Ожидая '.'идентификатор или идентификатор в кавычках динамический запрос SQL Pivot - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 25 сентября 2018

Я пытался отобразить результат моей хранимой процедуры в сводной форме в динамическом формате, когда параметры встречаются пользователем при вводе значений в панель поиска таблицы Excel.В конце кода я получил ошибку, в которой я вызываю параметр @cols.Пожалуйста, помогите.

USE SDCManilaLDTracker

    @trainingName NVARCHAR(MAX),
    --@gateway NVARCHAR(max),
    @gatewayService NVARCHAR(max),
    @userStatus NVARCHAR(max),
    @userID INT,
    @cluster NVARCHAR(max)

    DECLARE @lTrainingName NVARCHAR(max),
        @lgatewayService NVARCHAR(max),
        @luserStatus NVARCHAR(max),
        @luserID INT,
        @lcluster NVARCHAR(max),
        @dateHireRestriction NVARCHAR(max),
        @clusterRestriction INT,
        @processorRestriction INT,
        @cols NVARCHAR(max)

    SET @lTrainingName = LTRIM(RTRIM(@trainingName))
    SET @lgatewayService = LTRIM(rtrim(@gatewayService))
    SET @luserStatus = LTRIM(RTRIM(@userStatus))
    SET @luserID = LTRIM(RTRIM(@userID))
    SET @lcluster = LTRIM(RTRIM(@cluster))
    SET @dateHireRestriction = NULL
    SET @clusterRestriction = 0
    SET @processorRestriction = 0
    SET @cols = STUFF((
                SELECT DISTINCT ',' + QUOTENAME(c.training_name)
                FROM dbo.cornerstone_trainings c
                FOR XML PATH(''),
                ).value('.', 'VARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 1, '')

    SELECT *
    FROM (
        SELECT cast(ec.user_id AS INT) [User ID],
            ec.last_name [Last Name],
            ec.first_name [First Name],
            ei.user_status [User Status],
            ei.ROLE [Role],
            convert([datetime], ei.date_of_joining, 101) [Date of Joining],
            ei.cluster [Cluster],
            ec.training_name [Training Name],
            cr.gateway_service [Gateway Service]
        FROM dbo.employee_cornerstone ec
        INNER JOIN dbo.employee_information ei WITH (NOLOCK) ON ei.employee_id = ec.user_id
        INNER JOIN dbo.cornerstone_trainings cr WITH (NOLOCK) ON cr.training_name = ec.training_name
        --LEFT JOIN dbo.cluster_restriction_list c on c.training_name = ec.training_name
        WHERE (
                @lTrainingName = '' -- parameter lgateway is null 
                OR (
                    cr.training_name LIKE '%' + @lTrainingName + '%'
                    AND cr.date_hired_restriction IS NULL
                    AND cr.cluster_restriction_status = @clusterRestriction
                    AND cr.processor_restriction = @processorRestriction
                    ) --  no date hired, cluster and processor restriction
                OR (
                    cr.training_name LIKE '%' + @lTrainingName + '%'
                    AND cr.date_hired_restriction IS NOT NULL
                    AND ei.date_of_joining IS NOT NULL
                    AND ei.date_of_joining > cr.date_hired_restriction
                    AND cr.cluster_restriction_status = @clusterRestriction
                    AND cr.processor_restriction = @processorRestriction
                    ) -- has date hired restriction
                OR (
                    ec.training_name LIKE '%' + @lTrainingName + '%'
                    AND cr.date_hired_restriction IS NULL
                    AND cr.cluster_restriction_status <> @clusterRestriction
                    --AND ei.cluster NOT LIKE '%' + cr.cluster_restriction_list + '%'
                    AND ei.cluster NOT IN (
                        SELECT cluster_name
                        FROM dbo.[cluster_restriction_list] c
                        WHERE c.training_name = ec.training_name
                    AND ec.training_name = @lTrainingName
                    AND cr.processor_restriction = @processorRestriction
                    ) -- has cluster restriction
                OR (
                    cr.training_name LIKE '%' + @lTrainingName + '%'
                    AND cr.date_hired_restriction IS NOT NULL
                    AND cr.cluster_restriction_status <> @clusterRestriction
                    AND ei.date_of_joining IS NOT NULL
                    AND ei.date_of_joining > cr.date_hired_restriction
                    AND ei.cluster NOT IN (
                        SELECT cluster_name
                        FROM dbo.[cluster_restriction_list] c
                        WHERE c.training_name = ec.training_name
                    AND cr.processor_restriction = @processorRestriction
                    ) --  has date hired restriction and cluster restriction
                OR (
                    cr.training_name LIKE '%' + @lTrainingName + '%'
                    AND cr.date_hired_restriction IS NULL
                    AND cr.cluster_restriction_status = @clusterRestriction
                    AND cr.processor_restriction <> @processorRestriction
                    AND (
                        ei.ROLE NOT LIKE 'processor%'
                        OR ei.ROLE IS NULL
                    ) -- processor_restriction = 1
            AND (
                @lgatewayService = '' -- parameter lgatewayService is null 
                OR (
                    cr.gateway_service LIKE '%' + @lgatewayService + '%'
                    AND cr.date_hired_restriction IS NULL
                    AND cr.cluster_restriction_status = @clusterRestriction
                    AND cr.processor_restriction = @processorRestriction
                    ) -- no date hired, cluster and processor restriction
                OR (
                    cr.gateway_service LIKE '%' + @lgatewayService + '%'
                    AND cr.date_hired_restriction IS NOT NULL
                    AND ei.date_of_joining IS NOT NULL
                    AND ei.date_of_joining > cr.date_hired_restriction
                    AND cr.cluster_restriction_status = @clusterRestriction
                    AND cr.processor_restriction = @processorRestriction
                    ) -- has date hired restriction
                OR (
                    cr.gateway_service LIKE '%' + @lgatewayService + '%'
                    AND cr.date_hired_restriction IS NULL
                    AND cr.cluster_restriction_status <> @clusterRestriction
                    AND ei.cluster NOT LIKE '%' + cr.cluster_restriction_list + '%'
                    AND cr.processor_restriction = @processorRestriction
                    ) -- has cluster restriction
                OR (
                    cr.gateway_service LIKE '%' + @lgatewayService + '%'
                    AND cr.date_hired_restriction IS NOT NULL
                    AND cr.cluster_restriction_status <> @clusterRestriction
                    AND ei.cluster NOT LIKE '%' + cr.cluster_restriction_list + '%'
                    AND cr.processor_restriction = @processorRestriction
                    ) --  has date hired restriction and cluster restriction
                OR (
                    cr.gateway_service LIKE '%' + @lgatewayService + '%'
                    AND cr.date_hired_restriction IS NULL
                    AND cr.cluster_restriction_status = @clusterRestriction
                    AND cr.processor_restriction <> @processorRestriction
                    AND (
                        ei.ROLE NOT LIKE 'processor%'
                        OR ei.ROLE IS NULL
                    ) -- processor_restriction = 1
            AND (
                @luserStatus = '' -- parameter lgateway is null 
                OR (ei.user_status LIKE '%' + @luserStatus + '%')
            AND (
                @luserID = ''
                OR (cast(ei.employee_id AS VARCHAR(max)) LIKE '%' + cast(@lUserID AS [varchar](max)) + '%')
            AND (
                @lcluster = ''
                OR (ei.cluster LIKE '%' + @lcluster + '%')
        GROUP BY cast(ec.user_id AS INT),
        ) AS s
    pivot(max([Gateway Service]) FOR [Training Name] IN (' + @cols + ')) AS pvt