if(isset($access_token) && !empty($access_token)) {
try {
$scope = $this->input->get('scope');
// $scopes = [$scope];
$credentials = array(
'client_id' => $config['web']['client_id'],
'client_secret' => $config['web']['client_secret'],
'refresh_token' => $access_token
$authCredentials = new UserRefreshCredentials($scope, $credentials);
// Set up the Photos Library Client that interacts with the API
$photosLibraryClient = new PhotosLibraryClient(['credentials' => $authCredentials]);
// Iterate over pages of elements
$pagedResponse = $photosLibraryClient->listAlbums();
foreach ($pagedResponse->iteratePages() as $page) {
foreach ($page as $element) {
// doSomethingWith($element);
/*foreach ($response->iterateAllElements() as $album) {
// Get some properties of an album
$albumId = $album->getId();
$title = $album->getTitle();
$productUrl = $album->getProductUrl();
$coverPhotoBaseUrl = $album->getCoverPhotoBaseUrl();
// The cover photo media item id field may be empty
$coverPhotoMediaItemId = $album->getCoverPhotoMediaItemId();
$isWriteable = $album->getIsWriteable();
$totalMediaItems = $album->getTotalMediaItems();
} catch (\Google\ApiCore\ApiException $exception) {
// Error during album creation
} catch (\Google\ApiCore\ValidationException $e) {
// Error during client creation
echo $exception;
Я могу видеть данные внутри $ photosLibraryClient, но не могу получить данные $ photosLibraryClient-> listAlbums ();
Даже через я могу получить доступ к access_token, не знаю, почему яполучаю странную проблему, пожалуйста, руководство
Получение ошибки
Type: GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException
Message: Client error: `POST https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token` resulted in a `400 Bad Request` response: { "error": "invalid_grant", "error_description": "Bad Request" }
Please guide thanks in advance!