Основываясь на ответе Пудди, я придумал следующее:
var foo = {
// _str is the storage of str
_str: 'foo',
// getter of str, always called when accessing str in a read context
get str() {return this._str},
// setter of str, always called when accessing str in a write context
set str(str) {this._str = str}
// read context, so get str() of foo is called
console.log(foo.str) // "foo"
var bar = {
// define getter function of bar, calls getter function of foo
get str() {return foo.str + 'bar'}
// read context, so get str() of bar is called
console.log(bar.str) // "foobar"
var baz = {
// define getter function of baz, calls getter function of baz
get str() {return bar.str + 'baz'}
// read context, so get str() of baz is called
console.log(baz.str) // "foobarbaz"
// write context, so set str(str) of foo is called. foo._str is now 'fuu', was 'foo'
foo.str = 'fuu';
// read context, getter of baz is called which calls getter of bar which calls getter of foo which returns _str which has the value of 'fuu'
console.log(baz.str); // "fuubarbaz"
В качестве альтернативы вы можете использовать Object.defineProperty :
var foo = Object.defineProperty({}, 'str', {
enumerable: true,
get: () => this._property_str,
set: (str) => this._property_str = str
var bar = Object.defineProperty({}, 'str', {
enumerable: true,
get: () => foo.str + 'bar',
var baz = Object.defineProperty({}, 'str', {
enumerable: true,
get: () => bar.str + 'baz',
foo.str = 'foo'
console.log(foo.str) // "foo"
console.log(bar.str) // "foobar"
console.log(baz.str) // "foobarbaz"
foo.str = 'fuu';
console.log(baz.str); // "fuubarbaz"