У меня есть Angular-компонент, который подписывается на наблюдаемое, возвращаемое Angular Service.
Компонент: help.component.ts
import { WikiService } from '../../../services/wiki.service';
import { WikiTree } from '../../../interfaces/WikiTree';
export class HelpComponent implements OnInit {
wikiTree$: Observable<WikiTree>
public infoCards: Array<Object>;
constructor(private wikiService: WikiService) {}
ngOnInit() {
this.wikiTree$ = this.wikiService.GetWikiHierarchy();
//TODO: Create infoCards array by iterating through the results array inside the wikiTree observable.
Наблюдаемая wikiTree$
имеет следующий JSON, преобразованный в TypeScript:
"page": {
"results": [
"id": "123456789",
"type": "page",
"status": "current",
"title": "Start here",
"extensions": {
"position": 0
"_links": {
"webui": "/display/MYSPACE/Start+here",
"edit": "/pages/resumedraft.action?draftId=123456789",
"tinyui": "/x/BQD2Mw",
"self": "https://wiki.abc.com/rest/api/content/123456789"
"_expandable": {
"container": "/rest/api/space/MYSPACE",
"metadata": "",
"operations": "",
"children": "/rest/api/content/123456789/child",
"restrictions": "/rest/api/content/123456789/restriction/byOperation",
"history": "/rest/api/content/123456789/history",
"ancestors": "",
"body": "",
"version": "",
"descendants": "/rest/api/content/123456789/descendant",
"space": "/rest/api/space/MYSPACE"
"id": "567890123",
"type": "page",
"status": "current",
"title": "FAQ",
"extensions": {
"position": 1
"_links": {
"webui": "/display/MYSPACE/FAQ",
"edit": "/pages/resumedraft.action?draftId=567890123",
"tinyui": "/x/HQD2Mw",
"self": "https://wiki.abc.com/rest/api/content/567890123"
"_expandable": {
"container": "/rest/api/space/MYSPACE",
"metadata": "",
"operations": "",
"children": "/rest/api/content/567890123/child",
"restrictions": "/rest/api/content/567890123/restriction/byOperation",
"history": "/rest/api/content/567890123/history",
"ancestors": "",
"body": "",
"version": "",
"descendants": "/rest/api/content/567890123/descendant",
"space": "/rest/api/space/MYSPACE"
"start": 0,
"limit": 25,
"size": 2,
"_links": {
"self": "https://wiki.abc.com/rest/api/content/998877665/child/page"
"_links": {
"base": "https://wiki.abc.com",
"context": "",
"self": "https://wiki.abc.com/rest/api/content/998877665/child"
"_expandable": {
"attachment": "/rest/api/content/998877665/child/attachment",
"comment": "/rest/api/content/998877665/child/comment"
TypeScript: WikiTree.ts
export interface WikiTree {
page: Page;
_links: Links;
_expandable: Expandable;
export interface Page {
results?: (ResultsEntity)[] | null;
start: number;
limit: number;
size: number;
_links: Links1;
export interface ResultsEntity {
id: string;
type: string;
status: string;
title: string;
extensions: Extensions;
_links: Links2;
_expandable: Expandable1;
export interface Extensions {
position: number;
export interface Links2 {
webui: string;
edit: string;
tinyui: string;
self: string;
export interface Expandable1 {
container: string;
metadata: string;
operations: string;
children: string;
restrictions: string;
history: string;
ancestors: string;
body: string;
version: string;
descendants: string;
space: string;
export interface Links1 {
self: string;
export interface Links {
base: string;
context: string;
self: string;
export interface Expandable {
attachment: string;
comment: string;
Я быхотел бы перебрать массив "page" -> "results" в wikiTree$
, наблюдаемом в методе подписки, и создать массив объектов с именем infoCards
, как определено в компоненте с этим JSON, с некоторыми значениями изwikiTree$
"title": "Start here",
"titleLink": "/page/wiki/123456789",
"children": []
"title": "FAQ",
"titleLink": "/page/wiki/567890123",
"children": []
Как мне это сделать?
Компонент InfoCard
import { Component, OnInit, Input } from '@angular/core';
selector: 'app-info-card',
templateUrl: './info-card.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./info-card.component.css']
export class InfoCardComponent implements OnInit {
@Input('infoCard') infoCard: Array<Object>;
constructor() { }
ngOnInit() {