Я использую carieerwave и мини-магию.Я пытаюсь масштабировать изображения из carieerwave в версии для большого пальца до 500x250, но не могу их прочитать: введите описание изображения здесь
Раздел с изображениями (статьями).Я не могу установить одинаковый размер всех фотографий (500x250), и когда я добавляю версию (: thumb), они не загружаются вообще.
<div class="section">
<div class="container" style="display: flex;">
<% @posts.take(4).each do |post| %>
<div class="carda" >
<div class="card-content">
<%= link_to image_tag(post.image_url(:thumb), width: 500, height: 250), post %>
<p class="title" style="margin-top: 5px; color:black">
<%= raw link_to post.title, post %>
<% end %>
И загрузчик изображений
class ImageUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
# Include RMagick or MiniMagick support:
# include CarrierWave::RMagick
include CarrierWave::MiniMagick
# Choose what kind of storage to use for this uploader:
storage :file
# storage :fog
# Override the directory where uploaded files will be stored.
# This is a sensible default for uploaders that are meant to be mounted:
def store_dir
# Provide a default URL as a default if there hasn't been a file uploaded:
# def default_url(*args)
# # For Rails 3.1+ asset pipeline compatibility:
# # ActionController::Base.helpers.asset_path("fallback/" + [version_name, "default.png"].compact.join('_'))
# "/images/fallback/" + [version_name, "default.png"].compact.join('_')
# end
# Process files as they are uploaded:
# process scale: [200, 300]
# def scale(width, height)
# # do something
# end
# Create different versions of your uploaded files:
version :thumb do
process resize_to_fit: [500, 250]
# Add a white list of extensions which are allowed to be uploaded.
# For images you might use something like this:
def extension_whitelist
%w(jpg jpeg gif png)
# Override the filename of the uploaded files:
# Avoid using model.id or version_name here, see uploader/store.rb for details.
# def filename
# "something.jpg" if original_filename
# end