
    mov ebx, [temp14]
    sub eax, '0'
    sub eax, ebx
    add eax, '0'
    mov [temp15], eax

    mov al, [b]
    sub al, '0'
    mov bl, [p]
    sub bl, '0'
    mul bl
    add al, '0'
    mov [temp16], al

    mov al, [q]
    sub al, '0'
    mov bl, [a]
    sub bl, '0'
    mul bl
    add al, '0'
    mov [temp17], al

    mov eax, [temp16] ; b*p - q*a
    sub eax, '0'
    mov ebx, [temp17]
    sub eax, '0'
    sub eax, ebx
    add eax, '0'
    mov [temp18], eax


    mov eax, [temp15]
    cmp eax, '0'
    setne bh
    mov ebx, [temp18]
    cmp ebx, '0'
    setne ah
    and bh, ah
    je case_1_stmt

    ;x = (c*q - r*b)/(a*q - p*b)

    mov al, [c]
    sub al, '0'
    mov bl, [q]
    sub bl, '0'
    mul bl
    add al, '0'
    mov [temp1], al

    mov al, [r]
    sub al, '0'
    mov bl, [b]
    sub bl, '0'
    mul bl
    add al, '0'
    mov [temp2], al

    mov eax, [temp1]
    sub eax, '0'
    mov ebx, [temp2]
    sub eax, '0'
    sub eax, ebx
    add eax, '0'
    mov [temp3], eax

    mov al, [a]
    sub al, '0'
    mov bl, [q]
    sub bl, '0'
    mul bl
    add al, '0'
    mov [temp4], al

    mov al, [p]
    sub al, '0'
    mov bl, [b]
    sub bl, '0'
    mul bl
    add al, '0'
    mov [temp5], al

    mov eax, [temp4]
    sub eax, '0'
    mov ebx, [temp5]
    sub eax, '0'
    sub eax, ebx
    add eax, '0'
    mov [temp6], eax

    mov ax, [temp3]
    sub ax, '0'
    mov bl, [temp6]
    sub bl, '0'
    div bl
    add ax, '0'
    mov [x], ax

    ; y = (c*p - r*a)/(b*p - q*a)

    mov al, [c]
    sub al, '0'
    mov bl, [p]
    sub bl, '0'
    mul bl
    add al, '0'
    mov [temp7], al

    mov al, [r]
    sub al, '0'
    mov bl, [a]
    sub bl, '0'
    mul bl
    add al, '0'
    mov [temp8], al

    mov eax, [temp7]
    sub eax, '0'
    mov ebx, [temp8]
    sub eax, '0'
    sub eax, ebx
    add eax, '0'
    mov [temp9], eax

    mov al, [b]
    sub al, '0'
    mov bl, [p]
    sub bl, '0'
    mul bl
    add al, '0'
    mov [temp10], al

    mov al, [q]
    sub al, '0'
    mov bl, [a]
    sub bl, '0'
    mul bl
    add al, '0'
    mov [temp11], al

    mov eax, [temp10]
    sub eax, '0'
    mov ebx, [temp11]
    sub eax, '0'
    sub eax, ebx
    add eax, '0'
    mov [temp12], eax

    mov ax, [temp9]
    sub ax, '0'
    mov bl, [temp12]
    sub bl, '0'
    div bl
    add ax, '0'
    mov [y], ax

    ;print the value of x

    mov eax, SYS_WRITE         
    mov ebx, STDOUT         
    mov ecx, msg10         
    mov edx, len10 
    int 0x80                

    mov eax, SYS_WRITE 
    mov ebx, STDOUT  
    mov ecx, x 
    mov edx, 10
    int 0x80            

    ;print the value of y

    mov eax, SYS_WRITE        
    mov ebx, STDOUT         
    mov ecx, msg11          
    mov edx, len11         
    int 0x80

    mov eax, SYS_WRITE 
    mov ebx, STDOUT  
    mov ecx, y 
    mov edx, 10
    int 0x80    ; end of case_1_stmt

    call exit ; exits program

    mov al, [a]
    sub al, '0'
    mov bl, [q]
    sub bl, '0'
    mul bl
    add al, '0'
    mov [temp19], al

    mov al, [p]
    sub al, '0'
    mov bl, [b]
    sub bl, '0'
    mul bl
    add al, '0'
    mov [temp20], al

    mov eax, [temp19] ; a*q - p*b
    sub eax, '0'
    mov ebx, [temp20]
    sub eax, '0'
    sub eax, ebx
    add eax, '0'
    mov [temp21], eax

    mov al, [b]
    sub al, '0'
    mov bl, [p]
    sub bl, '0'
    mul bl
    add al, '0'
    mov [temp22], al

    mov al, [q]
    sub al, '0'
    mov bl, [a]
    sub bl, '0'
    mul bl
    add al, '0'
    mov [temp23], al

    mov eax, [temp22] ; b*p - q*a
    sub eax, '0'
    mov ebx, [temp23]
    sub eax, '0'
    sub eax, ebx
    add eax, '0'
    mov [temp24], eax

    mov al, [c]
    sub al, '0'
    mov bl, [q]
    sub bl, '0'
    mul bl
    add al, '0'
    mov [temp25], al

    mov al, [r]
    sub al, '0'
    mov bl, [b]
    sub bl, '0'
    mul bl
    add al, '0'
    mov [temp26], al

    mov eax, [temp25] ; c*q - r*b
    sub eax, '0'
    mov ebx, [temp26]
    sub eax, '0'
    sub eax, ebx
    add eax, '0'
    mov [temp27], eax

    mov al, [c]
    sub al, '0'
    mov bl, [p]
    sub bl, '0'
    mul bl
    add al, '0'
    mov [temp28], al

    mov al, [r]
    sub al, '0'
    mov bl, [a]
    sub bl, '0'
    mul bl
    add al, '0'
    mov [temp29], al

    mov eax, [temp28] ; c*p - r*a
    sub eax, '0'
    mov ebx, [temp29]
    sub eax, '0'
    sub eax, ebx
    add eax, '0'
    mov [temp30], eax

    ;else if(((a*q-p*b)==0)&&((b*p-q*a)==0)&&((c*q-r*b)==0)&&((c*p-r*a)==0))

    mov eax, [temp21]
    cmp eax, '0'
    sete bh
    mov ebx, [temp24]
    cmp ebx, '0'
    sete ah
    and bh, ah
    mov ecx, [temp27]
    cmp ecx, '0'
    sete ch
    and ch, bh
    mov edx, [temp30]
    cmp edx, '0'
    sete dh
    and dh, ch
    je case_2_stmt


    mov ax, c
    sub ax, '0'
    mov bl, b
    sub ax, '0'
    div bl
    add ax, '0'
    mov [temp_res1], ax ; (c/b)

    mov ax, a
    sub ax, '0'
    mov bl, b
    sub ax, '0'
    div bl
    add ax, '0'
    mov [temp_res2], ax

    mov dl, [temp_res2]
    sub dl, '0'
    mov al, 0FFH ; 0FFH = -1
    sub al, '0'

    imul dl     ; (-1*a/b)
    add dl, '0'

    mov [temp_res3], dl

    mov eax, SYS_WRITE         
    mov ebx, STDOUT         
    mov ecx, msg13         
    mov edx, len13 
    int 0x80;

    mov edx, 10
    mov ecx, temp_res1
    mov ebx, STDOUT
    mov eax, SYS_WRITE
    int 0x80;

    mov edx, 10
    mov ecx, temp_res3
    mov ebx, STDOUT
    mov eax, SYS_WRITE

    call exit ; exits program

    mov al, [a]
    sub al, '0'
    mov bl, [q]
    sub bl, '0'
    mul bl
    add al, '0'
    mov [temp31], al

    mov al, [p]
    sub al, '0'
    mov bl, [b]
    sub bl, '0'
    mul bl
    add al, '0'
    mov [temp32], al

    mov eax, [temp31] ; a*q - p*b
    sub eax, '0'
    mov ebx, [temp32]
    sub eax, '0'
    sub eax, ebx
    add eax, '0'
    mov [temp33], eax

    mov al, [b]
    sub al, '0'
    mov bl, [p]
    sub bl, '0'
    mul bl
    add al, '0'
    mov [temp34], al

    mov al, [q]
    sub al, '0'
    mov bl, [a]
    sub bl, '0'
    mul bl
    add al, '0'
    mov [temp35], al

    mov eax, [temp34] ; b*p - q*a
    sub eax, '0'
    mov ebx, [temp35]
    sub eax, '0'
    sub eax, ebx
    add eax, '0'
    mov [temp36], eax

    mov al, [c]
    sub al, '0'
    mov bl, [q]
    sub bl, '0'
    mul bl
    add al, '0'
    mov [temp37], al

    mov al, [r]
    sub al, '0'
    mov bl, [b]
    sub bl, '0'
    mul bl
    add al, '0'
    mov [temp38], al

    mov eax, [temp37] ; c*q - r*b
    sub eax, '0'
    mov ebx, [temp38]
    sub eax, '0'
    sub eax, ebx
    add eax, '0'
    mov [temp39], eax

    mov al, [c]
    sub al, '0'
    mov bl, [p]
    sub bl, '0'
    mul bl
    add al, '0'
    mov [temp40], al

    mov al, [r]
    sub al, '0'
    mov bl, [a]
    sub bl, '0'
    mul bl
    add al, '0'
    mov [temp41], al

    mov eax, [temp40] ; c*p - r*a
    sub eax, '0'
    mov ebx, [temp41]
    sub eax, '0'
    sub eax, ebx
    add eax, '0'
    mov [temp42], eax

    ;else if(((a*q-p*b)==0)&&((b*p-q*a)==0)&&((c*q-r*b)!=0)&&((c*p-r*a)!=0))

    mov eax, [temp33]
    cmp eax, '0'
    sete bh
    mov ebx, [temp36]
    cmp ebx, '0'
    sete ah
    and bh, ah
    mov ecx, [temp39]
    cmp ecx, '0'
    setne ch
    and ch, bh
    mov edx, [temp42]
    cmp edx, '0'
    setne dh
    and dh, ch
    je case_3_stmt

    mov eax, SYS_WRITE         
    mov ebx, STDOUT         
    mov ecx, msg14         
    mov edx, len14 
    int 0x80

    call exit ; exits program

    mov eax, 1
    int 0x80; exit call 

Я пытаюсь написать программу NASM, которая решает уравнения с двумя неизвестными.После загрузки с помощью ld -m elf_i386 -s -o prototype prototype.o я получаю следующие ошибки.В чем может быть проблема?

prototype.o: In function `case_2_stmt':
prototype.asm:(.text+0x509): relocation truncated to fit: R_386_16 against `.bss'
prototype.asm:(.text+0x510): relocation truncated to fit: R_386_8 against `.bss'
prototype.asm:(.text+0x523): relocation truncated to fit: R_386_16 against `.bss'

А также я не совсем уверен, верны ли условные выражения, поэтому я был бы признателен за любые дальнейшие замечания.
