Я создаю python-чатбота с помощью мессенджера Facebook.
Если один пользователь использует мой чат-бот, он будет работать правильно, но если несколько пользователей одновременно используют чат-бота (одновременно), ответы пользователей сталкиваются друг с другом и заканчиваются ошибкой.
Мой код работает с одиночными пользователями, обращающимися к чат-боту, но он потерпит неудачу, если пользователи одновременно обращаются к чат-боту (как будто он не обрабатывает многопроцессорный или многопоточный сценарий) Так как я не знаю об этих концепциях в python, трудно идти вперед, поэтому я застрял в этом 3 дня.
Пожалуйста, помогите мне преодолеть мою проблему.
Ниже приведен мой код для справки:
symptoms = []
conditions = ''
q_number = 0
state = 4
prev = ''
age = 0
sex = ''
count_age= 0
count_gender = 0
count_boolean = 0
infermedica_question = ''
#Core function of the calladoc
def get_question(sender_id,user_input,first_name):
global symptoms
global conditions
global q_number
global state
global prev
global age
global sex
global raw_symptoms
global count_age
global count_gender
global infermedica_question
user_input = user_input.lower()
#user to end the conversation with bot
if (user_input == '###' or user_input == 'thanks'or user_input == 'quit'or user_input == 'exit'):
state = 4
q_number = 0
symptoms = []
conditions = ''
count_age = 0
count_gender = 0
return "No problem, incase if you would like to start over again, type Hi. Thank you for visiting us!"
#If user requires more information about the diagnosis.
elif (user_input == 'more info' or user_input =='more information'):
length = len(conditions)
probability0 = conditions[0]['probability'] * 100
info0 = api.condition_details(conditions[0]['id'])
severity0 = get_severity(info0.severity)
#treatment = webscraper.parse_result(conditions[0]['name'])
text = "You are most likely suffering from " + conditions[0]['name'] + " with %0.f%% probability. " % probability0 + severity0 + info0.extras['hint'] + '\n'
if(length >=2):
probability1 = conditions[1]['probability'] * 100
info1 = api.condition_details(conditions[1]['id'])
severity1 = get_severity(info1.severity)
text += "\nYour second most likely suffering from " + conditions[1]['name'] + " with %0.f%% probability. " % probability1 + severity1 + info1.extras['hint'] + '\n'
if (length > 2):
probability2 = conditions[2]['probability'] * 100
info2 = api.condition_details(conditions[2]['id'])
severity2 = get_severity(info2.severity)
text += " \nYour third most likely suffering from " + conditions[2]['name'] + " with %0.f%% probability. " % probability2 + severity2 + info2.extras['hint'] + '\n'
return text +"\n \n Please note that this diagnosis is provided solely for informational purposes and is not a qualified medical opinion. In case of health emergency, call your local emergency number immediately. Thank you! \n\n If you would like to start over again, say 'Hi'."
#Initiate the conversation with the bot
elif (user_input =='hi' or user_input =='restart' or user_input =='hello' or user_input == 'get started' or user_input == 'user_defined_payload' or user_input == '#R#'):
count_age = 0
count_gender = 0
return "Hi "+first_name+ "! My name is Lisa and I am a *digital healthcare assistant* , here to help diagnose your health problem.\n\nAnytime during our conversation,you may enter '###' to leave.\n\nCould you start with sharing your age please(Ex:- 28)"
#collect the age from user and age should be in number format
if (state == 3):
print("inside age")
user_input= user_input
if int(user_input) in range(1, 110):
user_input = user_input
return send_button_gender(sender_id)
elif int(user_input)>110:
count_age += 1
return "Please enter an appropriate age."
return "Please revisit us!"
count_age += 1
return "Sorry, Please share your age(Ex:- 28)."
return "Please revisit us!"
#collect the gender information from use
if (state ==2):
if(user_input=='male' or user_input=='female' or user_input=='m' or user_input =='f'):
sex = user_input
return "Please share your Symptoms (separated by comma)."
elif(user_input!='male' or user_input!='female'):
count_gender += 1
return send_button_gender(sender_id)
return "Please revisit us!"
#Parse symptoms and collect age, gender
if (state == 1):
print("entered inside the state 1")
if(user_input == str(user_input)):
print("entered string")
#parse the raw symptoms to required format
resp = api.parse(user_input)
profile = infermedica_api.Diagnosis(sex=sex, age=age)
# only single questions
for item in resp.mentions:
symptoms.append([item.id, item.choice_id])
profile.add_symptom(item.id, item.choice_id)
if (len(symptoms) == 0):
return "Sorry, I did not understand. Please enter more specific symptoms (separated by comma)."
#uses the diagnosis endpoint for intial diagnose
profile = api.diagnosis(profile)
state = 0
symptoms = symptoms
prev = profile.question.items[0]['id']
conditions = profile.conditions
#Added yes/no/not sure button
infermedica_question = profile.question.text
if(len(profile.question.text) > 0):
#Added yes/no/not sure button
log("sending message to {recipient}: {text}".format(recipient=sender_id, text="button"))
params = {
"access_token": ACCESS_TOKEN
headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
data = json.dumps({
'recipient': {
'id': sender_id
"text": infermedica_question,
"title":"Not Sure",
"payload":"not sure",
r = requests.post("https://graph.facebook.com/v3.1/me/messages", params=params, headers=headers, data=data)
if r.status_code != 200:
return "Sorry! service is temporarily down today. Please try again in sometime."
#Checks whether the diagnose report has reached 90% probability or not
if (conditions[0]['probability'] < .9):
def send_quickreplies_boolean(sender_id):
log("sending message to {recipient}: {text}".format(recipient=sender_id, text="button"))
params = {
"access_token": ACCESS_TOKEN
headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
data = json.dumps({
'recipient': {
'id': sender_id
"text": infermedica_question,
"title":"Not Sure",
"payload":"not sure",
r = requests.post("https://graph.facebook.com/v3.1/me/messages", params=params, headers=headers, data=data)
if r.status_code != 200:
user_input = user_input.lower()
if (user_input == 'y' or user_input == 'yes'):
index = 'present'
elif (user_input == 'n' or user_input == 'no'):
index = 'absent'
elif (user_input == 'dont know' or user_input == 'not sure' or user_input== "don't know"):
index ='unknown'
return send_quickreplies_boolean(sender_id)
#Repeat asking the questions until it reaches 90%
profile = infermedica_api.Diagnosis(sex=sex, age=age)
for i in range (len(symptoms)):
profile.add_symptom(symptoms[i][0], symptoms[i][1])
profile.add_symptom(prev, index)
profile = api.diagnosis(profile)
q_number = q_number + 1
symptoms.append([prev, index])
symptoms = symptoms
prev = profile.question.items[0]['id']
conditions = profile.conditions
#check the condition whether Q/A's has reached of 10 questions or not
if (q_number <= 10):
infermedica_question = profile.question.text
#Added yes/no/not sure button
log("sending message to {recipient}: {text}".format(recipient=sender_id, text="button"))
params = {
"access_token": ACCESS_TOKEN
headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
data = json.dumps({
'recipient': {
'id': sender_id
"text": infermedica_question,
"title":"Not Sure",
"payload":"not sure",
r = requests.post("https://graph.facebook.com/v3.1/me/messages", params=params, headers=headers, data=data)
if r.status_code != 200:
#probability = conditions[0]['probability'] * 100
length = len(conditions)
text = "You are most likely suffering from" + conditions[0]['name']
if (length > 1):
text += ", " + conditions[1]['name']
if (length > 2):
text += ", " + conditions[2]['name']
text += "For more information, type 'more info'.To continue answer the following questions: " + profile.question.text
return text
state = 4
q_number = 0
count_age =0
count_gender =0
symptoms =[]
length = len(conditions)
probability0 = conditions[0]['probability'] * 100
info0 = api.condition_details(conditions[0]['id'])
severity0 = get_severity(info0.severity)
text = "You are most likely suffering from " + conditions[0]['name'] + " with %.0f%% probability. " % probability0 + severity0 + info0.extras['hint'] + '\n'
if (length > 1):
probability1 = conditions[1]['probability'] * 100
info1 = api.condition_details(conditions[1]['id'])
severity1 = get_severity(info1.severity)
text += "\nYour second most likely suffering from " + conditions[1]['name'] + " with %.0f%% probability. " % probability1 + severity1 + info1.extras['hint'] + '\n'
if (length > 2):
probability2 = conditions[2]['probability'] * 100
info2 = api.condition_details(conditions[2]['id'])
severity2 = get_severity(info2.severity)
text += "\nYour third most likely diagnosis is " + conditions[2]['name'] + " with a %.0f%% probability. " % probability2 + severity2 + info2.extras['hint'] + '\n'
conditions = ''
return text +"\n Please note that this diagnosis is provided solely for informational purposes and is not a qualified medical opinion. In case of health emergency, call your local emergency number immediately. Thank you! \n\nIncase if you would like to start over again, say 'Hi'.\n\nWould appreciate if you could spend a little while sharing feedback on us, through the Reviews option on our Facebook page."
except Exception as e:
print("Error has occurred", e)
return "Sorry, looks like you have entered an incorrect input. We would need to restart our conversation. Say 'Hi' to do so."