from lxml.html import fromstring
#### Example HTML ####
text = '''
<p>These is first Paragraph</p>
<p>These is second Paragraph</p>
<p>casting of lxml element in xpath expression</p>
<p>Can any one give me a solution</p>
tree = fromstring(text)
for i in tree.xpath('//h4'):
### getting the next h4 element####
next_h4 = i.xpath('./following-sibling::h4[1]')
#### need to get the text##
text = i.xpath('./following-sibling::p[following-sibling::next_h4]//text()]')
## In the above xpath need to cast the lxml Element ##
Я пытался подписаться на xpath
text = i.xpath ('./ follow-sibling :: p [follow-sibling :: "% s"]]% next_h4')
text = i.xpath ('./ follow-sibling :: p [follow-sibling :: $ nex]]', $ nex = next_h4)