Привет, дорогой кроссворд, это очень сложная проблема. У меня есть решение этого задания, но оно реализовано в библиотеке ortools от Google.Ниже приведены требования для использования этой библиотеки: Требования:
**Library:** ortools by google
**Requirements for this library:**
**1-you have to install/update your pip forcefully by 2 commands:**
1- "conda config --add channels conda-forge"
2- "conda insatll pip=18.0"
**2-you have to update or install protobuf library version=3.6.1 using following command:**
1- "pip insatll protobuf=3.6.1"
**3-if protobuf cannot istall following libraries with it you have to also install them:**
1- six 1.11.1 (Query: pip install six=1.11.0).
2- setuptools 40.6.2 (Query: pip install setuptools=40.6.2)
3- ortools 6.10.6025 (Query: pip install ortools=6.10.6025)
**"pywrapcp"** this function will help for the creation of the solver.
**.IntVar() **function is used to add the varriable and domains
**.Add()** function is used to add constraints.
Ниже приведен код этой проблемы:
## Author: Ahsan Azeem
## Solution of Crossword using ortools library
from ortools.constraint_solver import pywrapcp
def main():
solver = pywrapcp.Solver("Problem")
alpha = "_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
a = 1
b = 2
c = 3
d = 4
e = 5
f = 6
g = 7
h = 8
i = 9
j = 10
k = 11
l = 12
m = 13
n = 14
o = 15
p = 16
q = 17
r = 18
s = 19
t = 20
u = 21
v = 22
w = 23
x = 24
y = 25
z = 26
num_words = 15
word_len = 5
AA = [
[h, o, s, e, s], # HOSES
[l, a, s, e, r], # LASER
[s, a, i, l, s], # SAILS
[s, h, e, e, t], # SHEET
[s, t, e, e, r], # STEER
[h, e, e, l, 0], # HEEL
[h, i, k, e, 0], # HIKE
[k, e, e, l, 0], # KEEL
[k, n, o, t, 0], # KNOT
[l, i, n, e, 0], # LINE
[a, f, t, 0, 0], # AFT
[a, l, e, 0, 0], # ALE
[e, e, l, 0, 0], # EEL
[l, e, e, 0, 0], # LEE
[t, i, e, 0, 0] # TIE
num_overlapping = 12
overlapping = [
[0, 2, 1, 0], # s
[0, 4, 2, 0], # s
[3, 1, 1, 2], # i
[3, 2, 4, 0], # k
[3, 3, 2, 2], # e
[6, 0, 1, 3], # l
[6, 1, 4, 1], # e
[6, 2, 2, 3], # e
[7, 0, 5, 1], # l
[7, 2, 1, 4], # s
[7, 3, 4, 2], # e
[7, 4, 2, 4] # r
n = 8
A = {}
for I in range(num_words):
for J in range(word_len):
A[(I, J)] = solver.IntVar(0, 26, "A(%i,%i)" % (I, J))
A_flat = [A[(I, J)] for I in range(num_words) for J in range(word_len)]
E = [solver.IntVar(0, num_words, "E%i" % I) for I in range(n)]
for I in range(num_words):
for J in range(word_len):
solver.Add(A[(I, J)] == AA[I][J])
for I in range(num_overlapping):
# This is what I would do:
# solver.Add(A[(E[overlapping[I][0]], overlapping[I][1])] == A[(E[overlapping[I][2]], overlapping[I][3])])
# But we must use Element explicitly
A_flat, E[overlapping[I][0]] * word_len + overlapping[I][1]) ==
A_flat, E[overlapping[I][2]] * word_len + overlapping[I][3]))
solution = solver.Assignment()
db = solver.Phase(E + A_flat,
num_solutions = 0
while solver.NextSolution():
print_solution(A, E, alpha, n, word_len)
num_solutions += 1
print("num_solutions:", num_solutions)
print("failures:", solver.Failures())
def print_solution(A, E, alpha, n, word_len):
for ee in range(n):
print("%i: (%2i)" % (ee, E[ee].Value()), end=' ')
print("".join(["%s" % (alpha[A[ee, ii].Value()]) for ii in range(word_len)]))
if __name__ == "__main__":
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