<div ng-repeat="item in skippedFiles.openCategories">
"name": "Files with Code Differences",
"description": "Customizedfiles in which the code is different between the instance record and the platform record",
"sys_id": "undefined"
"name": "Files Deleted in the Instance",
"description": "Files which have been deleted by a developer or system administrator during thecustomization of out-of-box code",
"sys_id": "49e13d4113b8e3442a393ac2e144b0e9"
"name": "Files Deleted in Platform",
"description": "Files which are no longer a part of a platform release, resulting in deletion of file",
"sys_id": "6912358113b8e3442a393ac2e144b025"
Я проверил JSON, и в нем нет дубликатов, но угловые выбрасывают Duplicate Key в Repeater.
Я пробовал track by $index
, ноэто не помогает.