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<h2>WEIGHT LOSS</h2>
<span class="text" style="display: none"><p>Regular sauna use can reduce overall body fat. Near infrared light has been shown to decrease cellulite. NIR heat lamp saunas allow specific problem areas to be targeted as needed. (E.g. cellulite in thigh skin). A study involving a group of women riding stationary bicycles demonstrated a 444% increase in weight loss for the group exposed to near infrared light when compared to the exercise only group. Infrared light combined with other therapies has been shown to be effective in controlling cellulite.</p>
<p>A two-phase, sauna weight loss study conducted by Binghamton University in New York revealed that an increase in core body temperature resulted in a decrease in body fat. It concluded that people who used an infrared sauna three times a week for 30 minutes per session dropped an average of 4 percent body fat over a four-month period. For a 175-pound man, that represents a weight reduction of seven pounds.</p>
<p>Participants who experienced infrared sauna weight loss did not change their exercise or diet patterns during the study. Control groups in the study who did not use the sauna showed no drop in weight. The study findings illustrate the significant boost that infrared therapy provides for our weight loss goals.</p>
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