Я пишу код, используя Cucumber с Selenium WebDriver.Я могу запустить каркасные тесты Galen с помощью Webdriver, и все передается по умолчанию, размер рабочего стола (когда окно развернуто).Я попытался изменить размер на мобильный.Я просмотрел документацию, в JS я нашел:
this.devices = {
mobile: {
deviceName: "mobile",
size: "400x700"
tablet: {
deviceName: "tablet",
size: "600x800"
desktop: {
deviceName: "desktop",
size: "1024x768"
Но я не могу найти что-то похожее по основам: http://galenframework.com/docs/reference-galen-spec-language-guide/ Я начал находитьОбходной путь путем установки перед макетом проверьте размер браузера - он работает, размер страницы изменяется, но Galen Framework не видит, @on mobile
должно быть сделано на мобильном телефоне.
Мой код пока(удалены ненужные части):
Steps.feature :
Feature: First step for regression tests
Scenario: Opening the form
Given Open the Firefox and launch the application
Given Set size the browser to "desktop"
When Login page is opened
When Enter the Username "foo" and Password "abcd"
Then I check layout on "desktop"
Given Set size the browser to "mobile"
Then I check layout on "mobile"
Then I log out
Steps.java :
public class Steps {
private WebDriver driver;
private String device ="";
@Given("^Open the Firefox and launch the application$")
public void open_the_Firefox_and_launch_the_application() throws Throwable
System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", System.getProperty("user.dir") + "\\geckodriver.exe");
driver= new FirefoxDriver();
@Given("^Set size the browser to \"([^\"]*)\"$")
public void resizeBrowser(String device) throws Throwable {
if (device.equals("desktop")) {
System.setProperty(device, "desktop");
else if (device.equals("mobile")) {
System.setProperty(device, "mobile");
driver.manage().window().setPosition(new Point(0,0));
driver.manage().window().setSize(new Dimension(400,700));
else if (device.equals("tablet")){
System.setProperty(device, "tablet");
driver.manage().window().setPosition(new Point(0,0));
driver.manage().window().setSize(new Dimension(800,600));
@When("^Login page is opened$")
public void openingLoginPage() throws Throwable {
@When("^Enter the Username \"(.*)\" and Password \"(.*)\"$")
public void enter_the_Username_and_Password(String username,String password) throws Throwable
@Then("^I check layout on \"(.*)\"$")
public void DesignCheck() throws Throwable {
Helper.confirmationEmailPageLayoutTest(driver, device);
@When("^I log out$")
public void logOut() throws Throwable {
Вспомогательный метод, который запускает тесты Гален
public static void confirmationEmailPageLayoutTest(WebDriver driver, String device) throws IOException {
//Create a layoutReport object
//checkLayout function checks the layout and returns a LayoutReport object
String pathToSpecs = "/src/galenTests/URF.gspec";
if (System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase().contains("win")) {
pathToSpecs = "src\\galenTests\\URF.gspec";
LayoutReport layoutReport = Galen.checkLayout(driver, pathToSpecs, Arrays.asList(device));
//Create a tests list
List<GalenTestInfo> tests = new LinkedList<>();
//Create a GalenTestInfo object
GalenTestInfo test = GalenTestInfo.fromString("confirmation email layout");
//Get layoutReport and assign to test object
test.getReport().layout(layoutReport, "check confirmation email layout");
//Add test object to the tests list
//Create a htmlReportBuilder object
HtmlReportBuilder htmlReportBuilder = new HtmlReportBuilder();
//Create a report under /target folder based on tests list
htmlReportBuilder.build(tests, "target");
//If layoutReport has errors Assert Fail
if (layoutReport.errors() > 0) {
Assert.fail("Layout test failed");
Файл Gspec :
header css .container-fluid
titlebar id call-details-header
text h1
clearbtn a
image img
text span
PageFForm id tmpComponent(...)
@on mobile, desktop
= header =
height > 20 px
width ~ 98 % of screen/width
= titlebar =
= Page =
height > 3000 px
@on desktop
= titlebar =
height < 50 px
= Page =
width 75 to 95% of screen/width
@on mobile
= titlebar =
height < 100 px
= Page =
width ~98% of screen/width
Результат теста :
"PageFForm" width is 90% [1170px] which is not in range of 96 to 100% [1235 to 1287px]