Восклицательный знак, выпуск
Ячейки, содержащие ссылки на листы
Существует лист с именем Template
.Вы можете написать в ячейку A1
формулу =A2+A3
.Вы также можете написать =Template!A2+A3
или =Template!A2+Template!A3
.Во всех трех случаях результат одинаков.Но когда вы Paste Special
формул в другой лист, вы получите разные формулы в каждом случае и, следовательно, возможно, разные результаты.Этот код устраняет эту возможность, вставляя только первый сценарий (=A2+A3
Когда Excel записывает эти листовые ссылки на лист?
В нашем примере случай =Template!A2+A3
мог произойти при выборе вкладки Template
, в строке формул знак равенства(=
), была нажата другая вкладка, затем была нажата вкладка Template
, введено A2+A3
и нажата ENTER
Случай =Template!A2+Template!A3
мог произойти, когда Template
была выбрана вкладка, в строке формул был введен знак равенства (=
), нажата другая вкладка, затем нажата вкладка Template
, выбрана A2
, снова нажата другая вкладка, (+
), снова была нажата вкладка Template
, выбрано A3
и нажата ENTER
Option Explicit
' Purpose: Pastes formulas from a range in an initial worksheet *
' to the same range in all worksheets that are not included *
' in a specified worksheet-names list of exceptions. *
' Remarks: There has to be a worksheet with the codename "Sheet1" *
' in the workbook in which this code resides or it will not compile. *
Sub FillSheetsWithRangeOfFormulas()
Const cStrRange = "AB1:AC5" ' Initial Range Address
Const cStrSkip = "Aggregated,Collated Results,End" ' List of Exceptions
Const cStrSkipSeparator = "," ' List of Exceptions Sep.
Dim objWs As Worksheet ' Worksheet Object to be Used in a For Each Loop
Dim vntSkip As Variant ' List of Exceptions Array
Dim vntFormulas As Variant ' Formulas Array
Dim lngRows As Long ' Formulas Array Rows Counter
Dim intColumns As Integer ' Formulas Array Columns Counter
Dim vntWb As Variant ' Workbooks Array
Dim intWb As Integer ' Workbooks Array Rows Counter
Dim strDel As String ' Worksheet Reference String ("!" & Sheet1.Name)
Dim strWb As String ' Workbooks Array Split String ("]" & strDel)
Dim strWbTemp As String ' Workbooks Array Temporary String ("" or strWb)
Dim strWbResult As String ' Workbooks Array Resulting String
With Sheet1
' Paste Initial-Range formulas into (1-based 2-dimensional) Formulas Array.
vntFormulas = .Range(cStrRange).Formula
' Define Worksheet Decalaration String
strDel = .Name & "!"
End With
' Define Workbooks Array Split String to use to not remove worksheet
' references to sheets with the same name as Sheet1 in other workbooks.
strWb = "]" & strDel
' Remove worksheet(!) references from formulas in Formulas Array.
' In the following For-Next loop, in the comments, "Template" for Sheet1's
' name is used.
For intColumns = LBound(vntFormulas, 2) To UBound(vntFormulas, 2)
For lngRows = LBound(vntFormulas) To UBound(vntFormulas)
' Check if element does not contain "]Template!" which would indicate that
' it is linking to a sheet with the same name in another workbook.
If InStr(1, vntFormulas(lngRows, intColumns), strWb, _
vbTextCompare) = 0 Then ' Does NOT contain "]Template!" (strWb).
' Check if element contains just "Template!" (strDel).
If InStr(1, vntFormulas(lngRows, intColumns), strDel, _
vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then ' DOES contain "Template!" (strDel).
' Write resulting string to Formulas Array (overwriting).
vntFormulas(lngRows, intColumns) = Replace(vntFormulas(lngRows, _
intColumns), strDel, "", , , vbTextCompare)
' Else ' Does NOT contain "Template!" (strDel).
End If
Else ' DOES contain "]Template!" (strWb).
strWbResult = ""
' Split the element's string by "]Template!" (strWb) into a 0-based
' 1-dimensional array.
vntWb = Split(vntFormulas(lngRows, intColumns), strWb, , vbTextCompare)
' Rebuild the string removing additional "Template!" (strDel) strings.
For intWb = LBound(vntWb) To UBound(vntWb)
If intWb <> 0 Then ' Is NOT first element of array.
strWbTemp = strWb
Else ' IS first element of array.
strWbTemp = ""
End If
' Check if element contains just "Template!" (strDel).
If InStr(1, vntWb(intWb), strDel, _
vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then ' DOES contain "Template!" (strDel).
strWbResult = strWbResult & strWbTemp & Replace(vntWb(intWb), _
strDel, "", , , vbTextCompare)
Else ' Does NOT contain "Template!" (strDel).
strWbResult = strWbResult & strWbTemp & vntWb(intWb)
End If
Erase vntWb
' Write resulting string to Formulas Array (overwriting).
vntFormulas(lngRows, intColumns) = strWbResult
End If
With Sheet1
' Populate (0-based 1 dimensional) List of Exceptions Array (vntSkip),
' after adding Sheet1's name (.Name i.e. Sheet1.Name).
vntSkip = Split(cStrSkip & cStrSkipSeparator & .Name, cStrSkipSeparator)
' Paste Formulas Array (vntFormulas) into the range (same size and position
' as the Initial Range (cStrRange)) of each worksheet whose name is not
' contained in the List of Exceptions (vntSkip) in the workbook
' (.Parent.Name i.e. Sheet1.Parent.Name) where Sheet1 resides.
For Each objWs In Workbooks(.Parent.Name).Worksheets
If IsError(Application.Match(objWs.Name, vntSkip, 0)) Then _
objWs.Range(cStrRange).Formula = vntFormulas
End With
Erase vntSkip
Erase vntFormulas
End Sub