В этом примере я использую сложный элемент <symbol>
вместо звезды.<symbol>
содержит путь и 4 круга.Я поместил этот символ в скрытый элемент SVG.
В основном элементе SVG я изменил многоугольники (звезды) с 2 <use>
элементами, которые используют символ #cow
В Javascript, который я изменил var stars = svgContainer.getElementsByTagName("polygon");
with var stars = svgContainer.getElementsByTagName("use");
Вы можете, если хотите изменить имя переменной с stars
на cows
во всем вашем javascript.
/* A variable to keep track of where we are on the line
0 = start, 1 = end */
var counter = 0;
/* A boolean variable to keep track of the direction we want to travel in
true = move to the left, false move to the right */
var direction = true;
/* First get a reference to the enclosing div and then to
the 2 svg paths */
var svgContainer = document.getElementById("outerWrapper");
var ns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg";
var svg = svgContainer.getElementsByTagNameNS(ns, "path");
/* the var 'svg' contains a reference to two paths so svg.length = 2
svg[0] is the straight line and svg[1] is the curved lines */
/* Now get the length of those two paths */
var straightLength = svg[0].getTotalLength();
var curveLength = svg[1].getTotalLength();
/* Also get a reference to the two star polygons */
var stars = svgContainer.getElementsByTagName("use");
function moveStar() {
/* Check to see where the stars are journeys to determine
what direction they should be travelling in */
if (parseInt(counter,10) === 1) {
/* we've hit the end! */
direction = false;
} else if (parseInt(counter,10) < 0) {
/* we're back at the start! */
direction = true;
/* Based on the direction variable either increase or decrease the counter */
if (direction) {
counter += 0.003;
} else {
counter -= 0.003;
/* Now the magic part. We are able to call .getPointAtLength on the tow paths to return
the coordinates at any point along their lengths. We then simply set the stars to be positioned
at these coordinates, incrementing along the lengths of the paths */
stars[0].setAttribute("transform","translate("+ (svg[0].getPointAtLength(counter * straightLength).x -15) + "," + (svg[0].getPointAtLength(counter * straightLength).y -15) + ")");
stars[1].setAttribute("transform","translate("+ (svg[1].getPointAtLength(counter * curveLength).x -15) + "," + (svg[1].getPointAtLength(counter * curveLength).y -15) + ")");
/* Use requestAnimationFrame to recursively call moveStar() 60 times a second
to create the illusion of movement */
body {
margin: 0;
background: #565279;
.outerWrapper {
width: 800px;
height: 300px;
position: relative;
.outerWrapper svg {
position: absolute;
.outerWrapper svg path {
.outerWrapper svg polygon {
<svg style="display:none">
<symbol id="cow" viewBox= "0 0 200 200">
<path class="head" fill="gold" stroke-width="1" d="M87 110 c5 0 12-0 21-0 c9-0 26 2 33-4 c5-4 2-14 0-19 c-6-11-14-11-25-11c-10-0-15-7-8-16 c11-13 22-2 35-3 c7-0.622 15.812-11.692 5.757-14.441c-3.556-0.973-12.802 0.949-15.412-0.906c6.371 4.5 20.854-11.553 23.774-15.168 c4.103-5.079 7.713-10.561 10.987-16.205c0.678-1.169 2.928-7.366 4.133-7.882c-7.42 3.175-14.234 8.021-22.368 10.7 c-20.585 6.695-42.426 9.711-64.039 9.711c-18.865 0.045-41.083-2.831-60.479-8.723C16.774 10.2 9.1 5 0.6 1.4 C4.425 3 11 19.4 13.8 23.083c3.03 4 18.5 22.6 25.6 17.551c-2.173 1.544-10.67-0.021-13.562 0.5 c-9.382 1.672-7.292 11.8 1 14.308c12.151 3.7 23.371-8.617 35 0.611c7.217 5.7 11.1 18.941-1.428 19.4 c-10.27 0.355-20.138-1.575-26.384 8.23c-4.091 6.423-6.256 13.976-2.265 20.886c3.503 6.1 24.2 4.7 30.3 4.9 C70.382 109.8 78.7 109.9 87 109.8"/>
<circle class="eyeR" fill="#040B13" stroke-width="1" cx="117.3" cy="64.9" r="6"/>
<circle class="eyeL" fill="#040B13" stroke-width="1" cx="55.4" cy="64.9" r="6"/>
<circle class="nostrilL" fill="#446B70" stroke-width="1" cx="50.6" cy="92.9" r="9"/>
<circle class="nostrilR" fill="#446B70" stroke-width="1" cx="123.4" cy="92.9" r="9"/>
<div class="outerWrapper" id="outerWrapper">
<svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px"
width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 800 300" enable-background="new 0 0 800 300" xml:space="preserve">
<path class="pth" d="M30,30 L770,30" />
<path class="pth" d="M29.833,113.5C29.833,178.667,99,271.334,257,271.334 S475.5,81,375.5,81S305,271.334,770,271.334"/>
<use xlink:href="#cow" width="30" height="30" />
<use xlink:href="#cow" width="30" height="30" />