Я сосредоточился только на чтении части.Предположим, у меня есть ваш файл с именем test.txt, я бы прочитал его так:
program read_test
implicit none
integer :: i !iteration
integer :: number_of_read_lines
integer :: number_of_forgotten_lines
character :: forgotten_line*5
character :: node*12
integer :: time(6)
real :: x(2)
open (22, FILE='test.txt', STATUS='OLD')
! I do not care what I read here, simple jump the lines
do i=1,number_of_forgotten_lines
read(22,*) forgotten_line
end do
! here I read the data
do i=1,number_of_read_lines
! I think it is easier to read without format specification,
! though type of variable must be correct!
read(22,*) node,time,x
! test what you read, here it is usually better to use format specification
print*, i,node,time,x
end do
close (22)
end program