Я использовал это. Это потребует некоторой оптимизации, хотя. Это также заботится об обновлении таблиц в правильном порядке в зависимости от отношений в наборе данных (в случае, если нет собственных ссылок, которые могут быть обработаны путем сортировки строк, но для простоты я не публикую это здесь).
public static void Save(DataSet data, SqlConnection connection)
/// Dictionary for associating adapters to tables.
Dictionary<DataTable, SqlDataAdapter> adapters = new Dictionary<DataTable, SqlDataAdapter>();
foreach (DataTable table in data.Tables)
/// Find the table adapter using Reflection.
Type adapterType = GetTableAdapterType(table);
SqlDataAdapter adapter = SetupTableAdapter(adapterType, connection, validityEnd);
adapters.Add(table, adapter);
/// Save the data.
Save(data, adapters);
static Type GetTableAdapterType(DataTable table)
/// Find the adapter type for the table using the namespace conventions generated by dataset code generator.
string nameSpace = table.GetType().Namespace;
string adapterTypeName = nameSpace + "." + table.DataSet.DataSetName + "TableAdapters." + table.TableName + "TableAdapter";
Type adapterType = Type.GetType(adapterTypeName);
return adapterType;
static SqlDataAdapter SetupTableAdapter(Type adapterType, SqlConnection connection)
/// Set connection to TableAdapter and extract SqlDataAdapter (which is private anyway).
object adapterObj = Activator.CreateInstance(adapterType);
SqlDataAdapter sqlAdapter = (SqlDataAdapter)GetPropertyValue(adapterType, adapterObj, "Adapter");
SetPropertyValue(adapterType, adapterObj, "Connection", connection);
return sqlAdapter;
static object GetPropertyValue(Type type, object instance, string propertyName)
return type.GetProperty(propertyName, BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.GetProperty | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(instance, null);
static void SetPropertyValue(Type type, object instance, string propertyName, object propertyValue)
type.GetProperty(propertyName, BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.GetProperty | BindingFlags.Instance).SetValue(instance, propertyValue, null);
static void Save(DataSet data, Dictionary<DataTable, SqlDataAdapter> adapters)
if (data == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("data");
if (adapters == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("adapters");
Dictionary<DataTable, bool> procesedTables = new Dictionary<DataTable, bool>();
List<DataTable> sortedTables = new List<DataTable>();
while (true)
DataTable rootTable = GetRootTable(data, procesedTables);
if (rootTable == null)
/// Updating Deleted rows in Child -> Parent order.
for (int i = sortedTables.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
Update(adapters, sortedTables[i], DataViewRowState.Deleted);
/// Updating Added / Modified rows in Parent -> Child order.
for (int i = 0; i < sortedTables.Count; i++)
Update(adapters, sortedTables[i], DataViewRowState.Added | DataViewRowState.ModifiedCurrent);
static void Update(Dictionary<DataTable, SqlDataAdapter> adapters, DataTable table, DataViewRowState states)
SqlDataAdapter adapter = null;
if (adapters.ContainsKey(table))
adapter = adapters[table];
if (adapter != null)
DataRow[] rowsToUpdate = table.Select("", "", states);
if (rowsToUpdate.Length > 0)
static DataTable GetRootTable(DataSet data, Dictionary<DataTable, bool> procesedTables)
foreach (DataTable table in data.Tables)
if (!procesedTables.ContainsKey(table))
if (IsRootTable(table, procesedTables))
procesedTables.Add(table, false);
return table;
return null;
static bool IsRootTable(DataTable table, Dictionary<DataTable, bool> procesedTables)
foreach (DataRelation relation in table.ParentRelations)
DataTable parentTable = relation.ParentTable;
if (parentTable != table && !procesedTables.ContainsKey(parentTable))
return false;
return true;