Построение вложенной древовидной структуры в Python с использованием рекурсивного или итеративного подхода - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 26 мая 2018

Я пытался построить вложенную древовидную структуру в течение двух дней и решил обратиться сюда за помощью.Предположим, у меня есть такие данные:

rows = [
    {'Year': None, 'Region': None, 'Country': None, 'Manufacturer': None, 'Brand': None, 'Sales': 25}, # row 1 => SUM of (row 2 and row 14) = 15+25 = 40; this row represents, for example, all of the sales made so far (the ultimate total, if you will call it as such)
    {'Year': 2013, 'Region': None, 'Country': None, 'Manufacturer': None, 'Brand': None, 'Sales': 15}, # row 2 => SUM of sales from (row 3) = 15; this row represents, for example, the total of sales in 2013 from all regions, all countries, all manufacturers and all brands  
    {'Year': 2013, 'Region': 'LTM', 'Country': None, 'Manufacturer': None, 'Brand': None, 'Sales': 15}, #row 3 => SUM of sales from (row 4) = 15; this row represents, for example, the total of sales in LTM region for 2013  
    {'Year': 2013, 'Region': 'LTM', 'Country': 'Colombia', 'Manufacturer': None, 'Brand': None, 'Sales': 15}, # row 4 => SUM of sales from (row 5+row 7+row 10+row12) = 1+5+4+5 = 15; this row represents, for example, the total of Sales in Colombia for 2013
    {'Year': 2013, 'Region': 'LTM', 'Country': 'Colombia', 'Manufacturer': 'M1', 'Brand': None, 'Sales': 1}, # row 5 => SUM of sales from (row 6) = 1
    {'Year': 2013, 'Region': 'LTM', 'Country': 'Colombia', 'Manufacturer': 'M1', 'Brand': 'B1', 'Sales': 1}, # row 6 => Nothing to sum here because this is the lowest hierarchy
    {'Year': 2013, 'Region': 'LTM', 'Country': 'Colombia', 'Manufacturer': 'M2', 'Brand': None, 'Sales': 5}, # row 7 => SUM of sales from (row 8 and row 9) = 2+3 = 5
    {'Year': 2013, 'Region': 'LTM', 'Country': 'Colombia', 'Manufacturer': 'M2', 'Brand': 'B2', 'Sales': 2}, # row 8 => Nothing to sum here
    {'Year': 2013, 'Region': 'LTM', 'Country': 'Colombia', 'Manufacturer': 'M2', 'Brand': 'B3', 'Sales': 3}, # row 9 => Nothing to sum here
    {'Year': 2013, 'Region': 'LTM', 'Country': 'Colombia', 'Manufacturer': 'M3', 'Brand': None, 'Sales': 4}, # row 10 => SUM of sales from (row 11) = 4
    {'Year': 2013, 'Region': 'LTM', 'Country': 'Colombia', 'Manufacturer': 'M3', 'Brand': 'B4', 'Sales': 4}, # row 11 => Nothing to sum here
    {'Year': 2013, 'Region': 'LTM', 'Country': 'Colombia', 'Manufacturer': 'M4', 'Brand': None, 'Sales': 5}, # row 12 => SUM of sales from (row 13) = 5
    {'Year': 2013, 'Region': 'LTM', 'Country': 'Colombia', 'Manufacturer': 'M4', 'Brand': 'B5', 'Sales': 5}, # row 13 => Nothing to sum here

    {'Year': 2014, 'Region': None, 'Country': None, 'Manufacturer': None, 'Brand': None, 'Sales': 25}, # row 14 => SUM of sales from (row 15) = 25; represents total sales in 2014 from all regions, all countries, all manufacturers and all brands 
    {'Year': 2014, 'Region': 'LTM', 'Country': None, 'Manufacturer': None, 'Brand': None, 'Sales': 25}, # row 15 => SUM of sales from (row 16+row 18) = 15+10 = 25; represents total sales in 2014 from Chile and Colombia combined  
    {'Year': 2014, 'Region': 'LTM', 'Country': 'Chile', 'Manufacturer': None, 'Brand': None, 'Sales': 15}, # ** TRICKY: row 16 => SUM of sales from (row 17+row 20+row 21) =  0+5+10 = 15; total sales in 2014 for Chile 
    {'Year': 2014, 'Region': 'LTM', 'Country': 'Chile', 'Manufacturer': 'M1', 'Brand': None, 'Sales': 15}, # row 17
    {'Year': 2014, 'Region': 'LTM', 'Country': 'Colombia', 'Manufacturer': None, 'Brand': None, 'Sales': 10}, # row 18 => SUM of sales from (row 19) = 10; total sales in 2014 for Colombia
    {'Year': 2014, 'Region': 'LTM', 'Country': 'Colombia', 'Manufacturer': 'M1', 'Brand': None, 'Sales': 10}, # row 19
    {'Year': 2014, 'Region': 'LTM', 'Country': 'Chile', 'Manufacturer': 'M1', 'Brand': 'B1', 'Sales': 5}, # row 20
    {'Year': 2014, 'Region': 'LTM', 'Country': 'Chile', 'Manufacturer': 'M1', 'Brand': 'B6', 'Sales': 10}, # row 21
    # more data...

Я пытаюсь написать функцию / метод с такой сигнатурой:

def build_tree(rows, hierarchy):
    pass # still can't get it right after ~2 days of trying

В приведенной выше сигнатуре определено hierarchyкак: любая комбинация ['Year']+[any from the 'Region','Country','Manufacturer' and 'Brand'].Так, например, это все допустимые иерархии нужного дерева: ['Year','Region','Country'] или ['Year','Country','Manufacturer'] или ['Year','Country','Brand'].

Предположим, hierarchy=['Year','Country','Manufacturer'] и входные данные rows - это 21 видимая, которую яКак было описано выше, вывод функции должен выглядеть следующим образом:

output = [
    "name": 2013,
    "sales": 15, # total sales of 2013, which corresponds to 'Values: 15' of row #2 in input; alternatively, this "sales" can be calculated as the SUM(all "sales" of its IMMEDIATE children, which is the node with "name"="Colombia". We do NOT need to sum up the sales from children that are further down the hierarchy level such as that of 'children' from the 'Manufacturer' level)
    "children": [
            "name": "Colombia",
            "sales": 15, # total sales in Colombia in 2013 which corresponds to 'Sales' of row #4 in input (please note that our input 'hierarchy' skipped 'Region', so we are not showing the aggregate value of 'Region' (row #3) here); alternatively, this "sales" can be calculated as the SUM(all "sales" in its immediate children, "name"=M1, M2, M3 and M4)
            "children": [
                    "name": "M1", # total sales for Manufacturer 'M1' in 2013 which corresponds to 'Sales' of row #5 in input
                    "sales": 1,
                    "children": []
                    "name": "M2",
                    "sales": 5, # total sales for Manufacturer 'M2' in 2013 which corresponds to 'Sales' of row #7 in input
                    "children": []
                    "name": "M3",
                    "sales": 4, # total sales for Manufacturer 'M3' in 2013 which corresponds to 'Sales' of row #10 in input
                    "children": []
                    "name": "M4",
                    "sales": 5, # total sales for Manufacturer 'M4' in 2013 which corresponds to 'Sales' of row #12 in input
                    "children": []
    "name": 2014,
    "sales": 25, # sum of total sales in 2014; same as 'Sales' in row #14. Alternatively, we can just get the sum of its IMMEDIATE children, row#16 for 'Chile' and row#18 for Colombia, here
    "children": [
            "name": "Chile",
            "sales": 15, # sum of total sales in 2014 for Chile, which is row #16; alternatively, we can derive this value by adding up the sales of row #17 (that is, its immediate children listed ONE hierarchy below, which is 'Manufacturer')
            "children": [
                    "name": "M1",
                    "sales": 15, # corresponds to 'Sales' from row #17
                    "children": []
            "name": "Colombia",
            "sales": 10, # corresponds to 'Sales' from row #18, which is equivalent to the sum of total sales from all manufacturers in 'Colombia' in 2014
            "children": [
                    "name": "M1",
                    "sales": 10, # corresponds to row #19; there's only one manufacturer reported for Colombia in 2014 in the input data
                    "children": []

Большое спасибо заранее, если вы могли бы поделиться некоторыми советами / предложениями / ответами!

Ответы [ 2 ]

0 голосов
/ 26 мая 2018

Вы можете использовать itertools.groupby с рекурсией:

import itertools
rows = [{'Year': None, 'Region': None, 'Country': None, 'Manufacturer': None, 'Brand': None, 'Value': 1}, {'Year': 2013, 'Region': None, 'Country': None, 'Manufacturer': None, 'Brand': None, 'Value': 2}, {'Year': 2013, 'Region': 'LTM', 'Country': None, 'Manufacturer': None, 'Brand': None, 'Value': 3}, {'Year': 2013, 'Region': 'LTM', 'Country': 'Colombia', 'Manufacturer': None, 'Brand': None, 'Value': 4}, {'Year': 2013, 'Region': 'LTM', 'Country': 'Colombia', 'Manufacturer': 'M1', 'Brand': None, 'Value': 5}, {'Year': 2013, 'Region': 'LTM', 'Country': 'Colombia', 'Manufacturer': 'M1', 'Brand': 'B1', 'Value': 6}, {'Year': 2013, 'Region': 'LTM', 'Country': 'Colombia', 'Manufacturer': 'M2', 'Brand': None, 'Value': 7}, {'Year': 2013, 'Region': 'LTM', 'Country': 'Colombia', 'Manufacturer': 'M2', 'Brand': 'B2', 'Value': 8}, {'Year': 2013, 'Region': 'LTM', 'Country': 'Colombia', 'Manufacturer': 'M2', 'Brand': 'B3', 'Value': 9}, {'Year': 2013, 'Region': 'LTM', 'Country': 'Colombia', 'Manufacturer': 'M3', 'Brand': None, 'Value': 10}, {'Year': 2013, 'Region': 'LTM', 'Country': 'Colombia', 'Manufacturer': 'M3', 'Brand': 'B4', 'Value': 11}, {'Year': 2013, 'Region': 'LTM', 'Country': 'Colombia', 'Manufacturer': 'M4', 'Brand': None, 'Value': 12}, {'Year': 2013, 'Region': 'LTM', 'Country': 'Colombia', 'Manufacturer': 'M4', 'Brand': 'B5', 'Value': 13}, {'Year': 2014, 'Region': None, 'Country': None, 'Manufacturer': None, 'Brand': None, 'Value': 14}, {'Year': 2014, 'Region': 'LTM', 'Country': None, 'Manufacturer': None, 'Brand': None, 'Value': 15}, {'Year': 2014, 'Region': 'LTM', 'Country': 'Chile', 'Manufacturer': None, 'Brand': None, 'Value': 16}, {'Year': 2014, 'Region': 'LTM', 'Country': 'Chile', 'Manufacturer': 'M1', 'Brand': None, 'Value': 17}, {'Year': 2014, 'Region': 'LTM', 'Country': 'Colombia', 'Manufacturer': 'M1', 'Brand': None, 'Value': 18}, {'Year': 2014, 'Region': 'LTM', 'Country': 'Colombia', 'Manufacturer': None, 'Brand': None, 'Value': 19}, {'Year': 2014, 'Region': 'LTM', 'Country': 'Chile', 'Manufacturer': 'M1', 'Brand': 'B1', 'Value': 20}, {'Year': 2014, 'Region': 'LTM', 'Country': 'Chile', 'Manufacturer': 'M1', 'Brand': 'B6', 'Value': 21}]
def __lt__(_rows, key, current):
  new_rows = list(filter(None, [i[current] for i in _rows]))
  return {'int':0, 'str':''}.get(type(new_rows[0]).__name__) if key is None else key

def group_data(d, hierarchy=['Year','Country','Manufacturer']):
  start, *_h = hierarchy
  first = [[a, list(b)] for a, b in itertools.groupby(sorted(d, key=lambda x:__lt__(rows, x[start], start)), key=lambda x:__lt__(rows, x[start], start))]
  return [{'name':a, 'value':min(b, key=lambda x:x['Value'])['Value'], 'children':[] if not _h else group_data(b, _h)} for a, b in first if a]

import json
print(json.dumps(group_data(rows), indent = 4))


    "name": 2013,
    "value": 2,
    "children": [
            "name": "Colombia",
            "value": 4,
            "children": [
                    "name": "M1",
                    "value": 5,
                    "children": []
                    "name": "M2",
                    "value": 7,
                    "children": []
                    "name": "M3",
                    "value": 10,
                    "children": []
                    "name": "M4",
                    "value": 12,
                    "children": []
    "name": 2014,
    "value": 14,
    "children": [
            "name": "Chile",
            "value": 16,
            "children": [
                    "name": "M1",
                    "value": 17,
                    "children": []
            "name": "Colombia",
            "value": 18,
            "children": [
                    "name": "M1",
                    "value": 18,
                    "children": []
0 голосов
/ 26 мая 2018

Вот так я вижу алгоритм.Я надеюсь, что код легко читается.

Это назначение x0, *x = x - это синтаксис Python3 для отсоединения первого элемента списка.В Python2: x0 = x[0]; x = x[1:]

Есть две детали, которые вы не упомянули, см. #Comments

from collections import defaultdict

def build_tree(rows, hierarchy):
    if not hierarchy:
        return []
    h0, *hierarchy = hierarchy
    node = defaultdict(list)
    for row in rows:
        v0 = row[h0]
        if v0 is not None:  # filter out null values??
    return [{
        'name': key,
        'value': None, # what is value??
        'children': build_tree(subrows, hierarchy)} for key, subrows in node.items()]