Я пытаюсь отобразить текст в моем проекте DX11, используя SpriteFont
и SpriteBatch
Все работало до добавления кода, но когда код в незакомментированном виде, я получаю следующую ошибку, и ничего не отображается.
D3D11 ERROR: ID3D11DeviceContext::DrawIndexed: Input Assembler - Vertex Shader linkage error: Signatures between stages are incompatible. Semantic 'TEXCOORD' is defined for mismatched hardware registers between the output stage and input stage. [ EXECUTION ERROR #343: DEVICE_SHADER_LINKAGE_REGISTERINDEX]
D3D11 ERROR: ID3D11DeviceContext::DrawIndexed: Input Assembler - Vertex Shader linkage error: Signatures between stages are incompatible. The input stage requires Semantic/Index (POSITION,0) as input, but it is not provided by the output stage. [ EXECUTION ERROR #342: DEVICE_SHADER_LINKAGE_SEMANTICNAME_NOT_FOUND]
D3D11 ERROR: ID3D11DeviceContext::DrawIndexed: Input Assembler - Vertex Shader linkage error: Signatures between stages are incompatible. The input stage requires Semantic/Index (NORMAL,0) as input, but it is not provided by the output stage. [ EXECUTION ERROR #342: DEVICE_SHADER_LINKAGE_SEMANTICNAME_NOT_FOUND]
Я попытался изменить DeviceContext & Device, ноошибка та же.
//Draw Text
g_spriteBatch = std::make_unique<SpriteBatch>(g_pImmediateContext);
g_spriteFont = std::make_unique<SpriteFont>(g_pd3dDevice1, L"Data\\game_font.spritefont");
//Render Text
//g_spriteFont->DrawString(g_spriteBatch.get(), L"Score: 0", XMFLOAT2(0,0), DirectX::Colors::White);
Я пытался использовать разные устройства и DeviceContext, но ошибка та же.
Я пробовал много разных способов заставить это работать.Вот как выглядит моя функция рендеринга на данный момент
Обновлено: 18/02/2019
void Render() {
float backgroundColour[] = { 0.0f, 0.1f, 0.5f, 0.0f };
g_pImmediateContext->ClearRenderTargetView(g_pRenderTargetView, backgroundColour);
g_pImmediateContext->ClearDepthStencilView(g_depthStencilView, D3D11_CLEAR_DEPTH | D3D11_CLEAR_STENCIL, 1.0f, 0);
g_pImmediateContext->OMSetDepthStencilState(g_depthStencilState, 0);
g_pImmediateContext->VSSetShader(g_pVertexShader, NULL, 0);
g_pImmediateContext->PSSetShader(g_pPixelShader, NULL, 0);
UINT stride = sizeof(SimpleVertex);
UINT offset = 0;
g_pImmediateContext->IASetVertexBuffers(0, 1, &g_pVertexBuffer, &stride, &offset);
g_pImmediateContext->Draw(3, 0);
//g_pImmediateContext->DrawIndexed(36, 0, 0);
//Draw Text
spriteFont->DrawString(spriteBatch.get(), L"Test", DirectX::XMFLOAT2(0, 0), DirectX::Colors::White);
//Present our back buffer to the front buffer
g_pSwapChain->Present(0, NULL);
При запуске проекта я получаю следующую ошибку D3D11 ERROR: ID3D11DeviceContext::IASetVertexBuffers: A Buffer trying to be bound to slot 0 did not have the appropriate bind flag set at creation time to allow the Buffer to be bound as a VertexBuffer. [ STATE_SETTING ERROR #238: IASETVERTEXBUFFERS_INVALIDBUFFER]
Это код, который хранит данные для tri и устанавливает буфер индекса / вершин
SimpleVertex vertices[] =
SimpleVertex(-0.5f, -0.5f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
SimpleVertex( 0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
SimpleVertex( 0.5f, -0.5f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
D3D11_BUFFER_DESC bd = {};
ZeroMemory(&bd, sizeof(bd));
bd.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT;
bd.ByteWidth = sizeof( SimpleVertex ) * ARRAYSIZE(vertices);
bd.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_INDEX_BUFFER;
bd.CPUAccessFlags = 0;
bd.MiscFlags = 0;
InitData.pSysMem = vertices;
hr = g_pd3dDevice->CreateBuffer( &bd, &InitData, &g_pVertexBuffer );
if (FAILED(hr))
printf("Failed ro Create Vertex Buffer.");
return hr;
, и возникает та же ошибка.
После этого выдаются также следующие предупреждения.
D3D11 WARNING: ID3D11DeviceContext::Draw: Vertex Buffer at the input vertex slot 0 is not big enough for what the Draw*() call expects to traverse. This is OK, as reading off the end of the Buffer is defined to return 0. However the developer probably did not intend to make use of this behavior. [ EXECUTION WARNING #356: DEVICE_DRAW_VERTEX_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL]
D3D11 WARNING: ID3D11DeviceContext::Draw: The size of the Constant Buffer at slot 0 of the Vertex Shader unit is too small (64 bytes provided, 192 bytes, at least, expected). This is OK, as out-of-bounds reads are defined to return 0. It is also possible the developer knows the missing data will not be used anyway. This is only a problem if the developer actually intended to bind a sufficiently large Constant Buffer for what the shader expects. [ EXECUTION WARNING #351: DEVICE_DRAW_CONSTANT_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL]
D3D11 WARNING: ID3D11DeviceContext::Draw: Input vertex slot 0 has stride 24 which is less than the minimum stride logically expected from the current Input Layout (32 bytes). This is OK, as hardware is perfectly capable of reading overlapping data. However the developer probably did not intend to make use of this behavior. [ EXECUTION WARNING #355: DEVICE_DRAW_VERTEX_BUFFER_STRIDE_TOO_SMALL]