Я мало что знаю о PowerShell, но унаследовал скрипт от кого-то, кто больше не доступен для помощи.Этот скрипт импортирует информацию о группе AD и членство, связанное с пользователями и компьютерамиОн работает нормально при запуске на машине с PS 2.0, но вылетает, если выполняется на PS 3.0 или новее.
Я не смог выяснить, что нужно изменить, но, похоже, ошибки начинают появляться вШаг импорта членства «Компьютер», и есть сотни ошибок, которые все говорят:
Команда не выполнена при обработке компьютеров:, Исключение типа 'System.OutOfMemoryException' было выдано
Затем, в какой-то момент, похоже, что скрипт просто останавливается и даже не достигает 3-го шага / функции.
Любой совет?
[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.DirectoryServices") | Out-Null
$DBServer = "DBSERVER"
$DBName = "DBNAME"
$TableUsers = "[$DBName].[dbo].[AD_GroupToClient]"
$TableComps = "[$DBName].[dbo].[AD_GroupToDevice]"
$TableGroups = "[$DBName].[dbo].[AD_Group_Info]"
$sqldateformat = "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss:fff"
[system.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection]$global:SqlConnection = $null
function Get-ScriptPath { $Invocation = (Get-Variable MyInvocation -Scope 1).Value; Split-Path $Invocation.MyCommand.Path }
$ScriptPath = Get-ScriptPath
$Logfile = "$ScriptPath\OutLog.log"
function Write-Logfile {
[string](Get-Date -format $sqldateformat) + "`t$logtext" | Out-File $Logfile -Encoding ascii -Append
function Open-Database {
$global:SqlConnection = New-Object system.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
try {
$global:SqlConnection.ConnectionString = "Server=$DBServer;Database=$DBName;Integrated Security=True"
$global:SqlConnection.Open() | Out-Null
Write-Logfile "OK`tDatabase opened"
} catch {
Write-Host "Error Opening SQL Database`t$($_.Exception.Message)"
Write-Logfile "Error`tDatabase open failed, $($_.exception.message)"
function Close-Database {
Write-Logfile "OK`tDatabase closed"
function Esc-Quote {
if ($str) { $str.Replace("'","''") }
function Run-DBCommand {
param($SqlCommands, [switch]$getnumrows)
if ($SqlCommands.Count -ge 1) {
$SqlCommandText = [string]::Join(";", $SqlCommands)
try {
$SqlCmd = New-Object Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($SqlCommandText, $SqlConnection)
$returnvalue = $SqlCmd.ExecuteNonQuery()
if ($getnumrows) { return $returnvalue }
} catch {
Write-Logfile "Error`tSQL Command failed, $($_.exception.message)"
function Run-GroupMemberExport {
switch ($exportmode) {
"users" {
$dom = [ADSI]"LDAP://OU=Clients123,DC=test1,DC=test2,DC=test3"
$query = "(&(objectClass=user)(objectCategory=person)(samaccountname=*))"
$table = $TableUsers
$namecolumn = "AD_Group_Member_Name"
$attribs = @("samaccountname")
"computers" {
$dom = [ADSI]"LDAP://DC=test1,DC=test2,DC=test3"
$query = "(&(objectClass=computer)(samaccountname=*))"
$table = $TableComps
$namecolumn = "AD_Group_Member_Device"
$attribs = @("samaccountname", "whencreated")
$starttime = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().ToString($sqldateformat)
$srch = New-Object DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher($dom, $query, $attribs)
$srch.PageSize = 1000
$srch.Sort = New-Object DirectoryServices.SortOption("sAMAccountName", [DirectoryServices.SortDirection]::Ascending)
$results = $srch.FindAll()
$count = 0
$numaccounts = $results.Count
foreach ($res in $results) {
try {
$objAccount = $res.GetDirectoryEntry()
$samaccountname = $objAccount.properties["samaccountname"][0]
$whencreated = ""
if ($exportmode -eq "computers") { $whencreated = Get-Date ([datetime]$objAccount.properties["whencreated"][0]) -Format $sqldateformat }
Write-Progress "Querying accounts" $samaccountname -PercentComplete ($count * 100.0 / $numaccounts)
$SIDs = $objAccount.psbase.Properties.Item("tokenGroups")
$groups = @()
ForEach ($Value In $SIDs) {
$SID = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier $Value, 0
try {
$Group = $SID.Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]).Value
} catch {
$Group = $SID.Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]).Value
if ($groups -notcontains $Group -and $Group.Split("\")[1] -ne $samaccountname) { $groups += $Group }
Run-DBCommand @("DELETE FROM $table WHERE [$namecolumn] = '$(Esc-Quote $samaccountname)'")
$sqlcommands = @()
$currenttime = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().ToString($sqldateformat)
if ($groups) {
$groups | sort | foreach {
if ($exportmode -eq "users") {
$sqlcommands += "INSERT INTO $table ([$namecolumn], [AD_Group_Name], [Last_Update]) VALUES ('$(Esc-Quote $samaccountname)', '$(Esc-Quote $_)', '$currenttime')"
} else {
$sqlcommands += "INSERT INTO $table ([$namecolumn], [AD_Group_Name], [Last_Update], [Record_Created]) VALUES ('$(Esc-Quote $samaccountname)', '$(Esc-Quote $_)', '$currenttime', '$whencreated')"
if ($sqlcommands.count -ge 50) { Run-DBCommand $sqlcommands; $sqlcommands = @() }
} else {
if ($exportmode -eq "users") {
$sqlcommands += "INSERT INTO $table ([$namecolumn], [AD_Group_Name], [Last_Update]) VALUES ('$(Esc-Quote $samaccountname)', 'ERROR: Unable to retrieve groups', '$currenttime')"
} else {
$sqlcommands += "INSERT INTO $table ([$namecolumn], [AD_Group_Name], [Last_Update], [Record_Created]) VALUES ('$(Esc-Quote $samaccountname)', 'ERROR: Unable to retrieve groups', '$currenttime', '$whencreated')"
Run-DBCommand $sqlcommands
} catch {
Write-Logfile "Error`tCommand failed while processing $exportmode`: $($objAccount.name), $($_.exception.message)"
Write-Progress " " " " -Completed
if ($count -eq $numaccounts) {
$numdeleted = Run-DBCommand @("DELETE FROM $table WHERE [Last_Update] < '$starttime' OR [Last_Update] IS NULL") -getnumrows
Write-Logfile "OK`tUpdates for $exportmode completed, $numdeleted old records deleted."
function Run-GroupDescriptionExport {
$dom = [ADSI]"LDAP://DC=test1,DC=test2,DC=test3"
$query = "(&(objectClass=group)(samaccountname=*))"
$table = $TableGroups
$attribs = @("samaccountname", "displayname", "description", "whencreated", "managedby", "grouptype","distinguishedname","whenchanged")
$srch = New-Object DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher($dom, $query, $attribs)
$srch.PageSize = 1000
$srch.Sort = New-Object DirectoryServices.SortOption("sAMAccountName", [DirectoryServices.SortDirection]::Ascending)
$results = $srch.FindAll()
$count = 0
$numgroups = $results.Count
$sqlcommands = @()
$starttime = [datetime]::Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString($sqldateformat)
foreach ($res in $results) {
$samaccountname = $res.properties["samaccountname"][0]
Write-Progress "Querying accounts, $count/$numgroups" $samaccountname -PercentComplete ($count * 100.0 / $numgroups)
$displayName = ""; if ($res.properties.contains("displayname")) { $displayName = $res.properties["displayname"][0] }
$description = ""; if ($res.properties.contains("description")) { $description = $res.properties["description"][0] }
$managedby = ""; if ($res.properties.contains("managedby")) { $managedby = $res.properties["managedby"][0] }
$grouptype = ""; if ($res.properties.contains("grouptype")) { $grouptype = $res.properties["grouptype"][0] }
$distinguishedname = ""; if ($res.properties.contains("distinguishedname")) { $distinguishedname = $res.properties["distinguishedname"][0] }
$whencreated = ""; if ($res.properties.contains("whencreated")) { $whencreated = ([datetime]$res.properties["whencreated"][0]).ToString($sqldateformat) }
$whenchanged = ""; if ($res.properties.contains("whenchanged")) { $whenchanged = ([datetime]$res.properties["whenchanged"][0]).ToString($sqldateformat) }
$lastupdated = [datetime]::Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString($sqldateformat)
$sqlcommand = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE [AD_Group_Name] = '$(Esc-Quote $samaccountname)'; "
$sqlcommand += "INSERT INTO $table ([AD_Group_Name], [AD_Group_DisplayName], [AD_Group_Description], [Last_Update], [Managed_By],[Distinguished_Name],[Group_Category],[Created_On], AD_Last_Modified]) VALUES ('$(Esc-Quote $samaccountname)', '$(Esc-Quote $displayName)', '$(Esc-Quote $description)', '$lastupdated', '$(Esc-Quote $managedby)', '$(Esc-Quote $distinguishedname)', '$grouptype', '$whencreated','$whenchanged')"
$sqlcommands += $sqlcommand
if ($sqlcommands.count -ge 100) { Run-DBCommand $sqlcommands; $sqlcommands = @()
Run-DBCommand $sqlcommands
if ($numgroups -eq $count) {
Run-DBCommand @("DELETE FROM $table WHERE [Last_Update] <= '$starttime'")
Write-Progress " " " " -Completed
Run-GroupMemberExport "users"
Run-GroupMemberExport "computers"