Не совсем data.table вопрос.Вы можете рассмотреть возможность изменения тега.Вот что вам следует начать:
dt <- fread("ID Line.Rec Line.D.Amount Line.Desc Line1.Record Line1.D.Amount Line1.C.Amount Line2.Rec
1 1 100 test 2 500 200 3
2 1 200 testb 2 800 100 3
3 1 600 testc 2 900 500 NA")
#ensure that relevant columns share the same names
setnames(dt, gsub("Rec$", "Record", names(dt)))
#identify which columns forms a sub dataset
otherCols <- setdiff(names(dt), "ID")
groupCols <- split(otherCols, sapply(strsplit(otherCols, "\\."), `[`, 1))
newCols <- sapply(names(groupCols),
function(x) gsub(paste0(x, "."), "", groupCols[[x]]))
#take sub columns of original dataset by group
subDataLs <- lapply(names(groupCols),
function(x) setnames(dt[, c("ID", groupCols[[x]]), with=FALSE],
c("ID", newCols[[x]]))
#rbind sub datasets
output <- rbindlist(subDataLs, use.names=TRUE, fill=TRUE)
#format to desired output
cols <- names(output)[sapply(output, is.numeric)]
output[, (cols) := replace(.SD, is.na(.SD), 0), .SDcols=cols]
cols <- names(output)[sapply(output, is.character)]
output[, (cols) := replace(.SD, is.na(.SD), ""), .SDcols=cols]
ID Record D.Amount Desc C.Amount
1: 1 1 100 test 0
2: 2 1 200 testb 0
3: 3 1 600 testc 0
4: 1 2 500 200
5: 2 2 800 100
6: 3 2 900 500
7: 1 3 0 0
8: 2 3 0 0
9: 3 0 0 0