Ваш исходный код и скорость
Kappa <- matrix(rnorm(9), 3, 3)
sigma_mat <- matrix(rnorm(9), 3, 3)
Q1 <- 0
for(i in seq(0,1,length.out=5000)*(1/12)){
Q1 <- Q1 + expm(-Kappa*i) %*% sigma_mat %*% t(sigma_mat) %*% expm(-t(Kappa)*i)
Q1 <- Q1 / 5000
# user system elapsed
# 4.464 0.136 4.605
![picture 1](https://i.stack.imgur.com/kee4D.png)
![picture 2](https://i.stack.imgur.com/d1TC2.png)
Следующий код R реализует описанный выше алгоритм.Имена переменных соответствуют тем, которые использовались в приведенном выше выводе.
A <- -Kappa
B <- sigma_mat
E <- eigen(expm(A))
d <- E[[1]]
U <- E[[2]]
C <- tcrossprod(solve(U, B))
K <- tcrossprod(d)
a <- 0
b <- 1 / 12
n <- 5000
W <- K ^ {(b - a) / (n - 1)}
Q2 <- (1 - W ^ n) / (1 - W)
Q2 <- C * Q2
Q2 <- Re(tcrossprod(U %*% Q2, U))
Q2 <- Q2 / n
# user system elapsed
# 0.004 0.000 0.002
## check that the computational result is correct
all.equal(Q1, Q2)
#[1] TRUE
Приложение 1: Уценка (требуется поддержка MathJax) для рисунка 1
Let $X$ be a square matrix,
- $X'$ is the transpose of $X$;
- $X^{-1}$ is the inverse of $X$;
- $X^i$ is the i-th power of $X$. For example, $X^3 = X * X * X$ where $*$ is the matrix multiplication;
- $X^{[i]}$ is the element-wise i-th power of $X$. For example, $X^{[3]} = X \circ X \circ X$ where $\circ$ is Hadamard matrix product, i.e., element-wise matrix product;
- $\exp(X)$ is the matrix exponential;
- $\texttt{diag}(X)$ is the main diagonal vector of $X$.
Note that both matrix power and its element-wise version can be defined for non-integer $i$ value.
##Mathematical derivation
Let matrix $A$ be your `-Kappa` and matrix $B$ be your `sigma_mat`, you are computing $$\sum_i\exp(Ai)BB'\exp(A'i) = \sum_i\big(\exp(Ai)B\big)\big(\exp(Ai)B\big)' = \sum_i\big(\exp(A)^iB\big)\big(\exp(A)^iB\big)'.$$ Consider an eigen decomposition $\exp(A) = UDU^{-1}$, then the summation becomes $$\sum_i\big(UD^iU^{-1}B\big)\big(UD^iU^{-1}B\big)' = U\big(\sum_iD^iCD^i\big)U' = U\big(C \circ \sum_i K^{[i]}\big)U',$$ where $C = \big(U^{-1}B\big)\big(U^{-1}B\big)'$, $K = dd'$ and $d = \texttt{diag}(D)$.
Приложение 2: Уценка (нужна поддержка MathJax) для картинки 2
$\sum_iK^{[i]}$ is the sum of a geometric series and an analytical solution exists. Suppose $i$ takes $n$ evenly spaced values on $\left[a, b\right]$, that is, $i = a,\ a + j,\ a + 2j,\ \cdots,\ a + (n - 1)j,$ where $j = \frac{b - a}{(n-1)}$. Let $W = K^{[j]}$, there is $$\sum_iK^{[i]} = K^{[a]}\circ\sum_{j = 0}^{n - 1}W^{[j]} = K^{[a]} \circ \frac{1 - W^{[n]}}{1 - W}.$$