В настоящее время я работаю над моей программой OCR GCSE.Я новый разработчик, и это мой самый масштабный проект.
Основа для кода есть, программа работает так, как задумано, однако мое резюме просит, чтобы программа запускалась 5 раз в течение пяти отдельныхраунды.
Я пытаюсь понять циклы while, всякий раз, когда пытаюсь реализовать цикл while.Программа не может пройти систему входа в систему.
Мне нужна помощь, чтобы выяснить, как зациклить эту программу, и любые предложения о том, как улучшить и оптимизировать код, будут с благодарностью!:) - Jayode18
import random
# Login system redone 19/11/18
user = ("user")
passw = ("pass")
userName = input("Please enter your username: ")
if userName == user:
print("Username correct!")
print("Username incorrect!")
passWord = input("Now please enter your password: ")
if passWord == passw:
print("User access granted! Game will now begin")
print("Invalid Credentials")
# Bug Update 19/11/18: Rewrote Login System. Bug fixed.
# Dice game rules / To Do list
# - Dice total added to score. - DONE
# - if total = even + 10 to score - DONE
# - if total = odd - 5 to score - DONE
# - if roll = double roll + 1 die and add roll to score - Simple if statement. Check if dice1 == dice2 and if yes then roll a third dice - DONE
# - Score != < 0 - DONE
# - Score after 5 rolls wins. - Learn while loops. IN PROGRESS
# - if p1score == p2score roll 1 die and see who wins - Same as doubles. Just check scores after 5 rounds, and roll a third if need be. Repeat until win.
# Save all scores at the end of every round and add to finalScorep1 & p2 variable. Compare these and whichever is higher, print winners name and highest roll.
# Ask both players for their names and store them locally to a file
p1Name = input("Player 1. Please enter your name: ")
p2Name = input("Player 2. Please enter your name: ")
f=open("Player1_Data.txt" , "a")
f.write("Player Name: " + p1Name + "\n")
f=open("Player2_Data.txt" , "a")
f.write("Player Name: " + p2Name + "\n")
# Ask if player 1 would like to roll their dice, and if yes, then roll them.
player1Roll = input(p1Name + " would you like to roll your dice? Y/N: ")
# Credit to StackOveflow. (Finding User later) (Haha)
if player1Roll ==("Y"):
for x in range (1):
print ("You rolled a:")
Dice1 = int(random.randint(1,6))
for x in range (1):
print ("You rolled a:")
Dice2 = int(random.randint(1,6))
diceTotalp1 = Dice1 + Dice2
score = diceTotalp1
oddScore = int(score) - 5
scoreZero = int(0)
evenScore = int(score) + 10
if score == int(2):
print("You rolled an even number + 10 points!")
score + 10
score = evenScore
elif score == int(4):
print("You rolled an even number + 10 points!")
score + 10
score = evenScore
elif score == int(6):
print("You rolled an even number + 10 points!")
score + 10
score = evenScore
elif score == int(8):
print("You rolled an even number + 10 points!")
score + 10
score = evenScore
elif score == int(10):
print("You rolled an even number + 10 points!")
score + 10
score = evenScore
elif score == int(12):
print("You rolled an even number + 10 points!")
score + 10
score = evenScore
elif score == int(3):
print("Aww. You rolled an odd number. - 5 points.")
score - 5
score = oddScore
elif score == int(5):
print("Aww. You rolled an odd number. - 5 points.")
score - 5
score = oddScore
elif score == int(7):
print("Aww. You rolled an odd number. - 5 points.")
score - 5
score = oddScore
elif score == int(9):
print("Aww. You rolled an odd number. - 5 points.")
score - 5
score = oddScore
elif score == int(11):
print("Aww. You rolled an odd number. - 5 points.")
score - 5
score = oddScore
elif score == int(0):
print("Your score is already 0! It can't go any lower. That's just mean")
score + 0
if score == int(0):
print("Your score is already 0! It can't go any lower. That's just mean")
score + 0
# If Player 1 rolls double, roll a third dice and add it to their score
if Dice1 == Dice2:
print("Congratulations! You rolled a double. Here's a bonus roll.")
for x in range (1):
print("You rolled a:")
bonusDice = int(random.randint(1,6))
bonusScore = score + bonusDice
score = bonusScore
# Note to self: Remind that 2 other methods were attempted before settling on if/elif.
# 1. Creating a variable that had all the even/odd numbers in them respectively, Outcome: Wouldn't work
# 2. On launch, writing a list of all the even/odd numbers to a local file. And then reading that local file where appropriate.
# Outcome: Could read and print the list, but could not read and apply them to an if statement.
# Shows the players what Player 1's final score for the round is
print(p1Name + "'s score for round 1 is: " + str (score))
# Write Player 1's total for this round to a local file
f=open("Player1_Data.txt" , "a")
f.write("Round 1 Total Roll: " + str (diceTotalp1) + ("\n"))
# Write Player 1's final score for the round to a local file
f=open("Player1_Data.txt" , "a")
f.write("Round 1 Score: " + str (score) + ("\n"))
# Ask player 2 if they would like to roll, and if yes, then roll them.
player2Roll = input(p2Name + " would you like to roll your dice? Y/N: ")
if player2Roll ==("Y"):
for x in range (1):
print ("You rolled a:")
dice1 = int(random.randint(1,6))
for x in range (1):
print ("You rolled a:")
dice2 = int(random.randint(1,6))
diceTotalp2 = dice1 + dice2
scorep2 = diceTotalp2
oddScorep2 = int(scorep2) - 5
scoreZerop2 = int(0)
evenScorep2 = int(scorep2) + 10
if scorep2 == int(2):
print("You rolled an even number + 10 points!")
scorep2 + 10
scorep2 = evenScorep2
elif scorep2 == int(4):
print("You rolled an even number + 10 points!")
scorep2 + 10
scorep2 = evenScorep2
elif scorep2 == int(6):
print("You rolled an even number + 10 points!")
scorep2 + 10
scorep2 = evenScorep2
elif scorep2 == int(8):
print("You rolled an even number + 10 points!")
scorep2 + 10
scorep2 = evenScorep2
elif scorep2 == int(10):
print("You rolled an even number + 10 points!")
scorep2 + 10
scorep2 = evenScorep2
elif scorep2 == int(12):
print("You rolled an even number + 10 points!")
scorep2 + 10
scorep2 = evenScorep2
elif scorep2 == int(3):
print("Aww. You rolled an odd number. - 5 points.")
scorep2 = oddScorep2
elif scorep2 == int(5):
print("Aww. You rolled an odd number. - 5 points.")
scorep2 = oddScorep2
elif scorep2 == int(7):
print("Aww. You rolled an odd number. - 5 points.")
scorep2 = oddScorep2
elif scorep2 == int(9):
print("Aww. You rolled an odd number. - 5 points.")
scorep2 = oddScorep2
elif scorep2 == int(11):
print("Aww. You rolled an odd number. - 5 points.")
scorep2 = oddScorep2
elif scorep2 == int(0):
print("Your score is already 0! It can't go any lower. That's just mean")
scorep2 + 0
# If Player 2 rolls a double, roll a bonus die and add it to their score.
if dice1 == dice2:
print("Congratulations! You rolled a double. Here's a bonus roll.")
for x in range (1):
print("You rolled a:")
bonusDicep2 = int(random.randint(1,6))
bonusScorep2 = scorep2 + bonusDicep2
scorep2 = bonusScorep2
# Shows the players what Player 2's final score for the round is.
print(p2Name + "'s score for round 1 is: " + str (scorep2))
# Write Player 2's roll for this round to a local file
f=open("Player2_Data.txt" , "a")
f.write("Round 1 Total Roll: " + str(diceTotalp2)+ ("\n"))
f=open("Player2_Data.txt" , "a")
f.write("Round 1 Total Score: " + str(scorep2))