живые потоки gstreamer постоянно буферизуются или воспроизводятся быстро - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 26 сентября 2018

Итак, я пытаюсь смешать несколько потоков, используя gstreamer и его элемент видеомиксера.У меня настроен и работает конвейер микширования, но пока он работает, прямые трансляции у меня будут работать с тем, что выглядит как удвоенная скорость, затем на некоторое время остановятся для буферизации, затем - с двойной скоростью и так далее.Я посмотрел на свойства буферизации uridecodebin, но они не помогли вообще.Кто-нибудь знает хороший способ справиться с этой проблемой?

Вот мой код до сих пор, я знаю, что он ужасно уродливый, но сейчас я довольно быстро создаю прототипы

import gi
import sys
import math

gi.require_version('Gst', '1.0')
from gi.repository import Gst, GLib

# initializing data for bus signal watch
class CustomData:

    is_live = None
    pipeline = None
    main_loop = None

class Multiview:
    def bg_pad_added(self, element, pad):
        string = pad.query_caps(None).to_string()
        if string.startswith('video/x-raw'):

    def decodebin_pad_added(self, element, pad):
        name = pad.get_parent().get_name()
        destination = self.pipeline.get_by_name(target_name[name])
        if destination.get_static_pad('sink').is_linked():

    def __init__(self, streams, x_res, y_res):  # TODO - implement stream inputs

        self.is_live = None
        self.pipeline = None
        self.main_loop = None

        # streams currently represented as an integer
        self.streams = streams

        # initialize gstreamer

        # initialize target names for URI linking
        # use of global variable is not ideal but circumventing this would require a
        # total rewrite of gobjects signal implementation, since I would need to pass in
        # a new variable outside the signal itself to the above function
        global target_name
        target_name = dict()

        # initialize debugging options

        # start pipeline
        self.pipeline = Gst.Pipeline()
        self.data = CustomData()

        # TODO - Break sections up into isolated functions maybe (idk if that's actually better)

        # create videomixer filter
        # can control xpos, ypos, and zorder
        self.videomixer = Gst.ElementFactory.make('videomixer', None)

        # create videoconvert filter
        self.videoconvert = Gst.ElementFactory.make('videoconvert', None)

        # create video sink element
        self.autovideosink = Gst.ElementFactory.make('autovideosink', None)
        self.autovideosink.set_property("sync", False)

        # create output videobox
        self.outbox = Gst.ElementFactory.make('videobox', None)
        self.outbox.set_property('autocrop', True)

        # create output filter
        # controls final video size
        out_caps = Gst.Caps.from_string(f'video/x-raw, width={x_res},height={y_res}')
        self.out_filter = Gst.ElementFactory.make('capsfilter', None)
        self.out_filter.set_property('caps', out_caps)

        # add output elements to pipelien
        self.pipeline.add(self.videomixer, self.videoconvert, self.outbox, self.out_filter, self.autovideosink)

        # link output pipeline together

        # create background videoscale
        self.bg_videoscale = Gst.ElementFactory.make('videoscale', 'bgscale')
        self.bg_videoscale.set_property('add-borders', False)

        # create background element
        self.background = Gst.ElementFactory.make('uridecodebin', None)
        self.background.set_property('uri', 'file:///Users/scaglia/PycharmProjects/untitled/background.jpg')
        self.background.connect("pad-added", self.bg_pad_added)

        # create background videofilter
        bgcaps = Gst.Caps.from_string(f'video/x-raw, width=1024,height=600')
        self.bg_filter = Gst.ElementFactory.make('capsfilter', None)
        self.bg_filter.set_property('caps', bgcaps)

        # create background imagefreeze. Only necessary if using still image
        self.bg_imagefreeze = Gst.ElementFactory.make('imagefreeze', None)

        # add background elements to pipeline
        self.pipeline.add(self.background, self.bg_videoscale, self.bg_filter, self.bg_imagefreeze)

        # link background pipeline together

        # generate locations for feeds
        self.layout_positions = self.init_locations(x_res, y_res)

        # would probably take in an array of input streams, all handled here
        # TODO - error handling! Also different input types maybe if I need to
        # TODO - Verify integrity of inputs BEFORE initializing
        # TODO - take in an array of inputs rather than just an int, use for each loop
        for n, input in enumerate(streams):
            # create input videoscale
            videoscale = Gst.ElementFactory.make('videoscale', 'scale_{}'.format(n))

            # create input queue element
            videoqueue = Gst.ElementFactory.make('queue', 'queue_{}'.format(n))

            # get individual in feeds
            # this will eventually be unnecessary
            file_in = Gst.ElementFactory.make('uridecodebin', 'file_{}'.format(n))
            file_in.set_property('uri', input)
            file_in.set_property('buffer-size', 1024000)
            targetkey = file_in.get_name()
            targetdef = videoqueue.get_name()
            target_name[targetkey] = targetdef
            file_in.connect("pad-added", self.decodebin_pad_added)

            # create input aspect ratio crop
            # aspectratiocrop = Gst.ElementFactory.make('aspectratiocrop', 'ratiocrop_{}'.format(n))
            # aspectratiocrop.set_property('aspect-ratio', Gst.Fraction(1024, 600))

            # create input videofilter
            # controls individual feed sizes
            feed_x_res = self.layout_positions[len(self.streams)-1][0][0]
            feed_y_res = self.layout_positions[len(self.streams)-1][0][1]
            video_caps = Gst.Caps.from_string(f'video/x-raw, width={feed_x_res},height={feed_y_res}')
            videofilter = Gst.ElementFactory.make('capsfilter', 'filter_{}'.format(n))
            videofilter.set_property("caps", video_caps)

            # set up videomixer pads, sets positions of input streams
            mixer_pad = self.videomixer.get_request_pad('sink_{}'.format(n+1))
            mixer_pad.set_property("xpos", self.layout_positions[len(self.streams)-1][n+1][0])
            mixer_pad.set_property("ypos", self.layout_positions[len(self.streams)-1][n+1][1])

            # add input elements to pipeline
            self.pipeline.add(file_in, videoqueue, videoscale, aspectratiocrop, videobox, videofilter)

            # # link input pipeline together and then to videomixer
            # file_in.link(videoscale)

            # the problem pipeline
            # only fails when trying to mix for some reason
            # TODO - fix this. Low priority
            # file_in.link(aspectratiocrop)
            # aspectratiocrop.link(videoscale)
            # videoscale.link(videofilter)
            # videofilter.link(self.videomixer)

        print('------STARTING STREAM------')

        bus = self.pipeline.get_bus()

        ret = self.pipeline.set_state(Gst.State.PLAYING)
        self.is_live = False

        # Generates graph of pipeline
        Gst.debug_bin_to_dot_file(self.pipeline, Gst.DebugGraphDetails.ALL, 'supersimple-debug-graph')

        if ret == Gst.StateChangeReturn.FAILURE:
            print('ERROR: Unable to set the pipeline to the playing state.')
        elif ret == Gst.StateChangeReturn.NO_PREROLL:
            self.is_live = True

        self.main_loop = GLib.MainLoop.new(None, False)

        bus.connect('message', self.cb_message, self.data)


    # initializing the locations of each input stream, based on number of incoming streams
    # array structured as layout_positions[number of streams][individual stream number][position]
    # first index in the [position] slot for each stream contains the resolution of streams in that layout
    # the rest are formatted as [xpos, ypos]
    # also this looks like garbage but hey, what can I do. Sorry everyone :D
    def init_locations(x_res, y_res):
        def hlf(x):
            return math.ceil(x/2)

        def thrd(x):
            return math.ceil(x/3)

        def qrt(x):
            return math.ceil(x/4)

        def sxth(x):
            return math.ceil(x/6)

        layout_positions = [
            [[x_res, y_res], [0, 0]],
            [[hlf(x_res), hlf(y_res)], [0, 0], [hlf(x_res), hlf(y_res)]],
            [[hlf(x_res), hlf(y_res)], [0, 0], [hlf(x_res), 0], [qrt(x_res), hlf(y_res)]],
            [[hlf(x_res), hlf(y_res)], [0, 0], [hlf(x_res), 0], [0, hlf(y_res)], [hlf(x_res), hlf(y_res)]],
            [[hlf(x_res), hlf(y_res)], [0, 0], [hlf(x_res), 0], [0, hlf(y_res)], [hlf(x_res), hlf(y_res)],
                [qrt(x_res), qrt(y_res)]],
            [[thrd(x_res), thrd(y_res)], [0, sxth(y_res)], [thrd(x_res), sxth(y_res)], [thrd(x_res)*2, sxth(y_res)],
                [0, hlf(y_res)], [thrd(x_res), hlf(y_res)], [thrd(x_res)*2, hlf(y_res)]],
            [[thrd(x_res), thrd(y_res)], [0, 0], [thrd(x_res), 0], [thrd(x_res)*2, 0], [0, thrd(y_res)],
                [thrd(x_res), thrd(y_res)], [thrd(x_res)*2, thrd(y_res)], [thrd(x_res), thrd(y_res)*2]],
            [[thrd(x_res), thrd(y_res)], [0, 0], [thrd(x_res), 0], [thrd(x_res)*2, 0], [0, thrd(y_res)],
                [thrd(x_res), thrd(y_res)], [thrd(x_res)*2, thrd(y_res)], [sxth(x_res), thrd(y_res)*2],
                [hlf(x_res), thrd(y_res)*2]],
            [[thrd(x_res), thrd(y_res)], [0, 0], [thrd(x_res), 0], [thrd(x_res)*2, 0], [0, thrd(y_res)],
                [thrd(x_res), thrd(y_res)], [thrd(x_res)*2, thrd(y_res)], [0, thrd(y_res)*2], [thrd(x_res), thrd(y_res)*2],
                [thrd(x_res)*2, thrd(y_res)*2]]]

        return layout_positions

    # this handles errors from the pipeline itself
    # most of it is native to gstreamer
    def cb_message(self, bus, msg, data):
        t = msg.type

        if t == Gst.MessageType.ERROR:
            err, debug = msg.parse_error()


        if t == Gst.MessageType.EOS:
            # end-of-stream

        if t == Gst.MessageType.BUFFERING:
            # If the stream is live, we do not care about buffering.
            if self.is_live:

            percent = msg.parse_buffering()
            print('Buffering {0}%'.format(percent))

            if percent < 100:

        if t == Gst.MessageType.CLOCK_LOST:

streams = ['https://videos3.earthcam.com/fecnetwork/4717.flv/chunklist_w1361202835.m3u8',
Multiview(streams, 1024, 600)