Здравствуйте, и любая помощь очень ценится!
Мне нужно создать программу, которая проходит через массив символов, который считывает из файла.Затем программе необходимо использовать рекурсию, чтобы найти самый длинный последовательный путь из «А», которые смежны (не диагонали) с текущим «А».Он может посчитать каждый «А» только один раз, поэтому он не может вернуться назад, как только достигнет конца пути.Пример массива символов, с которым я работаю:
8 13
Length of the longest A path is 23
8 обозначает столбцы, а 13 - строки массива.Я установил еще один логический массив, чтобы отслеживать, был ли уже подсчитан «А» или нет.Ниже приведен метод, который перебирает каждую позицию и вызывает рекурсивную функцию (выглядит довольно странно, впервые публикуя здесь):
public int findLongestPathLength() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
int i, j, x, y;
int numOfAs = 0;
int longestPath = 0;
// Create boolean array for checking if an 'A' has been counted or not
alreadyCounted = new boolean[numOfArrays][arrLength];
// Initialize all values in alreadyCounted array to false
for(i = 0; i < numOfArrays; i++) {
for(j = 0; j < arrLength; j++ ) {
alreadyCounted[i][j] = false;
for(i = 0; i < numOfArrays; i++) {
for(j = 0; j < arrLength; j++ ) {
if(map[i][j] == 'A') {
alreadyCounted[i][j] = true;
numOfAs = findPathLengthRecursive(i, j) + 1;
/* If this iteration of finding the longest path of 'A's is the longest
so far, replace the longestPath value with this number of A's */
if(numOfAs > longestPath)
longestPath = numOfAs;
// Initialize all values in alreadyCounted array back to false
for(x = 0; x < numOfArrays - 1; x++) {
for(y = 0; y < arrLength - 1; y++ ) {
alreadyCounted[x][y] = false;
// Reset currentLength in findPathLengthRecursive back to 0
currentLength = 0;
return longestPath;
Созданный мной рекурсивный метод: public int findPathLengthRecursive (int i, intj) {// TODO Автоматически сгенерированный метод заглушки
// To check if there is an 'A' to any of the sides of the current cell
boolean left = true, right = true, up = true, down = true;
/* Base case (when recursion should stop) is when there is no 'A's left to count in the path */
if(j == 0 || (j > 0 && (map[i][j - 1] != 'A' || alreadyCounted[i][j - 1]))){
left = false;
if(j == arrLength - 1 || (j < arrLength - 1 && (map[i][j + 1] != 'A' || alreadyCounted[i][j + 1]))) {
right = false;
if(i == numOfArrays - 1 || (i < numOfArrays - 1 && (map[i + 1][j] != 'A' || alreadyCounted[i + 1][j]))) {
down = false;
if(i == 0 || (i > 0 && (map[i - 1][j] != 'A' || alreadyCounted[i - 1][j]))) {
up = false;
// If there is no valid 'A's around then return currentLength
if(!left && !right && !down && !up) {
return currentLength;
} else {
if(down && left && up && right) {
alreadyCounted[i + 1][j] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
alreadyCounted[i][j - 1] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
alreadyCounted[i - 1][j] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
alreadyCounted[i][j + 1] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
currentLength += Math.max(Math.max(Math.max(findPathLengthRecursive(i + 1, j), findPathLengthRecursive(i, j - 1)), findPathLengthRecursive(i - 1, j)), findPathLengthRecursive(i, j + 1));
else if(left && up && right) {
alreadyCounted[i][j - 1] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
alreadyCounted[i - 1][j] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
alreadyCounted[i][j + 1] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
currentLength += Math.max(Math.max(findPathLengthRecursive(i, j - 1), findPathLengthRecursive(i - 1, j)), findPathLengthRecursive(i, j + 1));
else if(up && right && down) {
alreadyCounted[i - 1][j] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
alreadyCounted[i][j + 1] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
alreadyCounted[i + 1][j] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
currentLength += Math.max(Math.max(findPathLengthRecursive(i - 1, j), findPathLengthRecursive(i, j + 1)), findPathLengthRecursive(i + 1, j));
else if(right && down && left) {
alreadyCounted[i][j + 1] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
alreadyCounted[i + 1][j] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
alreadyCounted[i][j - 1] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
currentLength += Math.max(Math.max(findPathLengthRecursive(i, j + 1), findPathLengthRecursive(i + 1, j)), findPathLengthRecursive(i, j - 1));
else if(down && left && up) {
alreadyCounted[i + 1][j] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
alreadyCounted[i][j - 1] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
alreadyCounted[i - 1][j] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
currentLength += Math.max(Math.max(findPathLengthRecursive(i + 1, j), findPathLengthRecursive(i, j - 1)), findPathLengthRecursive(i - 1, j));
else if(left && right) {
alreadyCounted[i][j - 1] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
alreadyCounted[i][j + 1] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
currentLength += Math.max(findPathLengthRecursive(i, j - 1), findPathLengthRecursive(i, j + 1));
else if(up && down) {
alreadyCounted[i - 1][j] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
alreadyCounted[i + 1][j] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
currentLength += Math.max(findPathLengthRecursive(i - 1, j), findPathLengthRecursive(i + 1, j));
else if(left && up) {
alreadyCounted[i][j - 1] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
alreadyCounted[i - 1][j] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
currentLength += Math.max(findPathLengthRecursive(i, j - 1), findPathLengthRecursive(i - 1, j));
else if(left && down) {
alreadyCounted[i][j - 1] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
alreadyCounted[i + 1][j] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
currentLength += Math.max(findPathLengthRecursive(i, j - 1), findPathLengthRecursive(i + 1, j));
else if(right && up) {
alreadyCounted[i][j + 1] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
alreadyCounted[i - 1][j] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
currentLength += Math.max(findPathLengthRecursive(i, j + 1), findPathLengthRecursive(i - 1, j));
else if(right && down) {
alreadyCounted[i][j + 1] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
alreadyCounted[i + 1][j] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
currentLength += Math.max(findPathLengthRecursive(i, j + 1), findPathLengthRecursive(i + 1, j));
else if(left) {
alreadyCounted[i][j - 1] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
findPathLengthRecursive(i, j - 1);
else if(up) {
alreadyCounted[i - 1][j] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
findPathLengthRecursive(i - 1, j);
else if(right) {
alreadyCounted[i][j + 1] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
findPathLengthRecursive(i, j + 1);
else if(down) {
alreadyCounted[i + 1][j] = true; // Show that this 'A' has already been counted
findPathLengthRecursive(i + 1, j);
return currentLength;
Неважно, что я пытаюсь. Кажется, я просто возвращаю случайные числа, которые не близки к 23, которые я ищу.
Это результат рекурсивного метода, когда он вызывается из первого метода.
136 70 1 3 70 58 1 56 70 36 37 1 3 60 53 69 85 66 69 85 6654 43 63 51 49 79 84 109 142 2 1 139 2 1 87 116 119 118 132 3 4 3 100 5 4 2 1 166 2 1 1 166
Любая помощь будет очень полезна, спасибо!