Я написал некоторый код на AWS Lambda и пытаюсь извлечь IP-адреса из результатов GuardDuty.Я получил FindingIds хорошо, но когда я пытаюсь извлечь IP-адрес, я получаю следующую ошибку:
{"errorMessage": "индексы списка должны быть целыми или кусочками, а не str", "errorType ":" TypeError "," stackTrace ": [[[" /var/task/lambda_function.py ", 38," lambda_handler "," print (loadFindings ['Findings'] ['Resource'] ['NetworkInterfaces'] ['PublicIp']) "]]}
Мой полный код ниже:
import json
import boto3
from pprint import pprint # Pretty-print for displaying the JSON nicely.
def lambda_handler(event, context):
client = boto3.client('guardduty') # Creating the client.
Det_ID = '5ab1b6808e98faaabd947a01af9ed970' # Setting the Detect ID for GD.
response = client.list_findings(DetectorId=Det_ID) # Gathering all findings... Need to filter.
findings = json.dumps(response) # Dumping the JSON findings
listOfFindings = json.loads(findings) # Making them into a readable format for Python.
# print("Here's the IDs!",listOfFindings['FindingIds'],"\n\n\n") # Printing all Finding IDs.
idList = []
for id in listOfFindings['FindingIds']: # Looping through all the Finding IDs.
#print("\n\n\nNumber", x, listOfFindings['FindingIds'][x]) # Prints all the Finding Ids separated.
# print("TEST") - Debugging.
# print(idList) - Debugging.
findingsList = []
position = 0
for ids in idList:
# print(idList[position])
stringFindingId = str(idList[position])
#stringFindingId = idList[position]
allFindings = client.get_findings(
dumpFindings = json.dumps(allFindings)
loadFindings = json.loads(dumpFindings)
# findingsList.append(loadFindings)
print(loadFindings['Findings']['Resource']['NetworkInterfaces']['PublicIp']) # BROKEN HERE
position += 1
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